Turk | (n) ชาวตุรกี |
Turk | (n) ภาษาตุรกี |
Turkey | (n) ประเทศตุรกี |
Turkey | (n) ตุรกี |
turkey | (n) ไก่งวง |
turkey | (n) คนโง่ (คำหยาบ) |
Turkish | (adj) เกี่ยวกับประเทศตุรกี |
Turkish | (adj) เกี่ยวกับภาษาตุรกี |
Turkish | (n) ภาษาราชการของประเทศตุรกี |
Turkmen | (n) ชาวพื้นเมืองในอัฟกานิสถาน, See also: คนเติร์ก |
cold turkey | (idm) อย่างทันที, See also: อย่างฉับพลัน |
talk turkey | (sl) คุยอย่างเปิดอก, See also: พูดคุยอย่างจริงจัง |
Turkey towel | (n) ผ้าเช็ดตัวขนยาว |
Turkish bath | (n) การอาบน้ำด้วยน้ำร้อน (อาจมีการนวดด้วย) |
go cold turkey | (idm) อย่างทันที, See also: อย่างฉับพลัน |
cold turkey | n. การหักดิบ |
turk | (เทิร์ค) n. ชาวตุรกี, ชาวเติร์ก |
turkey | (เทอ'คี) n. ประเทศตุรก'เมืองหลวงชื่อAnkara |
turkish | (เทอค'คิช) adj., n. (เกี่ยวกับ) ตุรกี, ชาวตุรกี, ภาษาตุรกี, See also: Turkishly adv. Turkishness n. |
turkish bath | n. การอาบน้ำโดยการอบตัวในห้องไอน้ำจนเหงื่อออกก่อนแล้วมีการนวดตัวและอาบน้ำในเวลาต่อมา, การอบ นวดและอาบ, สถานที่อบ นวด และอาบ |
turkish towel | n. ผ้าเช็ดตัวขนยาวที่ทำจากผ้าฝ้าย |
turkman | (เทิร์ค'เมิน) n. ประชาชนที่อาศัยอยู่ในตุรกี, See also: Turkmenistan, Turkmenian adj., pl. Turkmen |
turkmen | (เทิร์ค'เมิน) n. ภาษาของชาวเติร์ก., Syn. Turkoman, Turcoman |
Turk | (n) แขกเติร์ก, แขกตุรกี |
turkey | (n) ไก่งวง |
Turkish | (adj) เกี่ยวกับตุรกี |
Turkish | (n) ภาษาตุรกี |
Art, Turkish | ศิลปะตุรกี [TU Subject Heading] |
Art, Turkmen | ศิลปะเตอร์ก [TU Subject Heading] |
Arts, Turkish | ศิลปกรรมตุรกี [TU Subject Heading] |
Turkey | ตุรกี [TU Subject Heading] |
Turkeys | ไก่งวง [TU Subject Heading] |
Cold Turk | การหักดิบ [การแพทย์] |
Cold Turkey | การหักดิบ, หยุดยาเสพติดอยู่ทันทีโดยไม่มีการให้ยาช่วย [การแพทย์] |
Cold Turky | วิธีหักดิบ [การแพทย์] |
Türkiye | (n) ประเทศตุรกี |
ตุรกี | (n) Republic of Turkey, See also: Turkey, Syn. ประเทศตุรกี, Example: ความกลัวนี้ยิ่งทวีหลายเท่าเมื่อตุรกีจับสายลับอิรักได้กว่าสิบคน ขณะลอบข้ามพรมแดนมุ่งหน้าไปยุโรป, Thai Definition: ชื่อสาธารณรัฐหนึ่งอยู่ในเอเซีย เมืองหลวงชื่ออังการา |
ไก่งวง | (n) turkey, Example: ชาวอเมริกันจะรับประทานไก่งวงในวันขอบคุณพระเจ้า, Count Unit: ตัว |
ชบาหนู | [chabānū] (n) EN: Turk's cap ; Sleeping hibiscus ; Wax Mallow |
ไก่งวง | [kai ngūang] (n) EN: turkey FR: dinde [ f ] ; dindon [ m ] |
ประเทศเติร์กเมนิสถาน | [Prathēt Toēkmēnisathān] (n, prop) EN: Turkmenistan FR: Turkménistan [ m ] |
ประเทศตุรกี | [Prathēt Turakī] (n, prop) EN: Turkey FR: Turquie [ f ] |
สายการบินเตอร์กิช แอร์ไลน์ส | [Sāikānbin Tøekit Aēlai] (tm) FR: Turkish Airlines |
ตุรกี | [Turakī] (n, prop) EN: Turkey FR: Turquie [ f ] |
ตุรกี | [Turakī] (adj) EN: Turkish FR: turc |
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turkey | |
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american turkey oak | (n) small slow-growing deciduous shrubby tree of dry sandy barrens of southeastern United States having leaves with bristle-tipped lobes resembling turkey's toes, Syn. Quercus laevis, turkey oak |
ataturk | (n) Turkish statesman who abolished the caliphate and founded Turkey as a modern secular state (1881-1938), Syn. Kemal Ataturk, Kemal Pasha, Mustafa Kemal |
brush turkey | (n) black megapode of wooded regions of Australia and New Guinea, Syn. Alectura lathami |
cold turkey | (n) a blunt expression of views |
cold turkey | (n) complete and abrupt withdrawal of all addictive drugs or anything else on which you have become dependent |
