299 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *turk*
/เทอ (ร) ขึ/     /T ER1 K/     /tˈɜːʴk/
หรือค้นหา: turk, -turk-

NECTEC Lexitron Dictionary EN-TH
Turk(n) ชาวตุรกี
Turk(n) ภาษาตุรกี
Turkey(n) ประเทศตุรกี
Turkey(n) ตุรกี
turkey(n) ไก่งวง
turkey(n) คนโง่ (คำหยาบ)
Turkish(adj) เกี่ยวกับประเทศตุรกี
Turkish(adj) เกี่ยวกับภาษาตุรกี
Turkish(n) ภาษาราชการของประเทศตุรกี
Turkmen(n) ชาวพื้นเมืองในอัฟกานิสถาน, See also: คนเติร์ก
cold turkey(idm) อย่างทันที, See also: อย่างฉับพลัน
talk turkey(sl) คุยอย่างเปิดอก, See also: พูดคุยอย่างจริงจัง
Turkey towel(n) ผ้าเช็ดตัวขนยาว
Turkish bath(n) การอาบน้ำด้วยน้ำร้อน (อาจมีการนวดด้วย)
go cold turkey(idm) อย่างทันที, See also: อย่างฉับพลัน

Hope Dictionary
cold turkeyn. การหักดิบ
turk(เทิร์ค) n. ชาวตุรกี, ชาวเติร์ก
turkey(เทอ'คี) n. ประเทศตุรก'เมืองหลวงชื่อAnkara
turkish(เทอค'คิช) adj., n. (เกี่ยวกับ) ตุรกี, ชาวตุรกี, ภาษาตุรกี, See also: Turkishly adv. Turkishness n.
turkish bathn. การอาบน้ำโดยการอบตัวในห้องไอน้ำจนเหงื่อออกก่อนแล้วมีการนวดตัวและอาบน้ำในเวลาต่อมา, การอบ นวดและอาบ, สถานที่อบ นวด และอาบ
turkish toweln. ผ้าเช็ดตัวขนยาวที่ทำจากผ้าฝ้าย
turkman(เทิร์ค'เมิน) n. ประชาชนที่อาศัยอยู่ในตุรกี, See also: Turkmenistan, Turkmenian adj., pl. Turkmen
turkmen(เทิร์ค'เมิน) n. ภาษาของชาวเติร์ก., Syn. Turkoman, Turcoman

Nontri Dictionary
Turk(n) แขกเติร์ก, แขกตุรกี
turkey(n) ไก่งวง
Turkish(adj) เกี่ยวกับตุรกี
Turkish(n) ภาษาตุรกี

คลังศัพท์ไทย (สวทช.)
Art, Turkishศิลปะตุรกี [TU Subject Heading]
Art, Turkmenศิลปะเตอร์ก [TU Subject Heading]
Arts, Turkishศิลปกรรมตุรกี [TU Subject Heading]
Turkeyตุรกี [TU Subject Heading]
Turkeysไก่งวง [TU Subject Heading]
Cold Turkการหักดิบ [การแพทย์]
Cold Turkeyการหักดิบ, หยุดยาเสพติดอยู่ทันทีโดยไม่มีการให้ยาช่วย [การแพทย์]
Cold Turkyวิธีหักดิบ [การแพทย์]

Longdo Unapproved EN-TH
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Türkiye(n) ประเทศตุรกี

