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沿着[yán zhe, ㄧㄢˊ ㄓㄜ˙, 沿  / 沿 ] along [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
#Yeah, yeah. On the road, stay on the... yeah. Ooh![CN] 对了 沿着路开 别走偏 对了 Pharmacy (2014)
Straight down the corniche, then left.[CN] 沿着路下山 然后左拐 The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
- Up the road and round the bend.[CN] - 沿着那条路的那个拐弯处 Jimmy's Hall (2014)
Down this side, something. SANTO: All right.[CN] 沿着这条边,什么的。 Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)
Go north along the river.[CN] 沿着河往北走 Winter's Tale (2014)
Our sentience just cycling through our lives like carts on a track.[CN] 我们的知觉就好像赛道上的车一样 Our sentience just cycling through our lives like 沿着我们的生命循环 carts on a track. The Secret Fate of All Life (2014)
My point is, that the lack of a silver spoon has set you on a certain path, but you needn't stay on it.[CN] My point is, that the lack of a silver spoon 也许会把你定向了特定的崎岖道路 但是你不必一直沿着它走 has set you on a certain path, but you needn't stay on it. Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)
the world sea level falls by more than 400 feet, uncovering wide areas of land along the edges of the continents.[CN] 海平面下降超过400英尺(约122米) the world sea level falls by more than 400 feet, 沿着大陆的边缘 露出大量的陆地 uncovering wide areas of land along the edges of the continents. The Lost Worlds of Planet Earth (2014)
Ow, ankle! Zigzag![CN] 沿着之字形跑啊跑 Supercondriaque (2014)
"And on a day we meet to walk the line[CN] "约好了一天沿着墙巡查一趟, Wish I Was Here (2014)
- Up the road, Father.[CN] - 沿着那条路来的 神父 Jimmy's Hall (2014)
I like to walk down on Hollywood Boulevard because I know it's his star coming.[CN] 我喜欢沿着好莱坞大道走 因为我知道 前面可以找到他的星星 Life Itself (2014)
"Follow the path and never stray"[CN] # 沿着路 一直走" # # Follow the path and never stray" # Into the Woods (2014)
Military caches are buried all along this area.[CN] 军事缓存都是沿着这个区域掩埋。 Sector 4: Extraction (2014)
Going to walk across this parking lot... we're going to go up a flight of stairs, down a walkway, and[CN] 我们将会走过停车场 走上台阶,沿着过道 Faults (2014)
I'm, um... plodding along.[CN] 我,嗯... 沿着缓慢的。 Lilting (2014)
Along the coast.[CN] 沿着海岸线 Along the coast. Haunted Houses (2014)
- Down the hall to the right.[CN] - 沿着走廊走到底,向右转 Nightcrawler (2014)
Take that street and you'II see the posts with the lamps.[CN] 沿着这条街走你就能看到一个有路灯的柱子. Two Days, One Night (2014)
The amount was so staggering, so unlikely, that I followed them.[CN] { \fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs15\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0 }数量多到难以置信 { \fnMS Reference Sans Serif\fs12\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0 }The amount was so staggering, so unlikely, { \fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs15\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0 }于是我就沿着数字向前走 { \fnMS Reference Sans Serif\fs12\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0 }that I followed them. I Origins (2014)
It goes from the Mexican border up to Canada. I'll be walking for the next three months.[CN] 沿着墨西哥边境走 三个月到加拿大 Wild (2014)
Right along the I-10.[CN] 沿着I10公路 我们怎么不去跟踪每个沃尔玛会员? Haunted Houses (2014)
Down the hall you'll find some tunnels.[CN] 沿着大厅走 你会看到一些通道 Minute by Minute (2014)
Follow the tracks to the point where all lines intersect.[CN] 沿着轨道走 到所有线路的交叉口 A (2014)
