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Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, yú, ㄩˊ] snail
Radical: , Decomposition:   虫 [chóng, ㄔㄨㄥˊ]  俞 [, ㄩˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] mollusk
Rank: 6412

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: slug; snail
On-yomi: ユ, yu
Radical: , Decomposition:     

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[yú, ㄩˊ, ] snail #128,249 [Add to Longdo]
[kuò yú, ㄎㄨㄛˋ ㄩˊ,  ] a slug [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
[なめくじ, namekuji] (n) (uk) slug [Add to Longdo]
[なめくじうお;ナメクジウオ, namekujiuo ; namekujiuo] (n) (uk) lancelet; amphioxus [Add to Longdo]

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Damn slugs, look at this.[CN] 该死的蛞 来看 Bernard and Doris (2006)
Yeah.[CN] - 蛞是在他死了以后 The Dude in the Dam (2013)
Slugs ! He created slugs.[CN] 他创造了蛞 Time Bandits (1981)
It shoots slugs too, but you wouldn't hit anything.[CN] 它拍摄蛞太, 但你不会撞到任何东西。 Blue Ruin (2013)
And now I have a whole book.[CN] 所以你给了我满满一本全是蛞的书 Wetlands (2013)
Now I bet you that when we pull the slugs from Jacobs tonight, that we have a match with these other two crime scenes.[CN] 现在,我打赌你,当我们拉 从今晚雅各布蛞, 我们有一个匹配 这些其他两个犯罪现场。 Caught in the Crossfire (2010)
Beneath the breaking sea ice, a predatory sea slug flies through the water on translucent wings.[CN] 在碎裂海冰之下 一种掠食性海蛤 用半透明的翅膀在水中飞翔 Spring (2011)
The briefcase is a metaphor for the relationship.[CN] 公事包是这个关系的隐 Bowfinger (1999)
A normal English salad not fit for human consumption, even if you remove the slugs and add a dash of the extraordinary, a bit of mayonnaise.[CN] 一個正常的英國式沙拉 不適合供人食用, 即使你刪除了蛞 並添加過人的調味, 一點蛋黃醬 To Sir, with Love (1967)
When they get the slugs out run them over to the lab for ballistics.[CN] 当他们得到的蛞... 运行它们到实验室,弹道。 Death Wish (1974)
The lancelet, which resembles the pikala, is thought to be the evolutionary precursor of the fish.[CN] 类似鼠免科的蛞鱼 被认为是鱼类进化的先驱 Origins of Life (2001)
Sea slugs, being both male and female, formed a mating chain.[CN] 雌雄同体的海蛞 形成一种交配链 Origins of Life (2001)
- Slugs.[CN] -蛞 Time Bandits (1981)
-Big mother slug, maybe.[CN] - 可能是一条母的大蛞 Tremors (1990)
Now, I bet you that when we pull the slugs from Jacobs tonight, that we have a match with these other two crime scenes.[CN] 现在,我打赌你,当我们拉 从今晚雅各布蛞, 我们有一个与这些匹配 另外两名犯罪现场。 Caught in the Crossfire (2010)
And cause your slugs to go out with a bang.[CN] - 然后让你的蛞们性致大发 The Dude in the Dam (2013)
Slipped in slug slime and separated my septum.[CN] 滑倒在蛞粘液里,把横膈膜弄伤了 Pixie Hollow Games (2011)
Perhaps the chemicals contained in the marrow will match what Dr. Hodgins finds in the slugs.[CN] 或许骨髓里的化学物质会符合 Hodgins博士在蛞里找到的东西 The Dude in the Dam (2013)
I thought you were interested in slugs.[CN] 我以为你对蛞感兴趣呢 Wetlands (2013)
Yeah, it's from the leopard slugs all over him.[CN] - 是他满身的豹践蛞 The Dude in the Dam (2013)
Yeah, but there's no evidence the slugs ingested testosterone.[CN] - 是啊 但是蛞没有服用睾酮的迹象啊 The Dude in the Dam (2013)
Slugs. Is this an allusion to my butt hole?[CN] 这是在影射我的肛门吗 Wetlands (2013)
There are hunters here too, like these nudibranchs, or sea slugs.[CN] 这里也有掠食动物 例如这些海蛞 Creatures of the Deep (2009)
Any word from your pureed slugs on what caused their orgy?[CN] 你那些被捣烂的蛞有没有告诉你 为什么它们这么性致高昂啊 The Dude in the Dam (2013)
Wendell, I told you to wait. Excretions from the leopard slug are a natural glue.[CN] Wendell 我叫你等我的 豹纹蛞的分泌物是天然胶水 The Dude in the Dam (2013)
One slug chewed up the liver.[CN] 一个蛞咀嚼肝脏。 Death Wish (1974)
There are over 3, 000 species, many hunt just one specific prey.[CN] 海蛞有三千多个品种 许多专门猎捕一种猎物 Creatures of the Deep (2009)
Heart-shaped box of slugs.[CN] 装满蛞的心型盒 Shrek Forever After (2010)
Therefore, he is reborn as a banana slug.[CN] 所以 他会转世投胎成 一个香蕉蛞 The Classified Materials Turbulence (2009)


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