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Get back there. Geh weg, Turk! Freerunner (2011)
I know her, she's as stubborn as a mule. , sie ist ein Sturkopf. La vie à l'envers (2014)
Uh, he's going to the Natural History Museum with his mom. Er geht mit seiner Mutter ins Naturkundemuseum. Extinct (2014)
He spent the morning at the Natural History Museum. - Ja, Sir. Er war heute Morgen im Naturkundemuseum. Extinct (2014)
Stubborn! Sturkopf! Makani 'Olu a Holo Malie (2014)
Don't lie! Don't you use Turkcell? Lüge nicht, du hast doch "Turkcell-Netz"? Coming Soon (2014)
All we know is he spent years in the Turks and Caicos, drinking, spending his family's money. Alles, was wir wissen ist, dass er Jahre auf den Turks- und Caicoinseln verbracht hat, getrunken, das Geld seiner Familie ausgegeben hat. Return to Sender (2014)
So stubborn! Sturkopf! La forêt (2014)
You need account info, signature cards. Du brauchst Kontodaten, Signaturkarten. Montreal (2014)
We see disasters strike every day... here at the emergency department of All Saints... but what happens when a real natural disaster strikes our coast? Wir sehen jeden Tag, dass Unfälle passieren, hier in der Notaufnahme des All Saints, aber was passiert, wenn eine richtige Naturkatastrophe auf unsere Küste trifft? Sisterhood (2014)
Oh. Look, I know you two have butted heads and she hasn't been welcoming. Hören Sie, ich weiß, dass Sie beide Sturköpfe sind... und sie hat Sie nicht gerade willkommen geheißen. Only Mama Knows (2014)
Pushy. Sturköpfig. Krieg Nicht Lieb (2014)
Therese Lacombe told my mother she threw a tantrum. Thérèse erzählte meiner Mutter, dass Sophie sturköpfig war. A Double Tour (2014)
♪ Two and a Half Men 12x08 ♪ Clockwise in Back Hole Until Tight Original Air Date on December 18, 2014 Two and a Half Men S12E08 - Family, Bublé, Deep-Fried Turkey Family, Bublé, Deep-Fried Turkey (2014)
With a little luck, if I can get back to the house I can show you and the world this was not from a natural disaster. This was-- Mit ein bisschen Glück, wenn ich zurück zu meinem zum Haus komme, kann ich dir und dem Rest der Welt beweisen, dass es keine Naturkatastrophe war. Godzilla (2014)
We should go there and film a natural Mexican disaster. Wir sollten hingehen und eine mexikanische Naturkatastrophe filmen. Eisenstein in Guanajuato (2015)
This is Turkia, who will entertain you. Das ist Turkiyyeh. Sie wird Sie unterhalten. Queen of the Desert (2015)
Ha ha. And that's net the damages that we had to pay the Knickerbocker Club. Und das nach Abzug der Reparaturkosten, die wir dem Knickerbocker Club zahlen. You Have Insulted Tchaikovsky (2014)
Edith loved them. Édith war ein Naturkind. Béatrice et la responsabilité (2014)
Damn nature communists. Scheiß Naturkommunisten! Albatross (2015)
Well, in that case, I wouldn't mind imposing on your literature class. Dann will ich mich auch Ihrem Literaturkurs aufdrängen. The Boy Next Door (2015)
An unspoiled child from the Swiss countryside. Ein unverdorbenes Schweizer Naturkind. Heidi (2015)
Temperature control, automatic windows and so much room. Temperaturkontrolle. Automatische Fensterheber. Und so viel Platz. Chapter 29 (2015)
Unemployment doesn't constitute a natural disaster, Mr. President. Arbeitslosigkeit stellt keine Naturkatastrophe dar, Mr. President. Chapter 31 (2015)
Uh, Turkey. Turkey. Heirlooms (2015)
BoboTurkey. BoboTurkey. Heirlooms (2015)
And to all who have suffered natural disasters... and who must find the will to rebuild. An alle, die Naturkatastrophen ertrugen, und den Willen zum Wiederaufbau finden müssen. Truth (2015)
That's 'cause you're stubborn as hell. - Weil du sturköpfig wie der Teufel bist. Dulcinea (2015)
I guarantee this baby will not jam or my name ain't Turk Barrett. Wenn dieses Baby klemmt, will ich nicht mehr Turk Barrett heißen. Rabbit in a Snowstorm (2015)
Horses have often been used in works of art to depict powerful forces of nature. Pferde werden in der Kunst oft genutzt, um mächtige Naturkräfte darzustellen. Let Them Burn (2015)
This year, I get to pick the chapter that gets taken out of the science textbook. Ich darf dieses Jahr das Kapitel aussuchen, das aus dem Naturkundebuch genommen wird. Kimmy Kisses a Boy! (2015)
