Zone diet, a balance of carbs, fats and protein, 40-30-30. | | [JP] 炭水化物40% 脂肪30% たんぱく質30% のバランスで食事するんスよ A.C.A.B. - All Cops Are Bastards (2012) |
What, are you exercising, skipping carbs? | | [JP] 何? 炭水化物を抜いてる? Alive in Tucson (2015) |
Isn't it amazing? | | [JP] これで炭水化物ゼロよ。 The Purge (2013) |
Carbohydrates. | | [JP] 炭水化物 Paddington (2014) |
Yeah, I usually head over to the Olive Garden to carb-load. | | [JP] 私はいつもレストランで 炭水化物を集中摂取するの Kick-Ass 2 (2013) |
That's all carbs. | | [JP] 炭水化物だけですよ Grudge Match (2013) | carbs and is fat-free? | | [JP] 炭水化物も脂肪もないヤツ A Cinderella Story (2004) |
Releasing proteins, fats, minerals and carbs. | | [JP] タンパク質、脂肪、解放 ミネラル、炭水化物 RoboCop (2014) |
You need a carbohydrate that makes up At least 15% of your daily allowance. | | [JP] 1日の摂取量の15%を 炭水化物にするべきね Some Must Watch While Some Must Sleep (2009) |
Maybe just some for carbs, energy. | | [JP] 炭水化物でエネルギー充填 Burying the Ex (2014) |
but I'm also doing carbs. | | [JP] - 炭水化物も抜き Pixels (2015) |
Oh, Pam's just full of crap as she is of carbohydrates. - Now... | | [JP] パムは炭水化物と たわ言ばかりで... Mole Hunt (2009) |