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一起[yī qǐ, ㄧ ㄑㄧˇ,  ] together #213 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Will you agree to go away with Mark?[CN] 你肯不肯跟 Mark一起走? A Better Tomorrow III: Love and Death in Saigon (1989)
We didn't have meal together for a long time.[CN] 我們好久沒一起吃飯了 And Then (1985)
I'm on to you.[CN] 我没和他一起 你连订婚戒指都不戴 Muriel's Wedding (1994)
- Yeah! - All right![CN] 只要 Zazu 和你一起去. The Lion King (1994)
-No. You don't wanna be with me.[CN] - 不,你不要再和我在一起 It Could Happen to You (1994)
- Can I come with you?[CN] - 我可以跟你一起吗? Blackboards (2000)
I wish you'd go with us every day.[CN] 我希望你每天都和我们一起 The Assault (1986)
You go to literature faculty with Suganuma.[CN] 你跟管沼一起念文學部 And Then (1985)
You travel with him, don't you?[CN] 你跟他在一起,对不对? Ladyhawke (1985)
claudio, please, take me with you ![CN] 克劳迪,求求你了,带我一起走吧 Cemetery Man (1994)
No, claudio ! Take me with you ![CN] 克劳迪,带我一起 Cemetery Man (1994)
Let's write it together I didn't see anything[CN] 一起写吧 我什么也没看见? Police Story (1985)
There are a lot of things 3 can't do together.[CN] 民,有很多事 不可以三个人在一起 A Better Tomorrow III: Love and Death in Saigon (1989)
Stop fooling, bring the witness, hurry[CN] 还装蒜,快点,带女证人一起 Police Story (1985)
And, I mean, for all I know, they're in this thing together.[CN] 我是说 他们一起干也说不定 52 Pick-Up (1986)
My dream... is of eternity with you.[CN] 我的梦想 就是永远跟你在一起 Legend (1985)
You two are from different worlds.[CN] 人跟鬼是不可以在一起 Mr. Vampire (1985)
Why don't we go out for a drink sometimes[CN] 有机会一起喝酒 A Better Tomorrow (1986)
The criminal, Gaston, travels with him.[CN] 葛斯东跟他在一起 Ladyhawke (1985)
We'll be waiting for you.[JP] どうぞ一緒に来てください 請和我們一起同高興吧! 今晚請一起來吧! Cape No. 7 (2008)
Inspector, just in time for a drink[CN] 探长,来得真巧啊,一起喝一杯吧 Ling chen wan can (1987)
- Take him away, Tina.[CN] -蒂娜,带他一起走 -不! Law of Desire (1987)
You guys talked together, right?[CN] 你跟他谈了 你们一起谈了 对吧? 52 Pick-Up (1986)
What'll I do with 'em for vacation?[CN] 度假我和他们一起会做什么? The Hairdresser's Husband (1990)
- Is Antonio Benítez with you?[CN] 安东尼奥. 本内特兹和你在一起吗? Law of Desire (1987)
With me, madam?[CN] 和我一起睡 夫人? Albert Nobbs (2011)
I want to catch the corpse with you.[CN] 没什么, 我想跟你一起去抓僵尸 Mr. Vampire (1985)
Unbelievable. You put him with that saboteur?[CN] 真令人难以置信 你把他和那个犯罪分子放一起? The Assault (1986)
This used to be my fixed spot when your husband used to read with me. Remember?[CN] 这是当时你丈夫和我一起读书时 我常坐的地方 还记得吗? The Assault (1986)
- We'II always be together.[CN] 我们要永远在一起 Cemetery Man (1994)
- In the theatre with my sister.[CN] 在剧院里,和我妹妹在一起 Law of Desire (1987)
We hung out together[CN] 经常一起喝酒吹牛 Half Cigarette (1999)
In two days' time, you can face the Bishop in the cathedral with Isabeau by your side and break the curse.[CN] 再过两天你可以跟伊莎贝 一起面对主教,破除咒语 Ladyhawke (1985)
Shi-eun was with me.[CN] 思恩一直都和我在一起 Memento Mori (1999)
-No. I'm going with you. How will you get inside the cathedral without me?[CN] 不,我要跟你一起去 没有我,你怎么进教堂? Ladyhawke (1985)
Them! Him, her, alone.[CN] 他, 她, 单独在一起. The Lion King (1994)
- Well, as long as we're still here together.[CN] -好吧 只要我们还能一起在这里 The Assault (1986)
Come with me![CN] 一起来吧 Heavenly Creatures (1994)
Care to join me?[CN] 要过来一起坐么 Date Night (2010)
She's going with us.[CN] 人家是跟我们一起走的 A Better Tomorrow III: Love and Death in Saigon (1989)
- Can I sleep with you tonight?[CN] 今晚能和你一起睡吗? Law of Desire (1987)
But no news yet would Saline be with the cop?[CN] 但到现在还未有消息 莎莲娜会不会和神探在一起呢? Police Story (1985)
Why can't we three go together?[CN] 我们三个人一起走不行吗? A Better Tomorrow III: Love and Death in Saigon (1989)
No! We split up. Yes![CN] 我跟杰克一起,不,我们分组走 Legend (1985)
We grew up together. He told me everything.[CN] 我们一起长大的,他什么都对我说 Law of Desire (1987)
She wants me to quit.[CN] 我要同我太太一起回日本 In the Line of Duty (1986)
-Not together, of course.[CN] 当然不是一起换啦 Ladyhawke (1985)
My cellmate was insane and a murderer, but he respected me.[CN] 跟我关在一起的那家伙 是个神智不清的杀人凶手 但至少他很尊重我 Ladyhawke (1985)
Miwako, too.[CN] 实和子也跟我一起 Paradise Kiss (2011)
We fly back to Japan tomorrow.[CN] 明天我们一起回家? In the Line of Duty (1986)


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