east turkistan islamic movement | (n) a group of Uighur Muslims fighting Chinese control of Xinjiang; declared by China in 2001 to be terrorists although there is a long history of cycles of insurgency and repression, Syn. East Turkestan Islamic Movement |
european turkey oak | (n) large deciduous tree of central and southern Europe and Asia Minor having lanceolate leaves with spiked lobes, Syn. Quercus cerris, turkey oak |
ocellated turkey | (n) wild turkey of Central America and northern South America, Syn. Agriocharis ocellata |
plain turkey | (n) popular Australian game bird, Syn. Choriotis australis |
talk turkey | (v) discuss frankly, often in a business context |
turk | (n) a native or inhabitant of Turkey |
turkey | (n) large gallinaceous bird with fan-shaped tail; widely domesticated for food, Syn. Meleagris gallopavo |
turkey | (n) a Eurasian republic in Asia Minor and the Balkans; on the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, the Young Turks, led by Kemal Ataturk, established a republic in 1923, Syn. Republic of Turkey |
turkey | (n) flesh of large domesticated fowl usually roasted |
turkey | (n) an event that fails badly or is totally ineffectual, Syn. bomb, dud |
turkey cock | (n) male turkey, Syn. gobbler, tom, tom turkey |
turkey leg | (n) the lower joint of the leg of a turkey, Syn. turkey drumstick |
turkey red | (n) a bright orange-red color produced in cotton cloth with alizarine dye, Syn. alizarine red |
turkey-sized | (adj) having the approximate size of a turkey |
turkey stew | (n) a stew made with turkey |
turkey stuffing | (n) stuffing for turkey |
turkey trot | (n) an early ragtime one-step |
turkey wing | (n) the wing of a turkey |
turki | (n) any member of the peoples speaking a Turkic language |
turki | (n) a subfamily of Altaic languages, Syn. Turko-Tatar, Turkic language, Turkic |
turkic | (adj) of or relating to the people who speak the Turkic language |
turkic-speaking | (adj) able to communicate in Turkic |
turkish | (n) a Turkic language spoken by the Turks |
turkish | (adj) of or relating to or characteristic of Turkey or its people or language |
turkish bath | (n) a steam room where facilities are available for a bath followed by a shower and massage |
turkish bath | (n) you sweat in a steam room before getting a rubdown and cold shower, Syn. vapour bath, steam bath, vapor bath |
turkish coffee | (n) a drink made from pulverized coffee beans; usually sweetened |
turkish delight | (n) a jellied candy typically flavored with rose water |
turkish hizballah | (n) an ethnic Kurdish group of Sunni extremists formed in the late 1980s in southeastern Turkey; seeks to replace Turkey's secular regime with an Islamic state and strict shariah law; responsible for bombings and the torture and murder of Turkish and Kurdish journalists and businessmen; receives support from Iran |
turkish monetary unit | (n) monetary unit in Turkey |
turkish tobacco | (n) a dark aromatic tobacco of eastern Europe that is used in cigarettes |
turkish towel | (n) a bath towel with rough loose pile, Syn. terry towel |
turkistan | (n) a historical region of central Asia that was a center for trade between the East and the West, Syn. Turkestan |
turkmen | (n) the Turkic language spoken by the Turkoman, Syn. Turkoman, Turcoman |
turkmen | (adj) of or relating to or characteristic of Turkmenistan or its people or culture |
