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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
才智[cái zhì, ㄘㄞˊ ㄓˋ,  ] ability and wisdom #28,994 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
才知;才智[さいち, saichi] (n) wit and intelligence [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
For being smart elect.[CN] 因为我的聪明才智. Matilda (1996)
The gift you've given me[CN] (你赋予我的才智 Music of the Heart (1999)
It wasn't my charming wit, Cupcakes. Do you want to go for a bite?[CN] 他可不要我才智 小蛋糕 Breakin' (1984)
He wanted to believe they gave him the money because he was smart.[CN] 他想相信他们是因为 他的才智贷款给他 Casino (1995)
After all, history is not mathematics, one doesn't need be too smart to master it.[CN] 毕竟历史不像数学不必有多高的聪明才智来精通它 After all, history is not mathematics, one doesn't need be too smart to master it. We'll Live Till Monday (1968)
With your intelligence and the opportunities that I could provide...[CN] 你如此有才智 而且我又能提供这些好机会让你发展 Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo (1984)
Ingenuity, courage, self-sacrifice.[CN] 在非凡境地 人们迸发出非凡的才智 智慧 勇气 和自我牺牲精神 The Guns of Navarone (1961)
Thank God, you got your mother's brains.[CN] 谢天谢地 你遗传了你母亲的聪明才智 Absolute Power (1997)
Perhaps Lainey will shock the world... by pulling out her brilliance... and erudition at the hearings that none of us know she has.[CN] 会在听证会上表现过人的 才智与学识,叫大家跌眼镜 The Contender (2000)
I stand corrected. You're a beautiful, intelligent young woman.[CN] 我认错,你是一个美丽 有才智的年轻女子 Episode #2.18 (1991)
They also say that the path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.[CN] 他们也说了 通往才智的捷径 Love Potion No. 9 (1992)
She's very pretty and very intelligent.[CN] 她很美而且很有才智 A Tale of Springtime (1990)
Beauty has taken on a broader definition to include mind, spirit, values, ideas.[CN] 美要被赋予 一个更广泛的定义 包括才智,精神境界,价值观,创意 Episode #2.19 (1991)
THEY ARE A TRIBUTE TO MAN'S SCIENTIFIC GENIUS.[CN] 这种不可思议的成果归功于人的科学才智 Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959)
But he does admire her intelligence, her character.[CN] 但他欣賞她的才智 她的個性 La Notte (1961)
Sure, he was charming and intelligent... but he was unexpectedly honorable... and it made her realize... how years of working with detached emotion... had taken its toll.[CN] 他当然风度翩翩,才智过人 更特别的,是他为人坦诚 她开始明白... Spy Kids (2001)
The two cleverest men in London, Hetta, here in my poor little salon.[CN] 伦敦最有才智的两位男士光临寒舍 Hetta Episode #1.1 (2001)
It is a sign of a rare intelligence.[CN] 這顯示她具有一般人不具備的才智 Rosa Luxemburg (1986)
We are smart enough not to buy into the oldest myth running— love.[CN] 以我们的才智不会去相信 那最古老的神话... 爱情 Wall Street (1987)
They never meet but there's a skirmish of wit between them.[CN] 他们从没见过面但有过才智的冲突 Much Ado About Nothing (1993)
Everything about you- how smart you are, how good you are- everything just makes me want you even more.[CN] 你的一切 你的聪明才智 你的善良,你的一切 What Women Want (2000)
I have no doubt you both have twice the brains that I have...[CN] 还有他的才智 你比我聪明两倍, 我毫无怀疑... Compulsion (1959)
If they use their intelligence, get their minds out of comic books...[CN] 如果他们能运用自己的聪明才智, 让他们的思想离开漫画书... Blackboard Jungle (1955)
