american crab apple | (n) medium-sized tree of the eastern United States having pink blossoms and small yellow fruit, Syn. Malus coronaria, garland crab |
american cranberry | (n) trailing red-fruited plant, Syn. large cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon |
american crayfish | (n) common large crayfishes of eastern North America |
american crow | (n) common crow of North America, Syn. Corvus brachyrhyncos |
belle isle cress | (n) of southwestern Europe; cultivated in Florida, Syn. Barbarea verna, American watercress, early winter cress, Barbarea praecox, American cress, land cress |
brown creeper | (n) a common creeper in North America with a down-curved bill, Syn. American creeper, Certhia americana |
cranberry bush | (n) deciduous North American shrub or small tree having three-lobed leaves and red berries, Syn. Viburnum trilobum, highbush cranberry, cranberry tree, American cranberry bush |