string with | (phrv) ร้อยด้วย, See also: ผูกด้วย, ผูกด้วย |
string with | (phrv) หลอกเล่น (คำไม่เป็นทางการ), See also: ล้อเล่น |
string with | Give me a knife to cut this string with. |
後方一致 | [こうほういっち, kouhouicchi] (n) { comp } (See 前方一致, 部分一致) right-hand match; ends-with match; backward match; matching a sub-string with the end of a field [Add to Longdo] |
前方一致 | [ぜんぽういっち, zenpouicchi] (n) { comp } (See 部分一致, 後方一致) left-hand match; begins-with match; matching a sub-string with the beginning of a field [Add to Longdo] |
部分一致 | [ぶぶんいっち, bubun'icchi] (n) { comp } partial match; matching a search term with sub-string within a field [Add to Longdo] |