The word you might use is "warrior. " | | [JP] 言うなれば"戦士"だ The Last Samurai (2003) |
She provides, shall we say, recreational scolding for those who enjoy that sort of thing and are prepared to pay for it. | | [JP] 彼女は、言うなれば 気晴らしの叱責の提供者 好きな連中は 喜んで金を払う A Scandal in Belgravia (2012) |
Well, you are. - Well, he is. - I'm sorry. | | [JP] まぁ そうですね 言うなれば彼です The Other Side (2012) |
I am the best at This, rain man, okay? I'm like -- who? | | [JP] 僕は最高だ 言うなれば... Training Day (2010) |
I've just met a cracking filly... thought I'd grease the passage, so to speak. | | [JP] さっき素晴らしい娘に会ったんだ。 言うなれば、僕に油を差そうと思ってね。 Imagine Me & You (2005) |
We three have admitted, shall I say, our guilt. | | [JP] 我ら3名は言うなれば罪を認めた And Then There Were None (1945) |
It was... if you'll pardon the expression, bedlam. | | [JP] あれは・・ 言うなれば 大混乱だった The Coat Hanger (2012) |
I have a beautiful wife, two beautiful children, all because of my brother. | | [JP] 結婚して 子供2人 言うなれば弟の お陰だ The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989) |
It sometimes requires some- | | [JP] 時によって 言うなれば The Ghost Network (2008) |
They're like a cancer. A cell that won't stop growing. | | [JP] 言うなれば増殖が止まらない ガン細胞と同じ Jack Reacher (2012) |
That is to say, all of these events actually happened before, and you're simply going through the motions, again. | | [JP] 言うなれば 全て過去の事実で 自身で再演してるって事だ A Stitch in Time (2012) |
A lot has transpired, Lawrence, since your last visit. One would say that... | | [JP] この前君が来たときから様々なことが起こっている 一つ言うなれば・・・ Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (2009) |