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基尔[Jī ěr, ㄐㄧ ㄦˇ,   /  ] Kiel (German city) #92,059 [Add to Longdo]

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Ah, Ezekiel.[CN] 伊齐基尔 Scary Movie 4 (2006)
Now we'll hear the closing arguments. Mr. Kierney?[CN] 现在开始结案陈词 基尔尼先生 由你开始 Find Me Guilty (2006)
Jekyll, no effect on target.[CN] 基尔, 对目标没用 没用 War of the Worlds (2005)
'Cause I think what was done to those young people in Wallkill was just plain wrong.[CN] 因为我不想让那些沃尔基尔的年轻人遇到的事 Taking Woodstock (2009)
"To ensure three days of peace and music, we've left Wallkill[CN] 沃尔基尔的某些人决定把我们赶出去 Taking Woodstock (2009)
Olgierd Druchowicz, major, electrical engineer.[CN] 奥尔基尔德・祖科维奇,少校 电气技师 Katyn (2007)
Bennett Ezekiel Marco.[CN] 班尼特・伊齐基尔・马高 The Manchurian Candidate (2004)
Coz, could you repeat what you told Mr. Kierney... when he asked you to describe our relationship?[CN] 表弟你能重复一下当基尔尼先生 让你描述咱俩的关系的时候 你是怎么说的吗? Find Me Guilty (2006)
In Wallkill?[CN] 在沃尔基尔 Taking Woodstock (2009)
Dr. Jekyll, you're wanted by the Knights of the Holy Order... it's Mr. Hyde now.[CN] 基尔医生,你被神圣秩序骑士团所通缉... 现在是海德医生了 Van Helsing (2004)
This is the Catskills.[CN] 这里是凯特斯基尔 [ 备注: 靠近纽约 ] Taking Woodstock (2009)
Ezekiel, take all the pieces and just[CN] 伊齐基尔,把这些东西收好 Sex Drive (2008)
So you need someone to oversee construction on 600 miles of pipeline to carry crude between your fields in kirkuk and the port of ceyhan.[CN] 你需要有人监督 从基尔库克油田 到萨航港的600英里输油管的建设 Pilot (2008)
Please call me. I'm Marjorie at 96...[CN] 请回电 我是马基尔,电话96... I Heart Huckabees (2004)
Diane Lane, Richard Gere, "Unfaithful", she can't decide between shoes, because she has another man.[CN] 戴安. 莲安,理查. 基尔,"不忠", Sorry, If I Love You (2008)
Promise me you'll stop with the Richard Gere films.[CN] 答应我别再看理查. 基尔的电影。 Sorry, If I Love You (2008)
Now, I'm sure Mr. Kierney... will tell you I've been in jail half my life, most of my life.[CN] 现在 我敢肯定基尔尼先生... 会告诉你们我在监狱里蹲了半辈子 大半辈子 Find Me Guilty (2006)
Well, no one's doing one in the Catskills.[CN] 没错,还没有人在凯特斯基尔办过 Taking Woodstock (2009)
I tell Mr. Kierney to go fuck yourself.[CN] 我对基尔尼先生说 要他回去操他自己 Find Me Guilty (2006)
Hey, Ian, Felicia, this is my boy, Ezekiel.[CN] 伊安,弗利西亚 这是我的朋友,伊齐基尔 Sex Drive (2008)
A boy living in New York City's Catskill and thus a lot of matches from film.[CN] 在卡茨基尔 我可以看到很多拳击录影 Tyson (2008)
I'll give you "Gilligan,"[CN] 我让你瞧瞧什么才是基尔干先生 John Tucker Must Die (2006)
- Mr. Kierney.[CN] - 基尔尼先生 - 什么事? Find Me Guilty (2006)
Nice, Gilligan here just flooded the engine, [CN] 干的好 基尔干先生把发动机弄进水了 John Tucker Must Die (2006)
