With protecting gholem qadir. | | [JP] ゴデム・カディールを保護すること Suicide Squad (2014) |
There's cable lines in the kitchen, living room, bedroom, and the cable modem on the computer in the office. | | [JP] キッチンとリビングと ―― 寝室にケーブルがある 事務所のパソコンの近くにモデムが The Italian Job (2003) |
Ninety-two hundred thermonuclear reactors in tandem. | | [JP] 9200基の タンデム熱核反応炉だ Forbidden Planet (1956) |
Not working right now, but... but you know, i should probably check out the cable modem, you know. | | [JP] 故障しちまって... モデムを先に拝見するわ The Italian Job (2003) |
That Demko thing really chapped my ass. I marched upstairs and I told the big guns: | | [JP] デムコの件で頭に来てさ お偉方にビシッと言ってやった Yes Man (2008) |
Status GBC. | | [JP] GBCモデム Space Cowboys (2000) |
No modems, no speaking slide-rules. | | [JP] モデムと計算尺は禁止だ The End (1988) |
This thing's so ancient, It doesn't even have The protocols Modern day security systems Defend against. | | [JP] モデムという概念すら ないような代物です Internal Affairs (2008) |
It was between you and Demko, and they went with Demko. | | [JP] デムコが割り込んできて 結局持ってかれちまった Yes Man (2008) |
- Okay. Know what? | | [JP] 実は今朝 デムコにも電話したんだ... Yes Man (2008) |
Creek won 50 grand at Texas Hold'em, which turned out to be an even bigger problem. | | [JP] クリークは テキサス・ホールデムで 5万ドル勝った それが もっと大問題になってしまった Always Bet on Red (2012) |
"Carl gets promoted in lieu of Demko, or along with Demko whichever, or I walk. " | | [JP] "デムコじゃなくカールを 昇進させるべきです..." "さもないと... 僕は辞めます"ってね Yes Man (2008) |