มีน้อย ระบบได้ทดลองค้นหาคำนี้ให้โดยอัตโนมัติ: c,; 9y;
มีผลลัพธ์ที่ไม่แสดงผลอยู่ ศรี- | [sī-] (pref) EN: [ majestic, glorious ] FR: [ majestueux, glorieux ] | เวท | [wēt] (n) EN: sorcery ;magic ; incantation spell ; charm ; magic, formula FR: incantation [ f ] |
| 停止 | [ていし(P);ちょうじ, teishi (P); chouji] (n, vs) (1) (usu. ていし) suspension; interruption; stoppage; ban; standstill; halt; hang-up; deadlock; stalemate; abeyance; (2) (ちょうじ only) suspension of music, dance, etc. as a sign of mourning for a prominent person; (P) #1,777 [Add to Longdo] | 利益 | [りえき(P);りやく, rieki (P); riyaku] (n, vs) (1) profit; gains; (2) benefit; advantage; interest (of the public, etc.); (3) (りやく only) grace (of God, Buddha, etc.) (esp. as attained through rightful actions, prayer, adherence to one's faith, etc.); blessing; miracle; (P) #1,900 [Add to Longdo] | 貴 | [むち, muchi] (suf) (See 兄貴) honorific, familiar suffix #2,288 [Add to Longdo] | 学名 | [がくめい, gakumei] (n) technical name (often the internationally accepted Latin, scientific, or Linnaean name of plants and animals) #3,846 [Add to Longdo] | 上演 | [じょうえん, jouen] (n, vs) performance (e.g. music, theatre, opera); staging; (P) #5,184 [Add to Longdo] | 底 | [てい, tei] (n) (1) base (logarithmic, exponential, number system); radix; (2) base (triangle, cone, cylinder, etc.); (3) (arch) type; kind; extent; degree #5,288 [Add to Longdo] | お前(P);御前(P) | [おまえ(P);おまい;おめえ, omae (P); omai ; omee] (pn, adj-no) (1) (fam) (male) you (formerly honorific, now sometimes derog. term referring to an equal or inferior); (2) (おまえ only) presence (of a god, nobleman, etc.); (P) #7,190 [Add to Longdo] | 整形 | [せいけい, seikei] (n, vs, adj-no) (1) orthopedics; plastic surgery; cosmetic surgery; (2) smoothing (bursty traffic, etc.) #9,648 [Add to Longdo] | 対面 | [たいめん(P);たいめ(ok), taimen (P); taime (ok)] (n, vs, adj-no) (1) interview; meeting; (2) opposing (traffic, etc.); facing; confronting; (P) #11,380 [Add to Longdo] | 張り | [ばり, bari] (suf) (1) in the style of (esp. literary, artistic, etc. works); reminiscent of; (2) attached or stretched on; (P) #11,408 [Add to Longdo] | センス | [sensu] (n) good taste (for music, style, tact, etc.) (from sense); (P) #11,658 [Add to Longdo] | 弾き | [ひき, hiki] (suf) player (of music, instrument, etc.) #15,236 [Add to Longdo] | 掛ける(P);懸ける | [かける, kakeru] (v1, vt) (1) (See 壁にかける) to hang (e.g. picture); to hoist (e.g. sail); to raise (e.g. flag); (2) (See 腰を掛ける) to sit; (aux-v, v1) (3) to be partway (verb); to begin (but not complete); (4) (See 時間を掛ける) to take (time, money); to expend (money, time, etc.); (5) (See 電話を掛ける) to make (a call); (6) to multiply; (7) (See 鍵を掛ける) to secure (e.g. lock); (8) (See 眼鏡を掛ける) to put on (glasses, etc.); (9) to cover; (10) (See 迷惑を掛ける) to burden someone; (11) (See 保険を掛ける) to apply (insurance); (12) to turn on (an engine, etc.); to set (a dial, an alarm clock, etc.); (13) to put an effect (spell, anaesthetic, etc.) on; (14) to hold an emotion for (pity, hope, etc.); (15) (also 繋ける) to bind; (16) (See 塩をかける) to pour (or sprinkle, spray, etc.) onto; (17) (See 