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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: gratitude, -gratitude-, *gratitude*
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English Phonetic Symbols

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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
gratitude(n) ความรู้สึกขอบคุณ, See also: ความรู้สึกซาบซึ้งใจ, ความรู้สึกสำนึกในบุญคุณ, ความกตัญญ, Syn. appreciation, thankfulness, Ant. ingratitude
ingratitude(n) ความอกตัญญู, See also: ความไม่รู้คุณ, Syn. thanklessness, disloyalty, ungratefulness, Ant. gratitude, appreciation

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
gratitude(แกรท'ทิทูด) n. ความรู้สึกขอบคุณ, ความกตัญญู, Syn. thanks

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
gratitude(n) ความกตัญญู, ความรู้คุณ, การขอบคุณ
ingratitude(n) ความเนรคุณ, ความอกตัญญู

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
ingratitudeการเนรคุณ [นิติศาสตร์ ๑๑ มี.ค. ๒๕๔๕]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Gratitudeความกตัญญู [TU Subject Heading]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Consider it a token of my gratitudeโปรดรับไว้เถอะครับ ถือเป็นการตอบแทน Portrait of a Beauty (2008)
Commander, I am willing to pay you my debt of gratitudeท่านผู้บัญชาการ.. ข้าขอทดแทนบุญคุณ Three Kingdoms (2008)

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
ทวงบุญคุณ(v) ask for a debt of gratitude, See also: remind of one's favour, Syn. ลำเลิกบุญคุณ, Example: เธอทวงบุญคุณของเธอกับผม
หนี้บุญคุณ(n) indebtedness, See also: obligation, debt of gratitude, Example: ผมได้ชดใช้หนี้บุญคุณซึ่งมีแก่ผมแล้ว, Thai Definition: พระคุณหรือความช่วยเหลือที่ผู้อื่นทำไว้กับตน และตนรู้สึกว่าจะต้องทดแทน
อนุโมทนา(v) say amen, See also: express gratitude, rejoice with, offer congratulations, Example: ผมขออนุโมทนาที่ท่านคิดอย่างนั้น, Thai Definition: ยินดีตาม, ยินดีด้วย, พลอยยินดี, Notes: (บาลี/สันสกฤต)
คุณ(n) kindness, See also: favour, grace, gratitude, Syn. ความเกื้อกูล, อุปการะ, Example: เขาลืมสิ้นถึงคุณของข้าวแดงแกงร้อนจากชายคาบ้านที่เขาเคยอาศัยอยู่
สนองคุณ(v) repay the kindness of, See also: be grateful for a kindness, pay back debts of gratitude, repay an obligation, Example: ผมไม่ทราบว่าจะสนองคุณพ่อของคุณได้อย่างไรที่ช่วยเหลือผมไว้, Thai Definition: ตอบแทนบุญคุณ, ตอบแทนคุณ, ทดแทนบุญคุณ
เอาบุญเอาคุณ(v) expect gratitude, Thai Definition: หวังให้เขาตอบแทนบุญคุณ
รู้คุณ(v) be grateful, See also: be thankful, show gratitude, Syn. กตัญญูกตเวที, กตัญญู, Ant. เนรคุณ, Example: ในการดำเนินชีวิต เด็กจะถูกสอนให้กตัญญูรู้คุณต่อพ่อแม่ และญาติผู้ใหญ่ ผู้มีอุปการะคุณ ตลอดจนรู้คุณสิ่งต่างๆ ที่จำเป็นต่อชีวิต, Thai Definition: ระลึกถึงความดีที่เขาทำให้แก่ตน
ปฏิการะ(n) gratitude, See also: appreciation, repaying a kindness, Syn. ปฏิการ, แทนคุณ, ทดแทน, ชดเชย, การสนองคุณ, การตอบแทนคุณ, Ant. อุปการะ, อุปการคุณ
กตเวทิตา(n) gratitude, See also: thankfulness, appreciation, gratefulness, Example: บุตรและธิดาทั้งหลายต้องมีกตเวทิตาคือตอบแทนพระคุณของท่าน โดยเลี้ยงดูอุปการะท่านให้มีความสุข, Thai Definition: ความเป็นผู้สนองคุณท่าน
ความกตัญญู(n) gratitude, See also: thankfulness, Syn. ความรู้คุณ, กตเวทิตา, Ant. การเนรคุณ, Example: มนุษย์เราต้องมีความกตัญญูต่อผู้มีพระคุณ
อกตัญญุตา(n) ingratitude, See also: ungratefulness, Syn. ความอกตัญญู, Ant. ความรู้คุณ, Example: เขาเป็นคนที่ไม่มีอกตัญญุตาต่อผู้มีพระคุณเลย, Thai Definition: ความเป็นคนไม่รู้คุณที่ท่านทำแก่ตน, Notes: (บาลี)
อกตัญญู(v) be ungrateful, See also: lack of gratitude, Syn. อกตัญญุตา, เนรคุณ, Ant. รู้คุณ, Example: เขาอตัญญูต่อผู้มีพระคุณ ไม่มีวันเจริญได้แน่, Thai Definition: ไม่รู้คุณคน, ไม่รู้จักบุญคุณ, ไม่สำนึกบญคุณ, Notes: (บาลี)
แทนคุณ(v) show gratitude to, See also: pay back, repay a kindness, repay an obligation to, Syn. ตอบแทนคุณ
มักขะ(n) lack of gratitude, See also: ingratitude, ungratefulness, Thai Definition: หนึ่งในอุปกิเลส 16 หมายถึงความลบหลู่คุณท่าน, Notes: (บาลี)