Turk, spread the word on the streets... 1 million for whoever can tell me where I can find Fisk... tonight. Turk. Erzähl es überall herum. Eine Million für den, der mir sagt, wo ich Fisk heute Abend finde. World on Fire (2015)
Turk just got a call. Turk bekam einen Anruf. World on Fire (2015)
The Turkish Airlines staff are pawns. Not linked to the dictatorship. Die Ausgebeuteten bei Turkish Airlines haben nichts mit der Militärdiktatur zu tun. Don't Tell Me the Boy Was Mad (2015)
We've just heard of a bombing in Rome, outside a Turkish Airlines agency. Wie wir eben erfahren, explodierte in Rom eine Bombe am Schalter der Turkish Airlines. Don't Tell Me the Boy Was Mad (2015)
Over 100 people thronged around the Turkish Airlines desk. Über 100 Personen drängten sich am Terminal der Turkish Airlines. Don't Tell Me the Boy Was Mad (2015)
Uh, well, I prefer therapist, but, yes, I help places like Chester's Mill heal after a natural disaster. Ich bevorzuge zwar Therapeutin, aber ja, ich helfe Städten wie Chester's Mill, nach einer Naturkatastrophe zu hellem. Move On (2015)
Sad, twitchy, not-all-there dad, a dead mom, alien mist that turned me into a walking natural disaster, a friend dead -- Ein trauriger, reizbarer, nicht ganz dichter Vater, meine Mutter tot. Alien-Nebel, der mich in eine wandelnde Naturkatastrophe verwandelt hat, - ein Freund tot... One of Us (2015)
Stubborn. Sturköpfig. Anonymous (2015)
That means someone standing here, resetting those pressure-relief valves every 90 seconds, while someone else mans the temperature controls until this pressure cooker hits 700 PSI, and that is not gonna be me. Was bedeutet, dass jemand hier steht und alle 90 Sekunden die Überdruckventile zurücksetzt, während jemand anderes die Temperaturkontrolle bedient, bis der Druck 4800 kPa erreicht und dieser jemand werde nicht ich sein. Luther Braxton (No. 21) (2015)
This isn't a literature class but Jean Genet interests me for the way he exposes the principles of his poetry and the foundations of a subversive ethic. Das ist keine Literaturklasse, aber Jean Genet interessiert mich Für die Art, wie er die Grundsätze seiner Poesie freilegt, und die Fundamente einer subversiven Ethik. Parisienne (2015)
Because I'm stubborn. Weil ich... ein alter Sturkopf bin, und ein Bauerntrampel. Au revoir... et à bientôt! (2015)
Oh, and on the subject. Is said power referring to a horse of Arabian, Turkoman or Barb breeding? Ach, und apropos... bezieht sich diese Angabe auf Pferde der Araber-, Turkmenen- oder Berberrasse? Kali Yuga (2015)
There are forces in nature that can be dangerous if you wrong them. Es gibt Naturkräfte, die gefährlich werden können, wenn sie gekränkt werden. Del II (2015)
- I'm Greg Turk. - Ich heiße Greg Turk. The Man Who Saved Central City (2015)
~ Really? ~ How're things with you? Oh, fine. Ich hab eine dreiwöchige Verjüngungskur auf den Turks- und Caicosinseln gemacht. Episode #1.3 (2015)
I sometimes thought of the girl who joined my school in my final year. Manchmal dachte ich an das Mädchen, das in meine Abiturklasse kam. Les heures souterraines (2015)
I've received threats. (Tina) Es ist was passiert. Ich bin belästigt worden. (Tastaturklappern) Episode #3.6 (2015)
You know the melody ... (Er summt die Melodie.) (Tastaturklackern) Episode #3.8 (2015)
Can I get a fifth of Wild Turkey and a carton of Reds, please? Eine Flasche Wild Turkey und 'ne Stange Reds, bitte. Orange Sticker (2015)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
turkIn Germany today, antiviolence rallies took place in several cities, including one near Hamburg where three Turks were killed in an arson attack on Monday.
turkI cannot even boil water, much less roast a turkey.
turkHave a happy Turkey day.
turkLet's talk turkey.
turkThis turkey will serve five.
turkShe's got a Turkish boyfriend.
turkThe accused spoke equivocally and didn't want to talk turkey.
turkA turkey is a little bigger than a chicken.
turkThis turkey tastes good.
turkHe makes it a point to speak clearly and graphically he always talks turkey about any problem.
turkOnce the Sultan ruled over today's Turkey.
turkMaybe, but he wants me to stop cold turkey.
turkHave you ever eaten turkey?
turkThe host cut the turkey for the guests.
turkWell, let's talk turkey.
turkHe quit smoking cold turkey.
turkWe have been discussing minor matters; it's high time we began talking turkey.

