sohn | |
sohns | |
ansohn | |
heinsohn | |
lewinsohn | |
meselsohn | |
brodersohn | |
mendelsohn | |
wolfensohn | |
mendelssohn | |
herschensohn |
mendelsohn | (n) German architect who migrated to Palestine in 1937 (1887-1953), Syn. Erich Mendelsohn |
mendelssohn | (n) German musician and romantic composer of orchestral and choral works (1809-1847), Syn. Felix Mendelssohn, Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy |
沃尔芬森 | [沃 尔 芬 森 / 沃 爾 芬 森] Wolfson, Wulfsohn etc (name) #101,880 [Add to Longdo] |
Sohn | (n) |der, pl. Söhne| ลูกชาย |
versöhnen | (vt) |versöhnte, hat versöhnt| คนสองคนหรือฝ่ายสองฝ่ายกลับมาปรองดองกันได้อีกครั้ง, See also: die Versöhnung |
Versöhnung | (n) |die| การกลับมาปรองดองหรือ สามัคคีกันอีกครั้ง |
Eidam { m }; Schwiegersohn { m } | son-in-law [Add to Longdo] |
Hundesohn { m }; Hurensohn { m } [ slang ] | son of a bitch (SOB) [ slang ] [Add to Longdo] |
Hundesohn { m } | cur [Add to Longdo] |
Hurensohn { m } | bastard [Add to Longdo] |
Königssohn { m } | king's son; prince [Add to Longdo] |
Patensohn { n } | Patensöhne { pl } | godson | godsons [Add to Longdo] |
Pflegesohn { m } | foster-son [Add to Longdo] |
Schwiegersohn { m } | Schwiegersöhne { pl } | son-in-law | sons-in-law [Add to Longdo] |
Sohn { m } | Söhne { pl } | son | sons [Add to Longdo] |
Stiefsohn { m } | Stiefsöhne { pl } | stepson | stepsons [Add to Longdo] |
zweifelsohne; ohne Zweifel | without doubt; without a doubt [Add to Longdo] |
Sie haben ein Kind, und zwar einen Sohn. | They have one child and that happens to be a son. [Add to Longdo] |
Sie schenkte ihm einen Sohn. | She presented him with a son. [Add to Longdo] |
坊っちゃん | [ぼっちゃん, bocchan] (Ihr, sein, ihr) -Sohn, junger_Herr [Add to Longdo] |
娘婿 | [むすめむこ, musumemuko] Schwiegersohn [Add to Longdo] |
婿 | [むこ, muko] Schwiegersohn [Add to Longdo] |
婿養子 | [むこようし, mukoyoushi] in_die_Familie_aufgenommener, Schwiegersohn [Add to Longdo] |
嫡孫 | [ちゃくそん, chakuson] legitimer_Enkel, (Kind_des_aeltesten_Sohnes) [Add to Longdo] |
嫡男 | [ちゃくなん, chakunan] Stammhalter, aeltester_Sohn [Add to Longdo] |
息 | [そく, soku] SOHN, ATEM [Add to Longdo] |
息子 | [むすこ, musuko] -Sohn [Add to Longdo] |
次男 | [じなん, jinan] der_zweitaelteste_Sohn [Add to Longdo] |
父子 | [ふし, fushi] Vater_und_Kind, Vater_und_Sohn [Add to Longdo] |
長男 | [ちょうなん, chounan] aeltester_Sohn [Add to Longdo] |