54 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *sherlock holmes*
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หรือค้นหา: sherlock holmes, -sherlock holmes-

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Sherlock Holmes always says when you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. Sherlock Holmes sagt immer: "Wenn man das Unmögliche ausschließt, dann muss das, was übrig bleibt, so unwahrscheinlich es auch klingen mag, die Wahrheit sein." Haben Sie das schon versucht? The Locomotion Interruption (2014)
Th-Th-There's lots of books called "Sherlock Holmes" Es gibt viele Bücher mit dem Titel "Sherlock Holmes" The Locomotion Interruption (2014)
You know, Sherlock Holmes liked to use cocaine to sharpen his focus. Wissen Sie, Sherlock Holmes nahm gerne Kokain, um seine Konzentration zu schärfen. The Locomotion Interruption (2014)
I'm looking for Sherlock Holmes. Ich suche Sherlock Holmes. No Lack of Void (2014)
Sherlock Holmes, when did you become such a cliché? Sherlock Holmes... wann wurden Sie zu so einem Klischee? No Lack of Void (2014)
Sherlock Holmes. EINGEHENDER ANRUF KEIN URSPRUNG Sherlock Holmes. The Grand Experiment (2014)
We're coming from Sherlock-con. It's like Comic-con, but for Sherlock Holmes fans. Das ist wie die Comic-Con, aber für Sherlock Holmes Fans. And the Near Death Experience (2014)
They're Sherlock Holmes super-fans coming from a convention, which means there are a lot of cats home alone right now. Sie sind riesige Sherlock Holmes Fans, die von einer Convention kommen, was bedeutet, dass im Moment ein Haufen Katzen allein zu Hause sind. And the Near Death Experience (2014)
Sherlock Holmes, meet Sir James Walter, Deputy Chief SIS. - Sherlock Holmes, dies ist Sir James Walter, Deputy Chief des SIS. Art in the Blood (2014)
Is Sherlock Holmes here? Ist Sherlock Holmes hier? Art in the Blood (2014)
Oh, just a few weeks of homicide, and already you're Sherlock Holmes. Oh, nur ein paar Wochen bei der Mordkommission, und du bist schon Sherlock Holmes. Look Before You Leap (2014)
Have you ever read Sherlock Holmes, Frank? Hast du jemals Sherlock Holmes gelesen, Frank? Both Sides Now (2014)
There's, you know, in the New York Times today, Charlie Savage, the fascinating Sherlock Holmes of political reporting, deduced that the fact that there's been these leaks in succession probably means that there's some one person who decided to leak... Heute hat Charlie Savage, der Sherlock Holmes des Politikjournalismus, die Schlussfolgerung gezogen, dass diese Enthüllungen von einer Person stammen, die Citizenfour (2014)
Melinda, this is Sherlock Holmes and his, uh, protégé, Kitty Winter. Melinda dies ist Sherlock Holmes und sein Schützling, Kitty Winter. Bella (2014)
Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes. Bella (2014)
Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes. The Adventure of the Nutmeg Concoction (2014)
Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes. Just a Regular Irregular (2014)
The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes? Das Fallbuch von Sherlock Holmes? Rip Off (2014)
The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes? Das Fallbuch von Sherlock Holmes? Rip Off (2014)
Shame I don't have The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes to entertain me. Schade, dass ich nicht das Fallbuch von Sherlock Holmes habe, um mich zu unterhalten. Rip Off (2014)
Sherlock Holmes, Joan Watson? Sherlock Holmes, Joan Watson? Terra Pericolosa (2014)
The Great War had ended... and the tourists had come back to Baker Street... to catch a glimpse of the real Sherlock Holmes. Und in der Baker Street wimmelte es wieder von Touristen, die Sherlock Holmes sehen wollten. Mr. Holmes (2015)
His name is Mr. Sherlock Holmes. Sein Name ist Sherlock Holmes. Mr. Holmes (2015)
You are still not Sherlock Holmes! Und Sie sind nicht Sherlock Holmes! Mr. Holmes (2015)