NECTEC Lexitron-2 Dictionary (TH-EN)
ตุรกี(n) Republic of Turkey, See also: Turkey, Syn. ประเทศตุรกี, Example: ความกลัวนี้ยิ่งทวีหลายเท่าเมื่อตุรกีจับสายลับอิรักได้กว่าสิบคน ขณะลอบข้ามพรมแดนมุ่งหน้าไปยุโรป, Thai Definition: ชื่อสาธารณรัฐหนึ่งอยู่ในเอเซีย เมืองหลวงชื่ออังการา
ไก่งวง(n) turkey, Example: ชาวอเมริกันจะรับประทานไก่งวงในวันขอบคุณพระเจ้า, Count Unit: ตัว

Volubilis Dictionary (TH-EN-FR)
ชบาหนู[chabānū] (n) EN: Turk's cap ; Sleeping hibiscus ; Wax Mallow
ไก่งวง[kai ngūang] (n) EN: turkey  FR: dinde [ f ] ; dindon [ m ]
ประเทศเติร์กเมนิสถาน[Prathēt Toēkmēnisathān] (n, prop) EN: Turkmenistan   FR: Turkménistan [ m ]
ประเทศตุรกี[Prathēt Turakī] (n, prop) EN: Turkey  FR: Turquie [ f ]
สายการบินเตอร์กิช แอร์ไลน์ส[Sāikānbin Tøekit Aēlai] (tm) FR: Turkish Airlines
ตุรกี[Turakī] (n, prop) EN: Turkey  FR: Turquie [ f ]
ตุรกี[Turakī] (adj) EN: Turkish  FR: turc

CMU Pronouncing Dictionary
 /T ER1 K/
/เทอ (ร) ขึ/
 /T ER1 K OW0/
/เท้อ (ร) โข่ว/
 /T ER1 K S/
/เทอ (ร) ขึ สึ/
 /D EH1 T ER0 K/
/เด๊ะ เถ่อ (ร) ขึ/
 /T ER1 K AH0 L/
/เท้อ (ร) เขิ่ล/
 /T ER1 K IY0/
/เท้อ (ร) ขี่/
 /T ER1 K IH0 K/
/เท้อ (ร) ขิ ขึ/
 /AE1 T AH0 T ER2 K/
/แอ๊ เถอะ เทอ (ร) ขึ/
 /S T ER1 K IY0/
/สึ เต๊อ (ร) ขี่/
 /T ER1 K IY0 Z/
/เท้อ (ร) ขี่ สึ/
 /T ER1 K IH0 SH/
/เท้อ (ร) ขิ ฉึ/
 /T ER1 K M EH2 N/
/เท้อ (ร) ขึ เม็น/
 /T ER1 K IY0 Z/
/เท้อ (ร) ขี่ สึ/
 /AE1 T AH0 T ER2 K S/
/แอ๊ เถอะ เทอ (ร) ขึ สึ/
 /T ER1 K AH0 V IH0 CH/
/เท้อ (ร) เขอะ ฝิ ฉึ/
 /T ER1 K IH0 NG T AH0 N/
/เท้อ (ร) ขิ่ง เถิ่น/
 /T ER2 K M EH1 N IH0 S T AE2 N/
/เทอ (ร) ขึ เม้ะ หนิ สึ แตน/