turkmenistan | (n) a republic in Asia to the east of the Caspian Sea and to the south of Kazakhstan and to the north of Iran; an Asian soviet from 1925 to 1991, Syn. Turkmenia, Turkomen, Turkmen |
turkmen monetary unit | (n) monetary unit in Turkmenistan |
turkoman | (n) a member of a Turkic people living in Turkmenistan and neighboring areas, Syn. Turkmen, Turcoman |
turk's-cap | (n) lily of the eastern United States with orange to red maroon-spotted flowers, Syn. Lilium superbum, Turk's cap-lily |
turk's-cap | (n) lily with small dull purple flowers of northwestern Europe and northwestern Asia, Syn. martagon, Lilium martagon |
turk's head | (n) an ornamental knot that resembles a small turban |
water turkey | (n) blackish New World snakebird of swampy regions, Syn. Anhinga anhinga |
young turk | (n) a member of one or more of the insurgent groups in Turkey in the late 19th century who rebelled against the absolutism of Ottoman rule |
young turk | (n) a young radical who agitates for reform |
ankara | (n) the capital of Turkey; located in west-central Turkey; it was formerly known as Angora and is the home of Angora goats, Syn. Turkish capital, Angora, capital of Turkey |
Brush turkey | (Zool.) A large, edible, gregarious bird of Australia (Talegalla Lathami) of the family ☞ The brush turkeys live in the “brush, ” and construct a common nest by collecting a large heap of decaying vegetable matter, which generates heat sufficient to hatch the numerous eggs (sometimes half a bushel) deposited in it by the females of the flock. [ 1913 Webster ] |
Kulturkampf | n. [ G., fr. kultur, cultur, culture + kampf fight. ] (Ger. Hist.) Lit., culture war; -- a name, originating with |
Sturk | n. See Stirk. [ Prov. Eng. & Scot. ] [ 1913 Webster ] |
Turk | n. [ Per. Turk; probably of Tartar origin: cf. F. Turc. ] It is no good reason for a man's religion that he was born and brought up in it; for then a Turk would have as much reason to be a Turk as a Christian to be a Christian. Chillingworth. [ 1913 Webster ]
Turkeis | a. [ Cf. Turquoise. ] Turkish. [ Obs. ] Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ] |
Turkey | pr. n. [ Cf. 2d Turkey. ] A country in the southeast of Europe and southwest of Asia. [ 1913 Webster ]
Turkey | n.; ☞ The Mexican wild turkey is now considered a variety of the northern species (var.
Turkeys | a. Turkish. [ Obs. ] Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ] |
Turkey-trot | n. An eccentric ragtime dance, danced with the feet well apart and with a characteristic rise on the ball of the foot, followed by a drop upon the heel. The original form, owing to the positions assumed by the dancers, is offensively suggestive. Similar dances are the |
Turkic | a. Turkish. [ 1913 Webster ] |
Turkis | n. (Min.) Turquois. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ] |
Turkish | pr. a. Of or pertaining to Turkey or the Turks. -- |
Turkism | n. A Turkish idiom or expression; also, in general, a Turkish mode or custom. Same as Turcism. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ] |
Turkle | n. A turtle. [ Obs. or Illiterate ] [ 1913 Webster ] |
Turko | n.; |
Turko-Iranian | pr. a. (Ethnol.) Designating, or pert. to, a mixed racial type including the Afghans, and characterized chiefly by stature above mean, fair complexion, dark, or sometimes gray, eyes, brachycephaly, and very long, prominent, and moderately narrow nose. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ] |