"I realise it's in the best interests of us all... "that I remain in England indefinitely. Sherlock Holmes, ist es in unser aller bestem Interesse, dass ich auf unbestimmte Zeit in England bleibe. Mr. Holmes (2015)
Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes. Mr. Holmes (2015)
What are you, Sherlock Holmes? Bist du Sherlock Holmes? Project Almanac (2015)
You sound like Sherlock Holmes after one too many tequilas. Du klingst wie Sherlock Holmes nach zu vielen Tequilas. Sanctuary (2015)
My name's Sherlock Holmes. Mein Name ist Sherlock Holmes. The One That Got Away (2015)
I am way too buzzed to play Sherlock Holmes. Ich bin viel zu angeheitert, um Sherlock Holmes zu spielen. Down by the River (2015)
What are you, Sherlock Holmes? Wer bist du, Sherlock Holmes? Chapter Seven: Lost Boys (2015)
Like Sherlock Holmes? So wie Sherlock Holmes? Patron of the Arts (2015)
Our consultant Sherlock Holmes. Unser Berater Sherlock Holmes. When Your Number's Up (2015)
My name is Sherlock Holmes. Mein Name ist Sherlock Holmes. A Stitch in Time (2015)
Detective Marcus Bell and NYPD consultant Sherlock Holmes. Detective Marcus Bell und NYPD-Berater Sherlock Holmes. The Female of the Species (2015)
Sherlock Holmes? Sherlock Holmes? For All You Know (2015)
Sherlock Holmes, you're under arrest for the murder of Maria Gutierrez. Sherlock Holmes, Sie sind verhaftet wegen Mordes an Maria Gutierrez. For All You Know (2015)
I'm Joan Watson. This is Sherlock Holmes. Dies ist Sherlock Holmes. T-Bone and the Iceman (2015)
Sherlock Holmes? - Sherlock Holmes? One Watson, One Holmes (2015)
But the, um, Sherlock Holmes society is convening at 221b Baker Street. Aber die Sherlock Holmes Society versammelt sich in der Baker Street 221b. In Plane Sight (2015)
Car is going to pick us up from the hotel, whisk us off to the Sherlock Holmes society, where I will speak to my fellow mystery writers about... Ein Wagen wird uns vom Hotel abholen, uns hurtig zur Sherlock Holmes Society bringen, wo ich eine Rede halten werde, für meine Mystery-Autoren-Kollegen über... In Plane Sight (2015)
You don't want to miss the actual home of Sherlock Holmes. Du willst doch nicht das eigentliche Zuhause von Sherlock Holmes verpassen. In Plane Sight (2015)
Hey, doesn't this remind you of, uh, that sketch from "Saturday Night Tonight" where, uh, Mickey Franks plays Sherlock Holmes' wacky cousin? Erinnert dich das nicht an diese Nummer, von "Saturday Night Tonight", wo Mickey Franks Sherlock Holmes' verrückten Vetter spielt? Dead from New York (2015)
Sherlock Holmes, Joan Watson. Sherlock Holmes, Joan Watson. The Past Is Parent (2015)
It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to realize we sleep together. Man muss nicht Sherlock Holmes sein, um zu sehen, dass wir im selben Bett schlafen. Me, Myself & Her (2015)
Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes. The Resurrection in the Remains (2015)
you mean "dazzle her with my sherlockian genius," then, yes, that's exactly what I mean. "sie mit meinem Sherlock Holmes-artigen Genie zu blenden" meinst, dann ist es genau das, was ich meine. What Lies Beneath (2015)
Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes. All My Exes Live in Essex (2015)
Tell Eliot Ness to get his feet off the furniture. He's not in a barn. Sagen Sie Sherlock Holmes, er soll die Füße vom Tisch nehmen, er ist hier nicht auf dem Bauernhof. The Accountant (2016)
(RASPS) You were a dancer, weren't you? ODETTE: Natürlich war ich das, Sherlock Holmes. Leap! (2016)

WordNet (3.0)
sherlock holmes(n) a fictitious detective in stories by A. Conan Doyle, Syn. Holmes

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
福尔摩斯[Fú ěr mó sī, ㄈㄨˊ ㄦˇ ㄇㄛˊ ㄙ,     /    ] Sherlock Holmes, 歇洛克·福爾摩斯|歇洛克·福尔摩斯 #28,199 [Add to Longdo]
柯南・道尔[Kē nán· Dào ěr, ㄎㄜ ㄋㄢˊ· ㄉㄠˋ ㄦˇ,      /     ] Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), author of the Sherlock Holmes stories 歇洛克·福爾摩斯|歇洛克·福尔摩斯 [Add to Longdo]
歇洛克・福尔摩斯[Xiē luò kè· Fú ěr mó sī, ㄒㄧㄝ ㄌㄨㄛˋ ㄎㄜˋ· ㄈㄨˊ ㄦˇ ㄇㄛˊ ㄙ,         /        ] Sherlock Holmes [Add to Longdo]

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