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary
 (n) /t @@1 k/ /เทอ ขึ/ /tˈɜːk/
 (n) /t @@1 k s/ /เทอ ขึ สึ/ /tˈɜːks/
 (proper) /t @@1 k uu/ /เท้อ ขู่/ /tˈɜːkuː/
 (proper) /t @@1 k ii/ /เท้อ ขี่/ /tˈɜːkiː/
 (n) /t @@1 k ii/ /เท้อ ขี่/ /tˈɜːkiː/
 (n) /t @@1 k i sh/ /เท้อ ขิ ฉึ/ /tˈɜːkɪʃ/
 (n) /t @@1 k i z/ /เท้อ ขิ สึ/ /tˈɜːkɪz/
  /t @@ k m e1 n i s t a n/ /เถอ ขึ เม้ะ หนิ สึ แต่น/ /tɜːkmˈenɪstæn/

WordNet (3.0)
american turkey oak(n) small slow-growing deciduous shrubby tree of dry sandy barrens of southeastern United States having leaves with bristle-tipped lobes resembling turkey's toes, Syn. Quercus laevis, turkey oak
ataturk(n) Turkish statesman who abolished the caliphate and founded Turkey as a modern secular state (1881-1938), Syn. Kemal Ataturk, Kemal Pasha, Mustafa Kemal
brush turkey(n) black megapode of wooded regions of Australia and New Guinea, Syn. Alectura lathami
cold turkey(n) a blunt expression of views
cold turkey(n) complete and abrupt withdrawal of all addictive drugs or anything else on which you have become dependent
east turkistan islamic movement(n) a group of Uighur Muslims fighting Chinese control of Xinjiang; declared by China in 2001 to be terrorists although there is a long history of cycles of insurgency and repression, Syn. East Turkestan Islamic Movement
european turkey oak(n) large deciduous tree of central and southern Europe and Asia Minor having lanceolate leaves with spiked lobes, Syn. Quercus cerris, turkey oak
ocellated turkey(n) wild turkey of Central America and northern South America, Syn. Agriocharis ocellata
plain turkey(n) popular Australian game bird, Syn. Choriotis australis
talk turkey(v) discuss frankly, often in a business context
turk(n) a native or inhabitant of Turkey
turkey(n) large gallinaceous bird with fan-shaped tail; widely domesticated for food, Syn. Meleagris gallopavo
turkey(n) a Eurasian republic in Asia Minor and the Balkans; on the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, the Young Turks, led by Kemal Ataturk, established a republic in 1923, Syn. Republic of Turkey
turkey(n) flesh of large domesticated fowl usually roasted
turkey(n) an event that fails badly or is totally ineffectual, Syn. bomb, dud
turkey cock(n) male turkey, Syn. gobbler, tom, tom turkey
turkey leg(n) the lower joint of the leg of a turkey, Syn. turkey drumstick
turkey red(n) a bright orange-red color produced in cotton cloth with alizarine dye, Syn. alizarine red
turkey-sized(adj) having the approximate size of a turkey
turkey stew(n) a stew made with turkey
turkey stuffing(n) stuffing for turkey
turkey trot(n) an early ragtime one-step
turkey wing(n) the wing of a turkey
turki(n) any member of the peoples speaking a Turkic language
turki(n) a subfamily of Altaic languages, Syn. Turko-Tatar, Turkic language, Turkic
turkic(adj) of or relating to the people who speak the Turkic language
turkic-speaking(adj) able to communicate in Turkic
turkish(n) a Turkic language spoken by the Turks
turkish(adj) of or relating to or characteristic of Turkey or its people or language
turkish bath(n) a steam room where facilities are available for a bath followed by a shower and massage
turkish bath(n) you sweat in a steam room before getting a rubdown and cold shower, Syn. vapour bath, steam bath, vapor bath
turkish coffee(n) a drink made from pulverized coffee beans; usually sweetened
turkish delight(n) a jellied candy typically flavored with rose water
turkish hizballah(n) an ethnic Kurdish group of Sunni extremists formed in the late 1980s in southeastern Turkey; seeks to replace Turkey's secular regime with an Islamic state and strict shariah law; responsible for bombings and the torture and murder of Turkish and Kurdish journalists and businessmen; receives support from Iran
turkish monetary unit(n) monetary unit in Turkey
turkish tobacco(n) a dark aromatic tobacco of eastern Europe that is used in cigarettes
turkish towel(n) a bath towel with rough loose pile, Syn. terry towel
turkistan(n) a historical region of central Asia that was a center for trade between the East and the West, Syn. Turkestan
turkmen(n) the Turkic language spoken by the Turkoman, Syn. Turkoman, Turcoman
turkmen(adj) of or relating to or characteristic of Turkmenistan or its people or culture
turkmenistan(n) a republic in Asia to the east of the Caspian Sea and to the south of Kazakhstan and to the north of Iran; an Asian soviet from 1925 to 1991, Syn. Turkmenia, Turkomen, Turkmen
turkmen monetary unit(n) monetary unit in Turkmenistan
turkoman(n) a member of a Turkic people living in Turkmenistan and neighboring areas, Syn. Turkmen, Turcoman
turk's-cap(n) lily of the eastern United States with orange to red maroon-spotted flowers, Syn. Lilium superbum, Turk's cap-lily
turk's-cap(n) lily with small dull purple flowers of northwestern Europe and northwestern Asia, Syn. martagon, Lilium martagon
turk's head(n) an ornamental knot that resembles a small turban
water turkey(n) blackish New World snakebird of swampy regions, Syn. Anhinga anhinga
young turk(n) a member of one or more of the insurgent groups in Turkey in the late 19th century who rebelled against the absolutism of Ottoman rule
young turk(n) a young radical who agitates for reform
ankara(n) the capital of Turkey; located in west-central Turkey; it was formerly known as Angora and is the home of Angora goats, Syn. Turkish capital, Angora, capital of Turkey