Turko-Iranian | pr. n. A member of any race of the Turko-Iranian type. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ] |
Turkois | n. & a. Turquoise. [ 1913 Webster ] |
Turkoman | n.; |
Turk's-head | n. |
Water turkey | (Zool.) The American snakebird. See Snakebird. [ 1913 Webster ] |
土耳其 | [土 耳 其] Turkey #7,487 [Add to Longdo] |
突厥 | [突 厥] Turkic (minority group in China) #16,682 [Add to Longdo] |
格鲁吉亚 | [格 鲁 吉 亚 / 格 魯 吉 亞] Republic of Gruzia or Georgia, former Soviet republic in Caucasus, bordering Turkey and the Black Sea #16,954 [Add to Longdo] |
火鸡 | [火 鸡 / 火 雞] turkey #27,107 [Add to Longdo] |
亚美尼亚 | [亚 美 尼 亚 / 亞 美 尼 亞] Armenia, former Soviet republic in Caucasus and region of northern Turkey #36,645 [Add to Longdo] |
土库曼斯坦 | [土 库 曼 斯 坦 / 土 庫 曼 斯 坦] Turkmenistan #37,628 [Add to Longdo] |
大数 | [大 数 / 大 數] Tarsus, Mediterranean city in Turkey, the birthplace of St Paul #42,206 [Add to Longdo] |
安卡拉 | [安 卡 拉] Ankara (capital of Turkey) #54,634 [Add to Longdo] |
鞑靼 | [鞑 靼 / 韃 靼] Tatar (Turkic ethnic minority in central Asia) #55,289 [Add to Longdo] |
土库曼 | [土 库 曼 / 土 庫 曼] Turkmenistan; Republic of Turkmenistan, former Soviet republic adjoining Iran #72,992 [Add to Longdo] |
埃尔多安 | [埃 尔 多 安 / 埃 爾 多 安] Erdogan (name); Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (1954-), Turkish politician, Prime Minister from 2003 #79,764 [Add to Longdo] |
阿什哈巴德 | [阿 什 哈 巴 德] Ashgabat, capital of Turkmenistan #118,159 [Add to Longdo] |
阿姆河 | [阿 姆 河] Amu Darya, the biggest river of Central Asia, from Pamir to Aral sea, forming the boundary between Afghanistan and Tajikistan then flowing through Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan; formerly called Oxus by Greek and Western writers, and Gihon by medieval Islami #147,633 [Add to Longdo] |
爱琴 | [爱 琴 / 愛 琴] Aegean (sea between Greece and Turkey) #228,148 [Add to Longdo] |
图尔库 | [图 尔 库 / 圖 爾 庫] Turku (city in Finland) #276,874 [Add to Longdo] |
杰伊汉港 | [杰 伊 汉 港 / 傑 伊 漢 港] Ceyhan (Turkish mediterranean port) #444,835 [Add to Longdo] |
吐绶鸡 | [吐 绶 鸡 / 吐 綬 雞] turkey #496,406 [Add to Longdo] |
中土 | [中 土] Sino-Turkish #535,475 [Add to Longdo] |
土库曼人 | [土 库 曼 人 / 土 庫 曼 人] Turkmen (person) [Add to Longdo] |
土尔其四谈 | [土 尔 其 四 谈 / 土 爾 其 斯 坦] Turkestan [Add to Longdo] |
土耳其四谈 | [土 耳 其 四 谈 / 土 耳 其 斯 坦] Turkestan [Add to Longdo] |
土耳其语 | [土 耳 其 语 / 土 耳 其 語] Turkish (language) [Add to Longdo] |
托罗斯山 | [托 罗 斯 山 / 托 羅 斯 山] Taurus mountains of south Turkey [Add to Longdo] |
东突 | [东 突 / 東 突] abbr. for 東突厥斯坦解放組織|东突厥斯坦解放组织 East Turkestan liberation organization ETLO, Chinese dissident group [Add to Longdo] |
东突厥斯坦 | [东 突 厥 斯 坦 / 東 突 厥 斯 坦] East Turkestan; historical term for Xinjiang [Add to Longdo] |
东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动 | [东 突 厥 斯 坦 伊 斯 兰 运 动 / 東 突 厥 斯 坦 伊 斯 蘭 運 動] East Turkestan Islamic movement ETIM [Add to Longdo] |
东突厥斯坦解放组织 | [东 突 厥 斯 坦 解 放 组 织 / 東 突 厥 斯 坦 解 放 組 織] East Turkestan liberation organization ETLO (Xinjiang dissident group) [Add to Longdo] |
东突组织 | [东 突 组 织 / 東 突 組 織] abbr. for 東突厥斯坦解放組織|东突厥斯坦解放组织 East Turkestan liberation organization ETLO, Chinese dissident group [Add to Longdo] |
黏着语 | [黏 着 语 / 黏 著 語] agglutinative language (e.g. Turkish and Japanese) [Add to Longdo] |
