留め置き;留置き | [とめおき, tomeoki] (n, vs) (1) detention; keeping; retaining; (2) (abbr) (See 留置郵便) mail held at the post office [Add to Longdo] |
留置郵便;留置き郵便;留め置き郵便 | [とめおきゆうびん, tomeokiyuubin] (n) mail held at the post office [Add to Longdo] |
The Lord bless him and keep him, the Lord lift up his countenance upon him, and give him... | [JP] 主よ 彼を祝福しこれを留め置きたまえ 主よ 彼の顔を輝かせ 彼に憐れみをたれ・・・ Step Nine (2013) |
留め置き;留置き | [とめおき, tomeoki] (n, vs) (1) detention; keeping; retaining; (2) (abbr) (See 留置郵便) mail held at the post office [Add to Longdo] |
留置郵便;留置き郵便;留め置き郵便 | [とめおきゆうびん, tomeokiyuubin] (n) mail held at the post office [Add to Longdo] |
The Lord bless him and keep him, the Lord lift up his countenance upon him, and give him... | [JP] 主よ 彼を祝福しこれを留め置きたまえ 主よ 彼の顔を輝かせ 彼に憐れみをたれ・・・ Step Nine (2013) |