Collaborative International Dictionary (GCIDE)
Brush turkey

(Zool.) A large, edible, gregarious bird of Australia (Talegalla Lathami) of the family Megapodidæ. Also applied to several allied species of New Guinea. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ The brush turkeys live in the “brush, ” and construct a common nest by collecting a large heap of decaying vegetable matter, which generates heat sufficient to hatch the numerous eggs (sometimes half a bushel) deposited in it by the females of the flock. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ G., fr. kultur, cultur, culture + kampf fight. ] (Ger. Hist.) Lit., culture war; -- a name, originating with Virchow (1821 - 1902), given to a struggle between the Roman Catholic Church and the German government, chiefly over the latter's efforts to control educational and ecclesiastical appointments in the interest of the political policy of centralization. The struggle began with the passage by the Prussian Diet in May, 1873, of the so-called
May laws, or
Falk laws, aiming at the regulation of the clergy. Opposition eventually compelled the government to change its policy, and from 1880 to 1887 laws virtually nullifying the May laws were enacted. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. See Stirk. [ Prov. Eng. & Scot. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ Per. Turk; probably of Tartar origin: cf. F. Turc. ] 1. A member of any of numerous Tartar tribes of Central Asia, etc.; esp., one of the dominant race in Turkey. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. A native or inhabitant of Turkey. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. A Muslim; esp., one living in Turkey. [ Archaic ] [ 1913 Webster ]

It is no good reason for a man's religion that he was born and brought up in it; for then a Turk would have as much reason to be a Turk as a Christian to be a Christian. Chillingworth. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. (Zool.) The plum weevil. See Curculio, and Plum weevil, under Plum. [ 1913 Webster ]

Turk's cap. (Bot.) (a) Turk's-cap lily. See under Lily. (b) A tulip. (c) A plant of the genus Melocactus; Turk's head. See Melon cactus, under Melon. --
Turk's head. (a) (Naut.) A knot of turbanlike form worked on a rope with a piece of small line. R. H. Dana, Jr. (b) (Bot.) See Turk's cap (c) above. --
Turk's turban (Bot.), a plant of the genus Ranunculus; crowfoot.
[ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Cf. Turquoise. ] Turkish. [ Obs. ] Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]


pr. n. [ Cf. 2d Turkey. ] A country in the southeast of Europe and southwest of Asia. [ 1913 Webster ]

Turkey carpet, a superior kind of carpet made in Asia Minor and adjoining countries, having a deep pile and composed of pure wool with a weft of different material. It is distinguishable by its coloring and patterns from similar carpets made in India and elsewhere. --
Turkey oak. (Bot.) See Cerris. --
Turkey red. (a) A brilliant red imparted by madder to cottons, calicoes, etc., the fiber of which has been prepared previously with oil or other fatty matter. (b) Cloth dyed with this red. --
Turkey sponge. (Zool.) See Toilet sponge, under Sponge. --
Turkey stone, a kind of oilstone from Turkey; novaculite; -- called also Turkey oilstone.
[ 1913 Webster ]


n.; pl. Turkeys [ So called because it was formerly erroneously believed that it came originally from Turkey: cf. F. Turquie Turkey. See Turk. ] (Zool.) Any large American gallinaceous bird belonging to the genus Meleagris, especially the North American wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), and the domestic turkey, which was probably derived from the Mexican wild turkey, but had been domesticated by the Indians long before the discovery of America. [ 1913 Webster ]

☞ The Mexican wild turkey is now considered a variety of the northern species (var. Mexicana). Its tail feathers and coverts are tipped with white instead of brownish chestnut, and its flesh is white. The Central American, or ocellated, turkey (Meleagris ocellata) is more elegantly colored than the common species. See under Ocellated. The Australian, or native, turkey is a bustard (Choriotis australis). See under Native. [ 1913 Webster ]

Turkey beard (Bot.), a name of certain American perennial liliaceous herbs of the genus Xerophyllum. They have a dense tuft of hard, narrowly linear radical leaves, and a long raceme of small whitish flowers. Also called turkey's beard. --
Turkey berry (Bot.), a West Indian name for the fruit of certain kinds of nightshade (Solanum mammosum, and Solanum torvum). --
Turkey bird (Zool.), the wryneck. So called because it erects and ruffles the feathers of its neck when disturbed. [ Prov. Eng. ] --
Turkey buzzard (Zool.), a black or nearly black buzzard (Cathartes aura), abundant in the Southern United States. It is so called because its naked and warty head and neck resemble those of a turkey. It is noted for its high and graceful flight. Called also turkey vulture. --
Turkey cock (Zool.), a male turkey. --
Turkey hen (Zool.), a female turkey. --
Turkey pout (Zool.), a young turkey. [ R. ] --
Turkey vulture (Zool.), the turkey buzzard.
[ 1913 Webster ]