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
อกตัญญู[akatanyū] (v) EN: be ungrateful  FR: être ingrat ; faire preuve d'ingratitude
อกตัญญุตา[akatanyutā] (n) EN: ingratitude ; ungratefulness  FR: ingratitude [ f ]
ด้วยความกตัญญู[dūay khwām katanyū] (adv) EN: gratefully ; with gratitude ; as an expression of gratitude
การเนรคุณ[kān nērakhun] (n) EN: ingratitude
กตัญญู[katanyū] (n) EN: gratefulness ; gratitude ; sense of obligation ; appreciation ; filial devotion ; piety  FR: gratitude [ f ] ; dévotion [ f ] ; reconnaissance [ f ]
กตัญญูกตเวที[katanyūkatawēthī] (n) EN: gratitude ; grateful
กตเวทิตา[katawēthitā] (v) EN: be grateful for sb.'s kindness ; be bound in gratitude
ความอกตัญญู[khwām akatanyū] (n) EN: ingratitude ; ungratefulness
โมทนาคุณ[mōthanākhun] (x) FR: exprimer de la gratitude
หนี้บุญคุณ[nī bunkhun] (n, exp) EN: debt of gratitude ; indebtedness
เป็นหนี้บุญคุณ[pen nī bunkhun] (v, exp) EN: be indebted to s.o. (for help/support/encouragement) ; be under an obligation ; owe a debt of gratitude (to) ; be beholden (to) ; owe a lot to s.o. ; be grateful to s.o. for sth
แสดงกตเวที[sadaēng katawēthī] (v, exp) EN: be grateful to ; show gratitude (to/for)
ทวงบุญคุณ[thūang bunkhun] (v, exp) EN: ask for a debt of gratitude

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)

WordNet (3.0)
gratitude(n) a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation, Ant. ingratitude
ingratitude(n) a lack of gratitude, Syn. ungratefulness, Ant. gratitude

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

n. [ F. gratitude, LL. gratitudo, from gratus agreeable, grateful. See Grate, a. ] The state of being grateful; warm and friendly feeling toward a benefactor; kindness awakened by a favor received; thankfulness. [ 1913 Webster ]

The debt immense of endless gratitude. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ F. ingratitude, L. ingratitudo. See Ingrate. ] Lack of gratitude; insensibility to, forgetfulness of, or ill return for, kindness or favors received; unthankfulness; ungratefulness. [ 1913 Webster ]

Ingratitude, thou marble-hearted fiend. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

