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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
接送[jiē sòng, ㄐㄧㄝ ㄙㄨㄥˋ,  ] picking up and dropping off; greeting and sending off; shuttle (transport service) #13,275 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
All right, when school starts, I'll pick everybody up.[CN] 开学以后 我负责接送你们 Breathe In (2013)
Maryland, we had, like, a two-police-car escort.[CN] 马里兰,我们有一样, 两个警察专车接送 Murph: The Protector (2013)
I am too burned out to go to a doctor, with soccer and Tae Kwon Do, and violin and allergy shots and making costumes for the science thingy that the school announced at the bottom of this ridiculously long e-mail.[CN] 我没精力去看医生 要接送孩子去足球场 跆拳道馆 小提琴课 打过敏针 The Mystery of the Sex Scandal (2014)
- Yep. They were excavating for a new gazebo. The remains are being brought directly to the lab.[CN] 本来是想挖个新凉亭的 尸骸直接送去实验室了 The Woman in White (2013)
Whoever they picked will be the best.[CN] 反抗組織知道你們倆有多重要 前來接送的人一定是最棒的 Synchronicity (2014)
That animal is going straight to the authorities.[CN] 那只动物得直接送去政府机构 That animal is going straight to the authorities. Paddington (2014)
There's no stress in my life. I like driving everybody.[CN] 我没什么压力 我喜欢开车接送你们 Breathe In (2013)
She doesn't have a car, so he regularly drives her to and from.[CN] 她没车 所以他定时接送她上下班 Hashtag (2014)
Why don't you just run him over there?[CN] 你直接送他过去不就好了吗 Episode #1.7 (2014)
A plane will be waiting to fly you directly to Johannesburg where the official release ceremony will take place.[CN] 届时会有一架飞机直接送你去约翰内斯堡 在那里将会举行正式的释放仪式 Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (2013)
Their own cars?[CN] 那有没有专车接送 The Midas Touch (2013)
The white zone is for loading and unloading.[CN] 白区才是接送 The Bon Voyage Reaction (2013)
Could she just go back to the hotel, please?[CN] 能请你直接送她回旅店吗? Could she just go back to the hotel, please? Orange Blossom Ice Cream (2014)
A third-class letter sent directly to Abel Schneiderman's office.[CN] 一封直接送到Abel Schneiderman 办公室的三类邮件 Green Thumb (2013)
You and me head over, send that hamfat straight to Libya.[CN] 你和我过去 把那个黑家伙直接送回利比亚 The Old Ship of Zion (2013)
Drive him, protect him, know where the fuck he was.[CN] 接送他 保护他 清楚他在什么他妈地方 Shalwar Kameez (2014)
And he got it delivered to his house.[CN] 货物直接送到他家 The Book of Shadows (2014)
- No pick up, no can do.[CN] - 不接送 不能做 The Mystery of the Dead Date (2014)
POST VEHICLES TO STAND BY.[CN] 派車準備接送 Olympus Has Fallen (2013)
please board immediately.[CN] 请各位乘客尽快乘上往成田机场的接送巴士 Kikaider: The Ultimate Human Robot (2014)
I do pick-up! I do drop-off![CN] 接送她上下学! Daddy's Home (2015)
But don't expect me to drive you there and pick you up![CN] 不过别指望我能接送 Stations of the Cross (2014)
Just showed up, in an ambulance.[CN] 救护车直接送回来的 Can I Have a Mother (2012)
And has offered me transportation while I'm out.[CN] 还在我出狱期间负责接送 War of the Roses (2012)
I'm just worried about the stresses you have in your life, having to drive all of us around.[CN] 我只是担心你压力太大 天天得开车接送我们 Breathe In (2013)
You should have gone to the grad-school there like it was planned.[CN] 接送她的话 Episode #1.7 (2012)
Straight to the operating suite![CN] 接送到手术室去! Monsters Among Us (2014)
Joe, we agreed that you would walk him to school and back, that we would always know where he was.[CN] 乔 我们说好了的 Joe, we agreed that 你会亲自去学校接送他 you would walk him to school and back, 这样我们就能知道他在哪 that we would always know where he was. Episode #1.7 (2014)
He drives them to and from school every day.[CN] 他每天都会开车接送孩子们上下学 Miss Violence (2013)
Every command came directly from your console.[JP] すべてのコマンドは あなたのコンソールから 直接送られています 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. (2014)
That was maximum for me being able to get them to practice and go watch their games.[CN] 这对我接送练习和看他们比赛而言 算是极限了 Free to Play (2014)
We even send and fetch her from school lsn`t that enough?[CN] 现在那么大 还要接送她上学放学 还不够? The Second Coming (2014)
Your Batman didn't have to ferry high rollers with deep pockets in and out of his casino.[CN] 你的蝙蝠侠没开赌场 没有接送各种豪客的需求 Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox (2013)
WE'VE GOT ANOTHER GROUP TO PICK UP.[CN] 我们还有一组要接送 How I Live Now (2013)
But don't expect Ricky to pick up Uncle Joe for dialysis.[CN] 但你就别指望 Ricky接送Joe大叔去做透析了 And the Life After Death (2013)
I pick the girls up from the subway, and I take 'em to their dates.[CN] 他从地铁站接送女孩子 然后我送她们去约会 Acceptable Loss (2012)
Get moving[CN] 接送到解剖室 行动 Sweet Alibis (2014)
Why all the fanfare?[CN] 搞这一套干嘛 直接送他下地狱 Burn (2014)
I'm helping her with her homework.[CN] 我整天接送 Coming Home (2012)
Plate's up on fourteen.[CN] 接送 Compulsion (2013)
But when he was denied that chance, through no fault of his own, they let him be sent right into the lion's mouth![CN] 但现在他却因为非本人的错误 失去了签证机会 他们把他直接送进虎口 The Next Month (2013)
Dr Zhou took the initiative to employ you and even offered you transportation[CN] 是周文瑄医生主动聘请你 而且还主动安排车接送 Christmas Rose (2013)
Getting fetched and sent at your age[CN] 这么大了还要接送 The Second Coming (2014)
Besides at home and when giving her rides home, have you met Ms Li in other occasions?[CN] 除了在家,又或者接送往返琴行之外 你有没有在其他场合 跟李静小姐见过面? Christmas Rose (2013)
- It's probably best just to take you home, Linda.[CN] 我觉得还是把你直接送回家的好 Lovelace (2013)
Amanda has got a recital! I have to get there![CN] 我要接送亚曼达去独奏会! Daddy's Home (2015)
Mr Zhou said he could arrange transportation[CN] 周先生说了,他可以安排车接送 Christmas Rose (2013)
I request permission to take the witness to the safe house in Zone C.[CN] 我要求直接送证人去C区安全屋 Z Storm (2014)
To develop a method Where they could transmit directly From one person to another.[JP] 個人から個人へ直接送れるように The Ghost Network (2008)
But when they start absorbing the taxi markets, bringing taxi service to any part of the world, driving your kids to and from school, delivering both people and things?[CN] 但当他们开始吞并出租车市场 将叫车服务带到世界各地 接送你们的孩子上下学 既运人又运物 Handicar (2014)


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