a. Turkish. [ Obs. ] Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. An eccentric ragtime dance, danced with the feet well apart and with a characteristic rise on the ball of the foot, followed by a drop upon the heel. The original form, owing to the positions assumed by the dancers, is offensively suggestive. Similar dances are the
bunny hug and
grizzly bear, so called in allusion to the movements and the positions assumed by the partners in dancing. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


a. Turkish. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. (Min.) Turquois. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


pr. a. Of or pertaining to Turkey or the Turks. -- n. The language spoken by Turks, esp. that of the people of Turkey. -- Turk"ish*ly, adv. -- Turk"ish*ness, n. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A Turkish idiom or expression; also, in general, a Turkish mode or custom. Same as Turcism. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. A turtle. [ Obs. or Illiterate ] [ 1913 Webster ]


n.; pl. Turkos [ F. turco. ] One of a body of native Algerian tirailleurs in the French army, dressed as a Turk. [ Written also Turco. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


pr. a. (Ethnol.) Designating, or pert. to, a mixed racial type including the Afghans, and characterized chiefly by stature above mean, fair complexion, dark, or sometimes gray, eyes, brachycephaly, and very long, prominent, and moderately narrow nose. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


pr. n. A member of any race of the Turko-Iranian type. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]


n. & a. Turquoise. [ 1913 Webster ]


n.; pl. Turkomans Same as Turcoman. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. 1. (Naut.) A knot of turbanlike form worked on a rope with a piece of small line. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

2. (a) The melon cactus. [ West Indies ] (b) Any of several species of Echinocactus. [ California ] [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

3. A long-handled, round-headed broom for sweeping ceilings, etc. [ Colloq. or Dial. ] [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ]

Water turkey

(Zool.) The American snakebird. See Snakebird. [ 1913 Webster ]

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
土耳其[Tǔ ěr qí, ㄊㄨˇ ㄦˇ ㄑㄧˊ,   ] Turkey #7,487 [Add to Longdo]
突厥[Tū jué, ㄊㄨ ㄐㄩㄝˊ,  ] Turkic (minority group in China) #16,682 [Add to Longdo]
格鲁吉亚[Gé lǔ jí yà, ㄍㄜˊ ㄌㄨˇ ㄐㄧˊ ㄧㄚˋ,     /    ] Republic of Gruzia or Georgia, former Soviet republic in Caucasus, bordering Turkey and the Black Sea #16,954 [Add to Longdo]
火鸡[huǒ jī, ㄏㄨㄛˇ ㄐㄧ,   /  ] turkey #27,107 [Add to Longdo]
亚美尼亚[Yà měi ní yà, ㄧㄚˋ ㄇㄟˇ ㄋㄧˊ ㄧㄚˋ,     /    ] Armenia, former Soviet republic in Caucasus and region of northern Turkey #36,645 [Add to Longdo]
土库曼斯坦[Tǔ kù màn sī tǎn, ㄊㄨˇ ㄎㄨˋ ㄇㄢˋ ㄙ ㄊㄢˇ,      /     ] Turkmenistan #37,628 [Add to Longdo]
大数[Dà shù, ㄉㄚˋ ㄕㄨˋ,   /  ] Tarsus, Mediterranean city in Turkey, the birthplace of St Paul #42,206 [Add to Longdo]
安卡拉[Ān kǎ lā, ㄢ ㄎㄚˇ ㄌㄚ,   ] Ankara (capital of Turkey) #54,634 [Add to Longdo]
鞑靼[Dá dá, ㄉㄚˊ ㄉㄚˊ,   /  ] Tatar (Turkic ethnic minority in central Asia) #55,289 [Add to Longdo]
土库曼[Tǔ kù màn, ㄊㄨˇ ㄎㄨˋ ㄇㄢˋ,    /   ] Turkmenistan; Republic of Turkmenistan, former Soviet republic adjoining Iran #72,992 [Add to Longdo]
埃尔多安[Āi ěr duō ān, ㄞ ㄦˇ ㄉㄨㄛ ㄢ,     /    ] Erdogan (name); Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (1954-), Turkish politician, Prime Minister from 2003 #79,764 [Add to Longdo]
阿什哈巴德[Ā shén hā bā dé, ㄚ ㄕㄣˊ ㄏㄚ ㄅㄚ ㄉㄜˊ,     ] Ashgabat, capital of Turkmenistan #118,159 [Add to Longdo]
阿姆河[Ā mǔ hé, ㄚ ㄇㄨˇ ㄏㄜˊ,   ] Amu Darya, the biggest river of Central Asia, from Pamir to Aral sea, forming the boundary between Afghanistan and Tajikistan then flowing through Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan; formerly called Oxus by Greek and Western writers, and Gihon by medieval Islami #147,633 [Add to Longdo]
爱琴[Ài qín, ㄞˋ ㄑㄧㄣˊ,   /  ] Aegean (sea between Greece and Turkey) #228,148 [Add to Longdo]
图尔库[Tú ěr kù, ㄊㄨˊ ㄦˇ ㄎㄨˋ,    /   ] Turku (city in Finland) #276,874 [Add to Longdo]
杰伊汉港[Jié yī hàn gǎng, ㄐㄧㄝˊ ㄧ ㄏㄢˋ ㄍㄤˇ,     /    ] Ceyhan (Turkish mediterranean port) #444,835 [Add to Longdo]
吐绶鸡[tǔ shòu jī, ㄊㄨˇ ㄕㄡˋ ㄐㄧ,    /   ] turkey #496,406 [Add to Longdo]
中土[zhōng tǔ, ㄓㄨㄥ ㄊㄨˇ,  ] Sino-Turkish #535,475 [Add to Longdo]
土库曼人[Tǔ kù màn rén, ㄊㄨˇ ㄎㄨˋ ㄇㄢˋ ㄖㄣˊ,     /    ] Turkmen (person) [Add to Longdo]
土尔其四谈[tǔ ěr qí sī tǎn, ㄊㄨˇ ㄦˇ ㄑㄧˊ ㄙ ㄊㄢˇ,      /     ] Turkestan [Add to Longdo]
土耳其四谈[Tǔ ěr qí sī tǎn, ㄊㄨˇ ㄦˇ ㄑㄧˊ ㄙ ㄊㄢˇ,      /     ] Turkestan [Add to Longdo]
土耳其语[Tǔ ěr qí yǔ, ㄊㄨˇ ㄦˇ ㄑㄧˊ ㄩˇ,     /    ] Turkish (language) [Add to Longdo]
托罗斯山[Tuō luó sī shān, ㄊㄨㄛ ㄌㄨㄛˊ ㄙ ㄕㄢ,     /    ] Taurus mountains of south Turkey [Add to Longdo]
东突[Dōng tū, ㄉㄨㄥ ㄊㄨ,   /  ] abbr. for 東突厥斯坦解放組織|东突厥斯坦解放组织 East Turkestan liberation organization ETLO, Chinese dissident group [Add to Longdo]
东突厥斯坦[Dōng tū jué sī tǎn, ㄉㄨㄥ ㄊㄨ ㄐㄩㄝˊ ㄙ ㄊㄢˇ,      /     ] East Turkestan; historical term for Xinjiang [Add to Longdo]
东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动[Dōng tū jué sī tǎn yī sī lán yùn dòng, ㄉㄨㄥ ㄊㄨ ㄐㄩㄝˊ ㄙ ㄊㄢˇ ㄧ ㄙ ㄌㄢˊ ㄩㄣˋ ㄉㄨㄥˋ,           /          ] East Turkestan Islamic movement ETIM [Add to Longdo]
东突厥斯坦解放组织[Dōng tū jué sī tǎn jiě fàng zǔ zhī, ㄉㄨㄥ ㄊㄨ ㄐㄩㄝˊ ㄙ ㄊㄢˇ ㄐㄧㄝˇ ㄈㄤˋ ㄗㄨˇ ㄓ,          /         ] East Turkestan liberation organization ETLO (Xinjiang dissident group) [Add to Longdo]
东突组织[Dōng tū zǔ zhī, ㄉㄨㄥ ㄊㄨ ㄗㄨˇ ㄓ,     /    ] abbr. for 東突厥斯坦解放組織|东突厥斯坦解放组织 East Turkestan liberation organization ETLO, Chinese dissident group [Add to Longdo]
黏着语[nián zhuó yǔ, ㄋㄧㄢˊ ㄓㄨㄛˊ ㄩˇ,    /   ] agglutinative language (e.g. Turkish and Japanese) [Add to Longdo]