Ingratitude is abhorred both by God and man. L'Estrange. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
感谢[gǎn xiè, ㄍㄢˇ ㄒㄧㄝˋ,   /  ] (express) thanks; gratitude; grateful; thankful; thanks #1,110 [Add to Longdo]
感激[gǎn jī, ㄍㄢˇ ㄐㄧ,  ] to express thanks; grateful; moved to gratitude #5,985 [Add to Longdo]
谢意[xiè yì, ㄒㄧㄝˋ ㄧˋ,   /  ] gratitude; thanks #24,649 [Add to Longdo]
致谢[zhì xiè, ㄓˋ ㄒㄧㄝˋ,   /  ] expression of gratitude; to give thanks; a thank-you note #25,341 [Add to Longdo]
感同身受[gǎn tóng shēn shòu, ㄍㄢˇ ㄊㄨㄥˊ ㄕㄣ ㄕㄡˋ,    ] personal gratitude (成语 saw); to take something as a personal kindness #26,401 [Add to Longdo]
恩仇[ēn chóu, ㄣ ㄔㄡˊ,  ] debt of gratitude coupled with duty to avenge #40,011 [Add to Longdo]
报恩[bào ēn, ㄅㄠˋ ㄣ,   /  ] pay a debt of gratitude #41,350 [Add to Longdo]
鸣谢[míng xiè, ㄇㄧㄥˊ ㄒㄧㄝˋ,   /  ] to express gratitude (esp. in public); vote of thanks #47,013 [Add to Longdo]
忘恩负义[wàng ēn fù yì, ㄨㄤˋ ㄣ ㄈㄨˋ ㄧˋ,     /    ] to forget favors and violate justice (成语 saw); ingratitude to a friend; to kick a benefactor in the teeth #48,147 [Add to Longdo]
感激涕零[gǎn jī tì líng, ㄍㄢˇ ㄐㄧ ㄊㄧˋ ㄌㄧㄥˊ,    ] to shed tears of gratitude (成语 saw); moved to tears #55,385 [Add to Longdo]
饮水思源[yǐn shuǐ sī yuán, ㄧㄣˇ ㄕㄨㄟˇ ㄙ ㄩㄢˊ,     /    ] lit. when you drink water, think of its source (成语 saw); gratitude for blessings and their well-spring; Don't forget where your happiness come from.; Be grateful for all your blessings! #69,193 [Add to Longdo]
感佩[gǎn pèi, ㄍㄢˇ ㄆㄟˋ,  ] to admire with gratitude #75,423 [Add to Longdo]
铭心刻骨[míng xīn kè gǔ, ㄇㄧㄥˊ ㄒㄧㄣ ㄎㄜˋ ㄍㄨˇ,     /    ] engraved in one's heart and carved in one's bones (成语 saw); to remember a benefactor as long as one lives; undying gratitude #82,113 [Add to Longdo]
没齿难忘[mò chǐ nán wàng, ㄇㄛˋ ㄔˇ ㄋㄢˊ ㄨㄤˋ,  齿   /    ] hard to forget even after one's teeth fall out (成语 saw); to remember a benefactor as long as one lives; undying gratitude #103,893 [Add to Longdo]
谢忱[xiè chén, ㄒㄧㄝˋ ㄔㄣˊ,   /  ] gratitude; thankful; sincerely grateful #104,381 [Add to Longdo]
感愧[gǎn kuì, ㄍㄢˇ ㄎㄨㄟˋ,  ] to feel gratitude mixed with shame #157,924 [Add to Longdo]
感遇[gǎn yù, ㄍㄢˇ ㄩˋ,  ] gratitude for good treatment; to sigh; to lament #167,896 [Add to Longdo]
没齿不忘[mò chǐ bù wàng, ㄇㄛˋ ㄔˇ ㄅㄨˋ ㄨㄤˋ,  齿   /    ] hard to forget even after one's teeth fall out (成语 saw); to remember a benefactor as long as one lives; undying gratitude #180,616 [Add to Longdo]
结草衔环[jié cǎo xián huán, ㄐㄧㄝˊ ㄘㄠˇ ㄒㄧㄢˊ ㄏㄨㄢˊ,     /    ] deep gratitude up to death (成语 saw); also written 結草銜環|结草衔环 #227,281 [Add to Longdo]
结草衔环[jié cǎo xián huán, ㄐㄧㄝˊ ㄘㄠˇ ㄒㄧㄢˊ ㄏㄨㄢˊ,     /    ] deep gratitude up to death (成语 saw) #227,281 [Add to Longdo]
申谢[shēn xiè, ㄕㄣ ㄒㄧㄝˋ,   /  ] to express gratitude; to thank #238,928 [Add to Longdo]
铭心镂骨[míng xīn lòu gǔ, ㄇㄧㄥˊ ㄒㄧㄣ ㄌㄡˋ ㄍㄨˇ,     /    ] engraved in one's heart and carved in one's bones (成语 saw); to remember a benefactor as long as one lives; undying gratitude #911,500 [Add to Longdo]
结草[jié cǎo, ㄐㄧㄝˊ ㄘㄠˇ,   /  ] deep gratitude up to death [Add to Longdo]