Despite your present financial situation, you clearly have all the cleverness that makes a successful man.[CN] 虽然你目前个人经济状况不佳 你显然还是具备了 成为成功人士的聪明才智 不过你处事能灵活变通吗 The Resident Patient (1985)
Humphrey, you excel yourself.[CN] insist on defence cuts after that? 汉弗莱 你果真才智过人 Humphrey, you excel yourself. One of Us (1986)
Me, it's your charming wit.[CN] 我是看中你的才智 Breakin' (1984)
You were funny, intelligent, but above all, you were very, very sexy.[CN] 你很风趣, 才智 但是首先, 你必须非常非常的性感 Love Potion No. 9 (1992)
He's called Tanabe, a great mind.[CN] 名字叫田边 是很有才智的一个人呢 Onimasa (1982)
I can make them look like anyone... yet the cunning and intelligence... of the world's greatest espionage agents... all rolled into tiny packages I call "Spy Kids."[CN] 把最伟大间谍的聪明才智 混成一体 名为"非常小特务" Spy Kids (2001)
A girl does not get anywhere by acting intelligent.[CN] 一个有聪明才智一个女孩就很厉害了吗. Matilda (1996)
And, as the sparks rose, the intellectuals fled - writers and scientists - to give their talents to Western Europe and America.[CN] 随着火焰升腾,知识分子纷纷逃亡... 作家和科学家... 把他们的才智献给了西欧和美国. A New Germany: 1933-1939 (1973)
My palace of wisdom was the Sigma Delta Pi Sorority House.[CN] 我的才智 是妇女联谊会 Love Potion No. 9 (1992)
Eighteen months ago the first evidence of intelligent life off the Earth was discovered.[CN] 十八个月前在地球以外 发现了第一个 有生命才智的证据 发现了第一个 有生命才智的证据 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
- Maybe that's part of his wisdom.[CN] 或许这也是他才智的体现 Sunshine (1999)
But it will take you no further.[CN] 你靠自己的聪明才智获得了成功 Your intellect has taken you far in life... Doctor Strange (2016)
Use your wits.[CN] - 运用你的才智 The Odyssey (1997)
The shop is closed. - It s Baroness Ivanoff.[CN] 有种传说,她的才智将胜利 55 Days at Peking (1963)
Why not? Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion's share.[CN] 论聪明才智, 我有狮子的天份. The Lion King (1994)
You know I was a great fan of your mother's talent.[CN] 你知道 我是你母亲才智的超级崇拜者. Katya Ismailova (1994)
And you didn't have to be funny, intelligent, or insightful.[CN] 你也没有必要很风趣, 才智 或是很有洞察力 Love Potion No. 9 (1992)
You know, embrace your ingenuity.[CN] 发挥你聪明才智的时候到了 London Calling (2011)
Behind it was the dynamic Adenoid Hynkel, whose genius ran the nation, whose ceaseless activity kept him occupied every moment of the day.[CN] 在它后面是充满活力的安道诺・希克勒 他的天才智慧治理着国家 繁忙的活动使他一刻都不停 The Great Dictator (1940)
- Well, he's got his mother's brain, sir.[CN] 他遗传了他母亲的才智 The End of the Affair (1955)
There are vast rewards for a man of your talents willing to take risks.[CN] 以你的聪明才智 如果愿意冒险的话 绝对能发财 Octopussy (1983)
She's fairly talented. In any case, writing is easy for her.[CN] 她还有点才智 无论如何, 她写的很容易 A Tale of Springtime (1990)
You kept your wits and used them wisely to get the ship.[CN] 你拥有才智 并且利用这些得到了船 The Odyssey (1997)
- Impress her with your rapier wit.[CN] -以你的才智给她一个好印象 Beauty and the Beast (1991)
They're terrific. I guarantee you they won't want you for your body or your wit.[CN] 个个都棒 我担保他们对姿色和才智都不在意 Breakin' (1984)
- Have we outwitted Donne?[CN] - 我們的才智是否真勝過道恩呢? Wit (2001)


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