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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
因此[yīn cǐ, ㄧㄣ ㄘˇ,  ] thus; consequently; as a result #281 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
These groups grew so powerful that local police authorities were overwhelmed, raising serious concerns for public safety.[CN] 其势力远超过了与其对抗的自治体警察 因此酿成严重的社会不安 Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade (1999)
Well, you can if you want, but it won't make things easier.[CN] 若你想去我们就去 但事情不会因此变得容易 Chocolat (2000)
They have alibis as s? Lidas as breasts Betty Page.[CN] 他们有坚实的不在场证明,因此 ,作为贝蒂页的乳房。 Psycho Beach Party (2000)
I used a false name, so we won't have to pay.[CN] 升用一个假名字, 因此,我们将不必支付。 Everybody's Famous! (2000)
Once again I hung around an hour so I'd be the last to get home.[CN] 我再一次在外边逛了一个小时, 因此我回家比他晚。 Romance (1999)
So, you're swearing before this court... that you didn't get your information about this tragedy... from any other means than your special ability?[CN] 因此你可以在法庭中起誓 你是通过你的特殊能力 得知这场悲剧的 而不是其他途径? The Gift (2000)
Is that why the Yanks are here?[CN] 是否因此老美也派人来? Enigma (2001)
So she said to him... you want more caviar?[CN] 因此,她对他说... 你还要点鱼子酱吗? Romance (1999)
So, it's over, it's finished and I quit.[CN] 因此一切都结束了... ...我退出 The 6th Day (2000)
I made the decision that there was simply no alternative... but to give the Russians exactly what they wanted.[CN] 因此我在别无选择之下 交付俄军最需要的精神粮食 Proof of Life (2000)
So he won't screw me.[CN] 因此,他不愿操我 Romance (1999)
So you say.[CN] 因此你说。 Sade (2000)
Look, I don't mind she's a woman... but I'm not confirming a woman just because she's a woman.[CN] 我不介意她是女人,但我不会 因此批准任命 The Contender (2000)
But it didn't change my situation at all.[CN] 我的情況不會因此有任何改變 No Place to Go (2000)
? So it was all a dream? ?[CN] 因此,它是一个梦吗? Psycho Beach Party (2000)
That made her stubborn, too. She never listened to anyone.[CN] 不过也因此比较好强跟她说什么都不听 Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade (1999)
My husband was a financier, so he was accused of embezzling.[CN] 我的丈夫是一个金融家, 因此他被控告盗窃。 Sade (2000)
People could have died.[CN] 有人可能因此丧命 Chocolat (2000)
So would I. Evening classes or something.[CN] 因此,将一 夜校什么的。 Italian for Beginners (2000)
And that's when Spors Illustrated put him on the cover... saying that Michael Jordan has embarrassed baseball.[CN] 因此,运动画刊以他做为封面 标题写着 "乔丹使棒球比赛难堪" Michael Jordan to the Max (2000)
But is that necessarily so depressing ?[CN] 但,就因此懷憂喪志嗎? Bedazzled (2000)
So she consoles you.[CN] 因此她安慰你。 Sade (2000)
Let me tell you something, it doesn't get any easier.[CN] 让我告诉你, 事情并不会因此变得简单 What Women Want (2000)
There... I win if I'm last to get home.[CN] 因此 若我最后一个回家,我就赢了 Romance (1999)
You desire truth in the inward being... therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart.[CN] 你渴求事实与内在的本质 因此请把智慧传授至我心 Chocolat (2000)
Therefore Søren shouted loud: "Come in to shelter for thunder, rain and wind."[CN] 因此他大吼到 进避难所躲避惊雷 暴雨和狂风吧 The Bench (2000)
I swear to God. I wanted you to see it so bad. I mean, that's why we're here.[CN] 我非常想让你看见 因此我带你来这里 The Gift (2000)
So we'd like your consent to keep you for about ten days on a closed detox ward in Munich-Leim.[CN] 因此,在經過您的允許後,我們會帶您 去慕尼黑的萊姆鎮上一個全封閉的戒除所待上十天左右 No Place to Go (2000)
To do that, we urgently need to establish a unified organization under a single chain of command.[CN] 因此关于组织的统合以及指挥系统的统一化 都是目前的当务之急 Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade (1999)
So, she's fine.[CN] 因此她不会有事的 The 6th Day (2000)
So this other girl walks up, totally hot. Okay?[CN] 因此另一个女孩走来,很刺激 Road Trip (2000)
So, I thought if there's nobody at the museum...[CN] 因此,我想是不是沒有人在博物館... Brother 2 (2000)
It led to laws against human cloning and set back the course of legitimate research by years.[CN] 禁止克隆人类的法律因此而出台... ...正常的科学研究停滞了数年 The 6th Day (2000)
And you were left with three small children to raise on your own.[CN] 因此你得独自抚养三个年幼的孩子 The Gift (2000)
Therefore, we'd like to use one of our team undercover.[CN] 因此,我们想派人来卧底 Miss Congeniality (2000)
This was the birth of the Capital Police Organization or the Capital Police.[CN] 首都圈治安警察机构 通称首都警的警察部队因此诞生 Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade (1999)
Drive! So I did the best that I could.[CN] 因此我只有尽力而为 Proof of Life (2000)
I'm here because I'm fired, not so that you can drink.[CN] 因为被解雇我才在这 并不代表因此你就可以喝酒 Rosetta (1999)
This led to a backlash of enraged public opinion.[CN] 因此引起舆论的强烈批评 Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade (1999)
So we planted the evidence of blood.[CN] 因此,我们种植的证据 血。 Psycho Beach Party (2000)
Dave, look, we gave a lot of money to his campaign not to mention what I pay your law firm, so I'm counting on you.[CN] 戴夫,你看,我们已经在 他的竞选中花了很多钱... ...不用提我给法律公司那么多钱, 因此我就指望你了 The 6th Day (2000)
I am familiar with every inch of your face[CN] 因此奴才对皇上脸上的任何特征 都十分熟悉 The Duel (2000)
I decided to take her to the hospital.[CN] 因此我决定送她去医院 The Gift (2000)
As a result, Hong Kong dollars has often.[CN] 港元因此牛皮偏软 As a result, Hong Kong dollars has often, Moonlight Express (1999)
So has the Italian kitchen maid.[CN] 因此,有意大利厨房女仆。 Italian for Beginners (2000)
So he'll be vacating the vicarage?[CN] 因此,他将腾出维克里奇? Italian for Beginners (2000)
So he can rape farm girls and write his filth, while we all croak?[CN] 因此他能强奸农场女孩 并且写他的垃圾, 那时我们在一起发牢骚? Sade (2000)
So no matter where you go...[CN] 因此无论你在哪里... Meet the Parents (2000)
We ate the dark ones. We know you guys don't like those.[CN] 我们知道你们不爱吃黑巧克力,因此将它们吃了 Dude, Where's My Car? (2000)
So we must live?[CN] 因此我们必须活下去? Sade (2000)


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