トルクメニスタン | [torukumenisutan] (n) Turkmenistan #18,523 [Add to Longdo] |
アカルテケ;アカル・テケ | [akaruteke ; akaru . teke] (n) Akhal-Teke, a breed of horses originating in Turkmenistan [Add to Longdo] |
イタリアトルコ戦争 | [イタリアトルコせんそう, itariatoruko sensou] (n) (See 伊土戦争) Italo-Turkish War (1911-1912) [Add to Longdo] |
エジプトトルコ戦争 | [エジプトトルコせんそう, ejiputotoruko sensou] (n) Turko-Egyptian Wars (1831-1833; 1839-1840) [Add to Longdo] |
オスマントルコ | [osumantoruko] (n) Ottoman Turks [Add to Longdo] |
オスマン帝国憲法 | [オスマンていこくけんぽう, osuman teikokukenpou] (n) First Turkish (Ottoman) Constitution [Add to Longdo] |
サンステファノ条約 | [サンステファノじょうやく, sansutefano jouyaku] (n) (See 露土戦争) Treaty of San Stefano (ending the Russo-Turkish War, 1878) [Add to Longdo] |
ターキー | [ta-ki-] (n) (See 七面鳥) turkey [Add to Longdo] |
タークス・カイコス諸島;タークスカイコス諸島 | [タークス・カイコスしょとう(タークス・カイコス諸島);タークスカイコスしょとう(タークスカイコス諸島), ta-kusu . kaikosu shotou ( ta-kusu . kaikosu shotou ); ta-kusukaikosu shotou ( ta-k] (n) Turks and Caicos Islands [Add to Longdo] |
チュルク語派 | [チュルクごは, churuku goha] (n) Turkic (branch of languages) [Add to Longdo] |
トルコヤツメ | [torukoyatsume] (n) Turkish brook lamprey (Eudontomyzon lanceolata) [Add to Longdo] |
トルコ語 | [トルコご, toruko go] (n) Turkish (language) [Add to Longdo] |
トルコ人 | [トルコじん, toruko jin] (n) Turk [Add to Longdo] |
トルコ風呂 | [トルコぶろ, toruko buro] (n) (1) Turkish bath; (2) (sens) (See ソープランド) soapland (brothel where one can bathe with the prostitutes) [Add to Longdo] |
ロート油 | [ロートゆ, ro-to yu] (n) Turkey red oil [Add to Longdo] |
ロシアトルコ戦争 | [ロシアトルコせんそう, roshiatoruko sensou] (n) (obsc) (See 露土戦争) Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878) [Add to Longdo] |
伊土戦争 | [いとせんそう, itosensou] (n) Italo-Turkish War (1911-1912) [Add to Longdo] |
維吾爾 | [ういぐる;ウイグル, uiguru ; uiguru] (n) (uk) Uighur (Turkic people and language in NW China); Uygur [Add to Longdo] |
丸焼き | [まるやき, maruyaki] (n) whole roast (e.g. pig, turkey, etc.) [Add to Longdo] |
求肥 | [ぎゅうひ, gyuuhi] (n) (orig. written as 牛皮) (See 求肥飴) type of soft Japanese confectionery made with rice flour (somewhat similar to Turkish delight) [Add to Longdo] |
求肥飴 | [ぎゅうひあめ, gyuuhiame] (n) type of soft Japanese confectionery made with rice flour (somewhat similar to Turkish delight) [Add to Longdo] |
七面鳥 | [しちめんちょう, shichimenchou] (n) turkey [Add to Longdo] |
西域都護府 | [せいいきとごふ, seiikitogofu] (n) (See 都護府) Protectorate General of the Western Regions; Han-period Chinese office established in East Turkestan in 60 BCE [Add to Longdo] |
塚造 | [つかつくり;ツカツクリ, tsukatsukuri ; tsukatsukuri] (n) (uk) megapode (any bird of family Megapodiidae, inc. brush turkeys and mallee fowl); mound builder [Add to Longdo] |
鉄勒 | [てつろく, tetsuroku] (n) Tiele people; a Central Asian Turkic people [Add to Longdo] |
土国 | [どこく, dokoku] (n) Turkey [Add to Longdo] |
土耳古 | [とるこ;トルコ(P), toruko ; toruko (P)] (n) (1) (uk) Turkey; (2) (abbr) (See トルコブルー, トルコ石) turquoise; (P) [Add to Longdo] |
突厥 | [とっけつ, tokketsu] (n) Gokturks; Sky Turks; Tujue; (powerful Turkic confederation from medieval Inner Asia) [Add to Longdo] |
文化闘争 | [ぶんかとうそう, bunkatousou] (n) Kulturkampf (1872-1887) [Add to Longdo] |
露土戦争 | [ろとせんそう, rotosensou] (n) Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878) [Add to Longdo] |
天災 | [てんさい, tensai] Naturkatastrophe [Add to Longdo] |
文芸批評 | [ぶんげいひひょう, bungeihihyou] Literaturkritik [Add to Longdo] |