裁判に掛ける) to argue (in court); to deliberate (in a meeting); to present (e.g. idea to a conference, etc.); (18) to increase further; (19) to catch (in a trap, etc.); (20) to set atop; (21) to erect (a makeshift building); (22) to hold (a play, festival, etc.); (aux-v) (23) (See 話し掛ける) (after -masu stem of verb) indicates (verb) is being directed to (someone); (P) #18,130 [Add to Longdo] | お上さん;お内儀さん;御上さん;御内儀さん | [おかみさん, okamisan] (n) (uk) missus (orig. honorific, now familiar); missis [Add to Longdo] | ほうほうの体;這々の体;這う這うの体;這這の体 | [ほうほうのてい, houhounotei] (exp) scuttling (to escape in a panic, in shame, etc.); scurrying; scrambling [Add to Longdo] | ウエーブ(P);ウェーブ;ウェイブ | [ue-bu (P); ue-bu ; ueibu] (n, vs) (1) wave (on water); (2) wave (electromagnetic, sound, etc.); (3) wavy hairstyle; (4) audience wave; the wave; (n) (5) { comp } WAVeform audio format; WAV; (P) [Add to Longdo] | エジプト文字 | [エジプトもじ, ejiputo moji] (n) Egyptian script (i.e. hieroglyphs, hieratic, and demotic) [Add to Longdo] | カージナル | [ka-jinaru] (n) cardinal (Catholic prelate, number characteristic, etc.) [Add to Longdo] | クールビズ | [ku-rubizu] (n) (See ウォームビズ) cool biz; cool business; business casual (Japanese Ministry of the Environment (MOE) campaign encouraging people to wear lighter clothes and for companies to set their air conditioners to 28C, etc.) [Add to Longdo] | ケイワイ | [keiwai] (exp) (from KY, the first letters of the romaji) (See 空気読めない) to be unable to read the situation; to be unable to pick up on the mood of a conversation (e.g. A and B are complaining about C, and D joins the conversation praising C) [Add to Longdo] | セグエ | [segue] (n) segue (proceeding without interruption in music, etc.) [Add to Longdo] | ノリの良い | [ノリのいい, nori noii] (adj-i) (uk) (See ノリが良い) easy to get into (e.g. of music, etc.); easily getting into (a certain mood, etc.) [Add to Longdo] | パイル | [pairu] (n) pile (fabric, nuclear reactor, structural support, etc.) [Add to Longdo] | フォールアウト;フォルアウト | [fo-ruauto ; foruauto] (n) fallout (atomic, radioactive, etc.); fall-out; fall out [Add to Longdo] | ブリックス | [burikkusu] (n) BRIC, BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China), referring especially to the fast-growing economies of these countries [Add to Longdo] | ホワイトテールドサージョンフィッシュ | [howaitote-rudosa-jonfisshu] (n) Ctenochaetus flavicauda (species from the Central Pacific, smallest bristletooth tang of its genus) [Add to Longdo] | 愛す | [あいす, aisu] (v5s, vs-c, vt) (See 愛する) to love; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 引力 | [いんりょく, inryoku] (n) (1) attraction (e.g. magnetic, gravitation); affinity; (2) attractiveness; magnetism; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 家元 | [いえもと, iemoto] (n) head of a school (of music, dance); head family of a school; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 科白劇 | [かはくげき, kahakugeki] (n) simple scripted play (without music, dance, etc.) [Add to Longdo] | 害魚 | [がいぎょ, gaigyo] (n) harmful fish (e.g. non-native and prolific, etc.) [Add to Longdo] | 学術論文 | [がくじゅつろんぶん, gakujutsuronbun] (n) treatise; monograph; study; paper (scientific, technical) [Add to Longdo] | 冠す | [かんす, kansu] (vs-c, vt) (1) (See 冠する・かんする・1) to crown; to cap; (2) (See 冠する・かんする・2) to prefix with; to start with; to begin with [Add to Longdo] | 基本五文型 | [きほんごぶんけい, kihongobunkei] (n) { ling } the five basic sentence structures (SV, SVC, SVO, SVOO, SVOC) [Add to Longdo] | 既出 | [きしゅつ, kishutsu] (n, adj-no) something previously covered (e.g. topic, question) [Add to Longdo] | 共作曲 | [きょうさくきょく, kyousakukyoku] (n) joint work (art, music, etc.) [Add to Longdo] | 業界人 | [ぎょうかいじん, gyoukaijin] (n) person in the business (entertainment, music, film, etc) [Add to Longdo] | 衿芯 | [えりしん, erishin] (n) collar core (stiff fabric, etc. inside a collar) [Add to Longdo] | 金鑞 | [きんろう, kinrou] (n) alloy of gold, silver, copper, zinc, cadmium, etc., used to fuse items of gold [Add to Longdo] | 空気を読めない | [くうきをよめない, kuukiwoyomenai] (exp) (See 空気を読む) to be unable to read the situation; to be unable to pick up on the mood of a conversation (e.g. A and B are complaining about C, and D joins the conversation praising C) [Add to Longdo] | 空気読めない | [くうきよめない, kuukiyomenai] (exp) (See 空気を読む) to be unable to read the situation; to be unable to pick up on the mood of a conversation (e.g. A and B are complaining about C, and D joins the conversation praising C) [Add to Longdo] | 湖沼型 | [こしょうがた, koshougata] (n) lake type (i.e. eutrophic, dystrophic, oligotrophic) [Add to Longdo] | 五大洋 | [ごたいよう;ごだいよう(ik), gotaiyou ; godaiyou (ik)] (n) the Five Oceans (Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, and Arctic) [Add to Longdo] | 五文型 | [ごぶんけい, gobunkei] (n) { ling } (See 基本五文型) the five sentence structures (SV, SVC, SVO, SVOO, SVOC) [Add to Longdo] | 五明 | [ごみょう, gomyou] (n) the five sciences of ancient India (grammar and composition, arts and mathematics, medicine, logic, and philosophy) [Add to Longdo] | 公準 | [こうじゅん, koujun] (n) postulate (in math, logic, etc.) [Add to Longdo] | 国際人権規約 | [こくさいじんけんきやく, kokusaijinkenkiyaku] (n) (1) International Covenants on Human Rights; ICCPR; (2) International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; ICESCR [Add to Longdo] | 国連公用語 | [こくれんこうようご, kokurenkouyougo] (n) official languages of the UN (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) [Add to Longdo] | 昨年度 | [さくねんど, sakunendo] (n-adv) previous year (fiscal, academic, etc.); (P) [Add to Longdo] | 雑芸 | [ざつげい;ぞうげい, zatsugei ; zougei] (n) (1) (See 猿楽・さるがく・1) various form of arts (e.g. acrobatics, magic, puppetery, sarugaku acrobatics performance); (2) (See 歌謡) miscellaneous songs popular from the end of the Heian period to the Kamakura period [Add to Longdo] |
