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骨质疏松[gǔ zhì shū sōng, ㄍㄨˇ ㄓˋ ㄕㄨ ㄙㄨㄥ,     /    ] osteoporosis [Add to Longdo]
骨质疏松[gǔ zhì shū sōng zhèng, ㄍㄨˇ ㄓˋ ㄕㄨ ㄙㄨㄥ ㄓㄥˋ,      /     ] osteoporosis [Add to Longdo]

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I've got osteoporosis.[CN] 我有骨质疏松 Red Road (2006)
Osteopenia, messing his bones up.[CN] 骨质疏松, 搞垮了他的骨骼 Sports Medicine (2005)
It's weakened, but it's not osteoporotic yet.[CN] 虽然很脆弱,但并未到骨质疏松 Forever Young (2002)
They hear "aging", "brittle bones", "loss of sexual desire".[CN] 她们认为那是"衰老" "骨质疏松" "缺少性欲" Now You Know (2007)
I don't make a particular protein very well... and it makes my bones very low in density.[CN] 我无法制造某种蛋白质,所以我的骨质疏松 Unbreakable (2000)
Some people get bone loss, kidney failure, some people's testes shrink, and some people lose their sense of smell.[CN] 有些人骨质疏松,有些人肾出了问题 有些人睾丸萎缩 还有人失去了他们的嗅觉 Sports Medicine (2005)
Osteoporosis, strokes, kidney stones, [CN] 骨质疏松症, 中风, 肾结石, Earthlings (2005)
Muscular Atrophy. Osteoporosis, they call it.[CN] 人们叫它骨质疏松症。 I (2015)
Maybe the osteopenia is just early onset.[CN] 也许骨质疏松只是前兆 Sports Medicine (2005)
Brittle bone disease.[CN] 骨质疏松 Fragile (2005)
But if we figure out what's causing the osteopenia, we can reverse the bone damage, then do the surgery.[CN] 但如果我们找出了引起骨质疏松的原因 就可以扭转骨骼损害,完成手术 Sports Medicine (2005)
It's also been linked to conditions such as osteoporosis and diabetes.[CN] 而且与骨质疏松症和糖尿病 等病症有关联 Man of the House (2012)
Is it "osteoporosis"?[CN] 说不出"骨质疏松"这个词吗? Is it "osteoporosis"? Penguins of Madagascar (2014)
Itching, bone decomposing, hiccup, that sort of things[CN] 脚丫发痒骨质疏松胃腩下垂打嗝 McDull, Prince de la Bun (2004)
Oh. Osteoporosis, high blood pressure.[CN] 骨质疏松 高血压 The Kids Are Not Alright (2013)
?[CN] 我们许多人都会患上骨质疏松 Inside the Living Body (2007)
Well, if he's an old man, osteopenia would just be a fact of life.[CN] 好吧,如果他是个老家伙 骨质疏松就是个无法改变的事实 Sports Medicine (2005)
This position is terrific for anyone with osteoporosis, gout or goiter.[CN] 这个姿势对患有骨质疏松症 痛风或者甲状腺肿大的人非常合适 Meet the Fockers (2004)


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