Floating over you while you make fuck on your wife? | | [JP] セックスしてる間も さまよってやる The Hangover Part III (2013) |
She's going to be out for hours. | | [JP] 何時間も外をさまよってたみたい Midnight (2009) |
My gut tells me that your friend's life, the one hanging in the balance, not gonna be saved by a tube of toothpaste. | | [JP] 俺の勘では生死をさまよっている君の友人は 歯磨きでは救えない Pilot (2008) |
We found him on the highway wandering around. | | [JP] 高速道路でさまよってた A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985) |
I can see that... you are wandering in search of something. | | [JP] ある意味 ハイジくんは 何かを探し求めてさまよってるように 見えるんだけれども Fantastipo (2005) |
That he's so willing | | [JP] That he's so willing 心は宙を さまよってる The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989) |
# By the roving of her eye | | [JP] ♪ さまよっているのさ Shell (2012) |
There are hundreds of Sudanese native soldiers, entire regiments, wandering around the desert willy-nilly without anything on their feet, which causes some hardship, I imagine. | | [JP] スーダンの砂漠では 数万という現地人軍隊が ―― 指揮官もなく ―― あちこちを さまよってる Gosford Park (2001) |
To stare death in the face and to cheat it? | | [JP] 生死をさまよって そこから這い上がる Rush (2013) |
Bloody, half naked, wandering the streets at 7:00 A.M. | | [JP] 血まみれの半裸姿で さまよってた Get Me a Lawyer (2007) |
Keep it close now... | | [JP] そのままよって... Cape No. 7 (2008) |
Bloody, half-naked, ? a.m.? | | [JP] 血まみれの半裸姿で さまよってた Because I Know Patty (2007) |