| エミッタートランジスタ論理回路 | [エミッタートランジスタろんりかいろ, emitta-toranjisuta ronrikairo] Emitter-Coupled Transistor Logic, ECTL [Add to Longdo] | コンパクトディスク | [こんぱくとでいすく, konpakutodeisuku] compact disc, CD [Add to Longdo] | データ交換制御装置 | [データこうかんせいぎょそうち, de-ta koukanseigyosouchi] DXC, Data Exchange Controller [Add to Longdo] | トランジスタ-トランジスタロジック | [とらんじすた - とらんじすたろじっく, toranjisuta - toranjisutarojikku] transistor-transistor logic, TTL [Add to Longdo] | トランジスタダイオードロジック | [とらんじすただいおーどろじっく, toranjisutadaio-dorojikku] Transistor-Diode Logic, TDL [Add to Longdo] | バーストトラヒック | [ばーすととらひっく, ba-sutotorahikku] burst traffic, bursty traffic [Add to Longdo] | バイシンク | [ばいしんく, baishinku] bisync, binary synchronous [Add to Longdo] | パーソナルコンピュータ | [ぱーそなるこんぴゅーた, pa-sonarukonpyu-ta] PC, personal computer [Add to Longdo] | プロシージャ | [ぷろしーじゃ, puroshi-ja] proc, procedure [Add to Longdo] | ベーシック | [べーしっく, be-shikku] BASIC, basic [Add to Longdo] | 欧字 | [おうじ, ouji] alphabetic, letter [Add to Longdo] | 階層記憶制御 | [かいそうきおいくせいぎょ, kaisoukioikuseigyo] HARC, Hierarchical Storage Archive and Retrieve Controller [Add to Longdo] | 学術論文 | [がくじつろんぶ, gakujitsuronbu] scientific, technical paper [Add to Longdo] | 記号論理学 | [きごうろんりがく, kigouronrigaku] symbolic logic, mathematical logic [Add to Longdo] | 逆ポーランド表記式計算器 | [ぎゃくポーランドひょうきしきけいさんき, gyaku po-rando hyoukishikikeisanki] calculator with postfix notation logic, calculator with suffix notation logic, calculator with reverse-Polish notation logic [Add to Longdo] | 自動航空管制 | [じどうこうくうかんせい, jidoukoukuukansei] AATC, Automatic Air Traffic Control [Add to Longdo] | 自動周波数制御 | [じどうしゅうはすうせいぎょ, jidoushuuhasuuseigyo] AFC, Automatic Frequency Control [Add to Longdo] | 自動翻訳 | [じどうほにゃく, jidouhonyaku] automatic, machine translation [Add to Longdo] | 自動利得制御 | [じどうりとくせいぎょ, jidouritokuseigyo] AGC, automatic gain control [Add to Longdo] | 周期冗長検査 | [しゅうきじょうちょうけんさ, shuukijouchoukensa] CRC, Cyclic Redundancy Check [Add to Longdo] | 新連邦評価基準 | [しんれんぽうひょうかきじゅん, shinrenpouhyoukakijun] FTSC, Federal Trust Criteria [Add to Longdo] | 垂直パリティチェック | [すいちょくパリティチェック, suichoku pariteichiekku] VRC, Vertical Redundancy Check [Add to Longdo] | 水平方向奇偶検査 | [すいへいほうこうきぐうけんさ, suiheihoukoukiguukensa] LRC, Longitudinal Redundancy Check [Add to Longdo] | 数値的 | [すうちてき, suuchiteki] numeric, numerical [Add to Longdo] | 数理論理学 | [すうりろんりがく, suurironrigaku] symbolic logic, mathematical logic [Add to Longdo] | 整形 | [せいけい, seikei] smoothing (bursty traffic, etc.) (vs) [Add to Longdo] | 総合ディスク制御機構 | [そうごうディスクせいぎょそうち, sougou deisuku seigyosouchi] IDC, Integrated Disk Controller [Add to Longdo] | 直結形トランジスタ論理回路 | [ちょっけつけいトランジスタろんりかいろ, chokketsukei toranjisuta ronrikairo] Direct-coupled Transistor Logic, DCTL [Add to Longdo] | 直流 | [ちょくりゅう, chokuryuu] DC, direct current [Add to Longdo] | 媒体アクセス制御 | [ばいたいアクセスせいぎょ, baitai akusesu seigyo] MAC, Media Access Control [Add to Longdo] | 媒体インタフェースコネクタ | [ばいたいインタフェースこねくた, baitai intafe-su konekuta] MIC, media interface connector [Add to Longdo] | 汎用入出力制御装置 | [はんようにゅうしゅつりょくせいぎょそうち, hanyounyuushutsuryokuseigyosouchi] UIOC, Universal I, O Control unit [Add to Longdo] | 非アルファベット | [ひアルファベット, hi arufabetto] non-alphabetic, non-alphanumeric [Add to Longdo] | 複合命令セットコンピューター | [ふくごうめいれいセットコンピューター, fukugoumeirei settokonpyu-ta-] CISC, Composite Instruction Set Computer [Add to Longdo] | 車々間通信 | [しゃしゃかんつうしん, shashakantsuushin] IVC, intervehicle communication [Add to Longdo] |
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