Ezekiel, shall we have a foot race?[CN] 伊齐基尔 我们来赛跑吧 Scary Movie 4 (2006)
New rule, no Richard Gere, no love films, of any kind, actually, try a week of cartoons.[CN] 新规矩,杜绝理查. 基尔,杜绝爱情电影, 任何形式的,事实上,尝试看一周的卡通。 Sorry, If I Love You (2008)
We were in Wallkill.[CN] 我们在沃尔基尔 Taking Woodstock (2009)
You know, a car bomb went off this morning in kirkuk.[CN] 知道吗 今天早上基尔库克 发生了汽车爆炸事件 Pilot (2008)
From what I read in the papers, Mr. Roberts, you've already spent a million dollars in Wallkill, and you've only got until the 15th until your festival.[CN] 罗勃茨先生,我从报纸上看到说 你已经在沃尔基尔花了上百万了 但是你的音乐节15号就要开始了 Taking Woodstock (2009)
I won't let them run you off like they did in Wallkill, 'cause this is my land, and let's just see them try.[CN] 我不会让他们占你便宜的,就像在沃尔基尔发生的那样 因为这是我的地 他们有本事就试试好了 Taking Woodstock (2009)
Let Wallkill have them.[CN] 让他们在沃尔基尔闹腾吧 Taking Woodstock (2009)
Mister Bazil![CN] 基尔先生 Micmacs (2009)
Go on, Mr. Kierney... but you better connect the dots, or I'll strike the question and the answer.[CN] 继续 基尔尼先生.. 但是你最好把关键点联系起来 要不然 我会取消这个问题和回答 Find Me Guilty (2006)
Mr. Kierney.[CN] 基尔尼先生 Find Me Guilty (2006)
He goes by the name of Ishmael Bakir.[CN] 他的名字是伊须摩拜基尔 The Shape of Things to Come (2008)
- Uh, Mr. Kierney, hold on.[CN] - 啊基尔尼先生 等一下 Find Me Guilty (2006)
This says here that Wallkill's gonna have a music festival, too.[CN] 这里写着 沃尔基尔也要举办一个音乐节 [ 备注: Wallkill,新泽西州,靠近纽约的另一边 ] Taking Woodstock (2009)
Some hippie thing got thrown out of Woodstock so they've set themselves up in Wallkill.[CN] 有些嬉皮士的团被伍德斯托克砍掉了 然后他们决定到沃尔基尔办音乐节 Taking Woodstock (2009)
Ezekiel?[CN] 伊齐基尔 Scary Movie 4 (2006)
"and are now in White Lake, New York.[CN] 为了确保拥有三天的平静和音乐 我们离开了沃尔基尔 Taking Woodstock (2009)
The Wallkillians killed it.[CN] - 沃尔基尔人取消了 Taking Woodstock (2009)
Should probably ask Mr. Kierney. I guess if you're Italian, you should be in prison.[CN] 应该要请教一下 基尔尼先生 我想如果你是意大利人 你会进监狱 Find Me Guilty (2006)
The mass for Kielmeyer will be today at 4pm[CN] 基尔迈尔的告别仪式今天下午四点举行 The Red Baron (2008)
Well! If it isn't Bazil! You've come back![CN] 基尔是你呀, 你终于回来啦 Micmacs (2009)
- He undermines the authority of your court.[CN] - 基尔尼先生 - 他亵渎了您法庭的权威 Find Me Guilty (2006)
I'm Bazil.[CN] 我叫巴基尔 Micmacs (2009)
- Call from Senator Skilken on line two. - Thank you.[CN] -2号线有斯基尔肯参议员打来的电话 Lions for Lambs (2007)
I don't know. White Lake sounds better than Wallkill.[CN] 我不知道哎 白湖听起来比沃尔基尔好多了 Taking Woodstock (2009)
Mr. Kierney, I'm not used to being interrupted.[CN] 基尔尼先生 我很不习惯被打断 Find Me Guilty (2006)
Ezekiel, where are you?[CN] 伊齐基尔 你在哪儿 Scary Movie 4 (2006)


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