There's a curb along there. Just follow it down the footpath.[CN] { \fnYouYuan\fs14\bord1\3aH82 }沿着人行道边一直走 Blind (2014)
I climb up. Big screws.[CN] 我翻过身 沿着大螺钉向上爬 Supercondriaque (2014)
Into the woods and down the dell[CN] # 去森林里 沿着溪边小道 # # Into the woods and down the dell # Into the Woods (2014)
There would have been billboards along the highway saying, [CN] 可能有 布告板沿着公路 Jersey Shore Massacre (2014)
If they're down this low, it's to say, "Hey, we know you're up and running."[CN] 如果他们沿着这条低,也就是说, "嘿,我们知道你在启动和运行。 " Seal Team Eight: Behind Enemy Lines (2014)
There it is - marching across the page.[CN] 在这里,他们游行 沿着页面。 Turks & Caicos (2014)
Join me. The water is fine. For Christ sake.[CN] 一起沿着海岸漫步! The Forger (2014)
- Up there by the Dane.[CN] - 沿着戴恩往前走 - 在老城后面 - Up there by the Dane. Mr. Turner (2014)
Yeah, but still... you're talking about Schaeffer's ideas.[CN] 是 但你依然是在沿着Schaeffer的思路 Souvenirs (2014)
I gotta go just this way.[CN] 我们只需要沿着这条道路。 Hazard Jack (2014)
Rightnowwe 'retrying toforgethispath, andwe'retryingtocomply withexistinglaws andanticipate futurelaws, whichisextremelyexpensive andextremelydifficult.[CN] 我们会沿着这条路一直走, 遵守现有法律 并为未来行业法律制定献策 The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin (2014)
Down here, make a left at the light.[CN] 555)\cH82B7D4\3cH102D78\4cH00195F\t(\fs35) }艺术指导 乔纳森·李 沿着这里,前面交通灯处左拐 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. (2014)
According to eyewitness reports, he was last seen passing the Kototoi Bridge and crossing over the Sumida River.[CN] 根据最新的目击者证词 目前已经通过言问桥 沿着隅田川南下 Detective Conan: The Sniper from Another Dimension (2014)
Sometimes there are connecting passages where heat and pressure travel along the crust.[CN] 有时有连接通道,其中 沿着地壳热量和压力的旅行。 Airplane vs. Volcano (2014)
Mykaela and I are getting to tag along on your business trip.[CN] Mykaela和我越来越标记 沿着您的商务之旅。 Apocalypse Pompeii (2014)
It was actually the event that started me down the path to becoming this sort of...[CN] 它实际上是让我开始时 沿着小路成为这样的... Deliver Us from Evil (2014)
Take the bride's path.[CN] 沿着新娘的通道 Take the bride's path. Form and Void (2014)
I run, run. Zigzag through bullets.[CN] 我跑 为了躲过子弹沿着之字形跑 Supercondriaque (2014)
Put your hands down. Next to the body.[CN] 沿着身体的怀里。 Welcome to New York (2014)
Every night, I would close my eyes and trace down the boulevards and over the bridges, imagining myself in a carriage passing all the busy people.[CN] 每个夜晚 我都闭上眼睛 沿着林荫大道 Every night, I would close my eyes and trace down the boulevards 踱过大桥 and over the bridges, 想象自己在马车里 imagining myself in a carriage Madame Bovary (2014)
If you're worried about cheating yourself, just make your hike longer.[CN] 你要是想自欺欺人的话 就沿着山脚走吧 Wild (2014)
I walk down the Rue Félix Faure, passing the flower sellers, the fishmongers unloading iced oysters, and at particular cafe, at a particular table, [CN] 沿着菲利柯斯福尔街走 路过花店 鱼贩子们正从车上卸下冰冻的牡蛎 Life Itself (2014)
Maybe along a deserted canal.[CN] 可以沿着荒废的运河走 Muppets Most Wanted (2014)
All right, now what we're doing is we're gonna follow this road north to Mount Tamborine.[CN] 我们将沿着这条道路 北部,山camberlien。 Drive Hard (2014)
You probably didn't come out here to slide off the side of a mountain, either.[CN] 也许你也只是想沿着山脚走 Wild (2014)
Then you go all the way around these docks.[CN] 你跑berkililing沿着这个码头。 4 Minute Mile (2014)


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