2 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ bishop ulfilas
หรือค้นหา: -bishop ulfilas-, *bishop ulfilas*, bishop ulfila
เนื่องจากผลลัพธ์มีน้อย ระบบจึงเปลี่ยนคำค้นเป็น *bishop ulfila*

WordNet (3.0)
ulfilas(n) a Christian believed to be of Cappadocian descent who became bishop of the Visigoths in 341 and translated the Bible from Greek into Gothic; traditionally held to have invented the Gothic alphabet (311-382), Syn. Ulfila, Bishop Ulfila, Wulfila, Bishop Wulfila, Bishop Ulfilas
ulfilas(n) a Christian believed to be of Cappadocian descent who became bishop of the Visigoths in 341 and translated the Bible from Greek into Gothic; traditionally held to have invented the Gothic alphabet (311-382), Syn. Ulfila, Bishop Ulfila, Wulfila, Bishop Wulfila, Bishop Ulfilas

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