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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
液态水[yè tài shuǐ, ㄧㄝˋ ㄊㄞˋ ㄕㄨㄟˇ,    /   ] liquid water (as opposed to steam or ice, e.g.) [Add to Longdo]

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Earth is the only planet in our solar system with abundant liquid water.[CN] 地球是太阳系是唯一具有 足够液态水的行星 Inside the Milky Way (2010)
In 1996, [CN] 你不必有 躺在附近的液态水 像在订单中的池塘 为微生物来谋生。 Destination Mars (2016)
If the stowaway microbes should happen to come in contact with liquid water they can revive and reproduce.[CN] 那些偷渡的微生物们 If the stowaway microbes 如果正好遇到了液态水 should happen to come in contact with liquid water, 它们就会开始复苏并不断复制 they can revive and reproduce. The Immortals (2014)
Like Earth, this planet orbits at a distance where water is a liquid.[CN] 这颗行星的轨道跟地球很相似 令它拥有液态水 Solar Systems (2010)
And... wow![CN] 液态水的存在 Europa Report (2013)
And depending on the temperature of the planet, the clean division between liquid water and air with water vapor in it may not exist.[CN] 根据该行星的温度 其液态水与具有水蒸气之间的 清晰界限可能并不存在 Can We Live Forever? (2011)
We know from Earth that all life on Earth requires liquid water.[CN] 从地球上我们了解到 生命需要液态水 The Return (2010)
And it's because liquid water serves as the solvent, the cocktail mixer, for the biochemistry of life.[CN] 正是因为液态水可以 作一切物体的溶液 溶液是混合物,保存了生命 的物理化学特性 Inside the Milky Way (2010)
Life as we know it must have liquid water to develop.[CN] 就我们所知,生命的延续需要液态水 Destiny in Space (1994)
But the one thing that seems to be absolutely necessary for life as we know it is liquid water.[CN] 但有一样对生命必须的东西 如我们所知 就是液态水 The Return (2010)
No other locations in our known universe have liquid H2O anywhere near their surface.[CN] 没有一个星球有液态水 Battle Los Angeles (2011)
We have finally managed to identify one planet that is the right distance from its star to hold water and is the right mass to sustain an atmosphere.[CN] 我们终于找到一颗行星... 与自身的太阳距离刚好 液态水得以存在... Battleship (2012)
And it's liquid water that's the key to life as we know it.[CN] 就我们所知,液态水是一切 生命的基础 Inside the Milky Way (2010)
Earth flows with liquid water.[CN] 地球有液态水流动 Planets (2010)
We're close enough to the Sun for liquid water but not so close that it boils away.[CN] 离太阳够近令我们有液态水 但不会近到令水被蒸发掉 Solar Systems (2010)
But we still haven't found another planet with liquid water.[CN] 但依然未见第二个有液态水的行星 Planets (2010)


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