DING DE-EN Dictionary
Symptome bei abruptem Drogenentzugcold turkey [Add to Longdo]
Frottiertuch { n } | Frottiertücher { pl }turkish towel | turkish towels [Add to Longdo]
Hochtemperaturkreislauf { m }high temperature circuit [Add to Longdo]
Katastrophe { f }; Naturkatastrophe { f }; Kataklysmus { m } | Katastrophen { pl }; Naturkatastrophen { pl }cataclysm | cataclysms [Add to Longdo]
Kulturkreis { m }society [Add to Longdo]
Literaturkritik { f }literary criticism [Add to Longdo]
Literaturkritiker { m }; Literaturkritikerin { f }literary critic [Add to Longdo]
Miniaturkopfhörer { m }ear-plug [Add to Longdo]
Naturkatastrophe { f } | Naturkatastrophen { pl }natural disaster | natural disasters [Add to Longdo]
Naturkatastrophen { pl }calamities of nature [Add to Longdo]
Naturkonvektion { f }natural convection [Add to Longdo]
Naturkosmetik { f }natural cosmetics [Add to Longdo]
Naturkunde { f }natural history [Add to Longdo]
Niedertemperaturkessel { m }low-temperature boiler [Add to Longdo]
Niedertemperaturkreislauf { m }low temperature circuit [Add to Longdo]
Patenturkunde { f }patent certificate [Add to Longdo]
Putenbrust { f } [ cook. ]turkey breast [Add to Longdo]
Tastaturkommando { n } [ comp. ] | abgekürztes Tastaturkommandokeyboard command | abbreviated keyboard command [Add to Longdo]
Tastaturkürzel { n }; Tastaturkurzbefehl { m }keyboard shortcut [Add to Longdo]
Truthahn { m }; Truthenne { f }; Pute { f }; Puter { m }turkey [Add to Longdo]
abrupt; ohne Übergang; von heute auf morgencold turkey [Add to Longdo]
offen reden; sachlich reden (mit)to talk turkey (with) [Add to Longdo]
Bartturko [ ornith. ]Moustached Turka [Add to Longdo]
Turkestanmeise { f } [ ornith. ]Turkestan Tit [Add to Longdo]
Turkmenistan [ geogr. ]Turkmenistan (tm) [Add to Longdo]
Turks- und Caicosinseln [ geogr. ]Turks and Caicos Islands (tc) [Add to Longdo]
Ashgabat (Hauptstadt von Turkmenistan)Ashgabat (capital of Turkmenistan) [Add to Longdo]
Cockburn Town (Hauptstadt Turks- und Caicosinseln)Cockburn Town (capital of Turks and Caicos Islands) [Add to Longdo]
Naturkautschuk { m }natural rubber [Add to Longdo]
Reparaturkit { n }repair outfit [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
トルクメニスタン[torukumenisutan] (n) Turkmenistan #18,523 [Add to Longdo]
アカルテケ;アカル・テケ[akaruteke ; akaru . teke] (n) Akhal-Teke, a breed of horses originating in Turkmenistan [Add to Longdo]
イタリアトルコ戦争[イタリアトルコせんそう, itariatoruko sensou] (n) (See 伊土戦争) Italo-Turkish War (1911-1912) [Add to Longdo]
エジプトトルコ戦争[エジプトトルコせんそう, ejiputotoruko sensou] (n) Turko-Egyptian Wars (1831-1833; 1839-1840) [Add to Longdo]
オスマントルコ[osumantoruko] (n) Ottoman Turks [Add to Longdo]
オスマン帝国憲法[オスマンていこくけんぽう, osuman teikokukenpou] (n) First Turkish (Ottoman) Constitution [Add to Longdo]
サンステファノ条約[サンステファノじょうやく, sansutefano jouyaku] (n) (See 露土戦争) Treaty of San Stefano (ending the Russo-Turkish War, 1878) [Add to Longdo]
ターキー[ta-ki-] (n) (See 七面鳥) turkey [Add to Longdo]
タークス・カイコス諸島;タークスカイコス諸島[タークス・カイコスしょとう(タークス・カイコス諸島);タークスカイコスしょとう(タークスカイコス諸島), ta-kusu . kaikosu shotou ( ta-kusu . kaikosu shotou ); ta-kusukaikosu shotou ( ta-k] (n) Turks and Caicos Islands [Add to Longdo]
チュルク語派[チュルクごは, churuku goha] (n) Turkic (branch of languages) [Add to Longdo]
トルコヤツメ[torukoyatsume] (n) Turkish brook lamprey (Eudontomyzon lanceolata) [Add to Longdo]
トルコ語[トルコご, toruko go] (n) Turkish (language) [Add to Longdo]
トルコ人[トルコじん, toruko jin] (n) Turk [Add to Longdo]
トルコ風呂[トルコぶろ, toruko buro] (n) (1) Turkish bath; (2) (sens) (See ソープランド) soapland (brothel where one can bathe with the prostitutes) [Add to Longdo]
ロート油[ロートゆ, ro-to yu] (n) Turkey red oil [Add to Longdo]
ロシアトルコ戦争[ロシアトルコせんそう, roshiatoruko sensou] (n) (obsc) (See 露土戦争) Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878) [Add to Longdo]
伊土戦争[いとせんそう, itosensou] (n) Italo-Turkish War (1911-1912) [Add to Longdo]
維吾爾[ういぐる;ウイグル, uiguru ; uiguru] (n) (uk) Uighur (Turkic people and language in NW China); Uygur [Add to Longdo]
丸焼き[まるやき, maruyaki] (n) whole roast (e.g. pig, turkey, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
求肥[ぎゅうひ, gyuuhi] (n) (orig. written as 牛皮) (See 求肥飴) type of soft Japanese confectionery made with rice flour (somewhat similar to Turkish delight) [Add to Longdo]
求肥飴[ぎゅうひあめ, gyuuhiame] (n) type of soft Japanese confectionery made with rice flour (somewhat similar to Turkish delight) [Add to Longdo]
七面鳥[しちめんちょう, shichimenchou] (n) turkey [Add to Longdo]
西域都護府[せいいきとごふ, seiikitogofu] (n) (See 都護府) Protectorate General of the Western Regions; Han-period Chinese office established in East Turkestan in 60 BCE [Add to Longdo]
塚造[つかつくり;ツカツクリ, tsukatsukuri ; tsukatsukuri] (n) (uk) megapode (any bird of family Megapodiidae, inc. brush turkeys and mallee fowl); mound builder [Add to Longdo]
鉄勒[てつろく, tetsuroku] (n) Tiele people; a Central Asian Turkic people [Add to Longdo]
土国[どこく, dokoku] (n) Turkey [Add to Longdo]
土耳古[とるこ;トルコ(P), toruko ; toruko (P)] (n) (1) (uk) Turkey; (2) (abbr) (See トルコブルー, トルコ石) turquoise; (P) [Add to Longdo]
突厥[とっけつ, tokketsu] (n) Gokturks; Sky Turks; Tujue; (powerful Turkic confederation from medieval Inner Asia) [Add to Longdo]
文化闘争[ぶんかとうそう, bunkatousou] (n) Kulturkampf (1872-1887) [Add to Longdo]
露土戦争[ろとせんそう, rotosensou] (n) Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878) [Add to Longdo]

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
天災[てんさい, tensai] Naturkatastrophe [Add to Longdo]
文芸批評[ぶんげいひひょう, bungeihihyou] Literaturkritik [Add to Longdo]

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