13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ -国体-
หรือค้นหา: -国体-, *国体*

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
国体[こくたい, kokutai] (n) (1) (See 国家体制) national polity; (2) National Athletic Meet; (P) #9,134 [Add to Longdo]

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Welcome to the Neutrogena National Gymnastics Championships. [CN] 欢迎来到露得清全国体操冠军赛 Stick It (2006)
Nishamura Media Group entering the US sports market is a huge deal. [CN] Nishamura传媒集团 进军美国体育市场是个大手笔 Old Dogs (2009)
Whoever wants to be Emperor, will suffer the wrath of the nation. [CN] 今日,如还有人想当皇帝 妄改国体,必遭举国讨之 Beginning of the Great Revival (2011)
Bob Satterfield was a great figure in American sports. [CN] 鲍勃 赛德菲可是美国体坛的一个标志 Resurrecting the Champ (2007)
I got stones enough not to chase cards, action... or fucking pipe dreams of winning the World Series on ESPN. [CN] 我可不想把赌钱作为白日梦... 或者在 美国体育频道上映 什么世界杯. Rounders (1998)
The American sports market is a minefield, and what I'd like to do today is draw a map through that minefield so that... [CN] 国体育市场是一个危机四伏的领域 而我今天展示的是 一张通过危险区域的地图... Old Dogs (2009)
Amateurism is the most hypocriticaK/i crock of horseshit in American sports. [CN] 他的业余行为非常虚伪 简直就是美国体育界的老鼠屎 Without Limits (1998)
And after I placed in Nationals,  [JP] 国体選手になって Under the Knife (2013)
Having set the polity, with Heaven's mandate and the will of the people ascends to the throne and rules. [CN] 国体已定,天命攸归 全国商民,吁登大位 合词仰乞圣鉴事 Beginning of the Great Revival (2011)
Second semester seniors get a free pass Like pregnant ladies or 14-year-old chinese gymnasts. [CN] 高年级学生在第二学期享有特权 就像孕妇或14岁的中国体操运动员 You've Got Yale! (2009)
I hope China wins the most gold medals in the Olympics. [CN] 我希望中国体育奥运会金牌是世界第一 Last Train Home (2009)
Raising his fist, Mishima urged mllltarlzatlon of Self Defense Forces and defense of the imperial system... [CN] 三岛举起拳头 呼吁自卫队军事化 捍卫帝国体 KT (2002)

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