违恩负义[wéi ēn fù yì, ㄨㄟˊ ㄣ ㄈㄨˋ ㄧˋ,     /    ] to disobey one's benefactor; to violate debts of gratitude; to repay good with evil [Add to Longdo]
铭谢[míng xiè, ㄇㄧㄥˊ ㄒㄧㄝˋ,   /  ] to express gratitude (esp. in public); vote of thanks; also written 鳴謝|鸣谢 [Add to Longdo]
饮流怀源[yǐn liú huái yuán, ㄧㄣˇ ㄌㄧㄡˊ ㄏㄨㄞˊ ㄩㄢˊ,   怀  /    ] lit. when you drink water, think of its source (成语 saw); gratitude for blessings and their well-spring; Don't forget where your happiness come from.; Be grateful for all your blessings! [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Erkenntlichkeit { f } | Erkenntlichkeiten { pl }sign of gratitude | signs of gratitude [Add to Longdo]
Undank { m }ingratitude [Add to Longdo]
Undankbarkeit { f }ingratitude [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
感謝[かんしゃ, kansha] (adj-na, n, vs) thanks; gratitude; (P) #2,598 [Add to Longdo]
印(P);標;証;証し(io)[しるし, shirushi] (n) (1) (esp. 印, 標) mark; sign; (2) (also written as 徴) symbol; emblem; (3) (esp. 印, 標) badge; crest; flag; (4) (esp. 証, 証し) evidence; proof; (5) (uk) (esp. 証, 証し) token (of gratitude, affection, etc.); (P) #3,689 [Add to Longdo]
[れい, rei] (n) (See お礼) thanking; expression of gratitude; (P) #4,209 [Add to Longdo]
[おん, on] (n) favour; favor; obligation; debt of gratitude; (P) #6,690 [Add to Longdo]
お礼(P);御礼[おれい(P);おんれい(御礼), orei (P); onrei ( orei )] (n) (See 礼) thanking; expression of gratitude; (P) #12,229 [Add to Longdo]
義理[ぎり, giri] (n, adj-no) duty; sense of duty; honor; honour; decency; courtesy; debt of gratitude; social obligation; (P) #14,002 [Add to Longdo]
お礼の申し様;お礼の申しよう[おれいのもうしよう, oreinomoushiyou] (n) expression of gratitude [Add to Longdo]
恩に掛ける[おんにかける, onnikakeru] (exp, v1) (See 恩に着せる) to demand gratitude; to make a favour of something; to remind of a favour done to someone; to emphasize the favour one has done [Add to Longdo]
恩に着せる[おんにきせる, onnikiseru] (exp, v1) (See 恩に掛ける) to demand gratitude; to make a favour of something; to remind of a favour done to someone; to emphasize the favour one has done [Add to Longdo]
恩を売る[おんをうる, onwouru] (exp, v5r) to demand gratitude; to do something for someone in order to create an obligation of gratitude from that person [Add to Longdo]
恩義;恩誼[おんぎ, ongi] (n) obligation; favour; favor; debt of gratitude [Add to Longdo]
恩知らず[おんしらず, onshirazu] (adj-na, n) ingratitude; (P) [Add to Longdo]
恩着せがましい[おんきせがましい, onkisegamashii] (adj-i) patronizing; expecting gratitude in return; acting like one is doing someone a favor; condescending [Add to Longdo]
感謝の念[かんしゃのねん, kanshanonen] (n) feelings of gratitude [Add to Longdo]
感涙[かんるい, kanrui] (n) tears of gratitude; (P) [Add to Longdo]
感佩[かんぱい, kanpai] (n, vs) deep gratitude; heartfelt appreciation; not forgetting to express one's gratitude. [Add to Longdo]
厚謝[こうしゃ, kousha] (n, vs) deep gratitude [Add to Longdo]
謝意[しゃい, shai] (n) gratitude; thanks; (P) [Add to Longdo]
謝恩[しゃおん, shaon] (n, vs) (expression of) gratitude [Add to Longdo]
手礼[しゅれい, shurei] (n) motion of hand indicating gratitude (sumo) [Add to Longdo]
深謝[しんしゃ, shinsha] (n, vs) deep appreciation or gratitude; sincere apology [Add to Longdo]
随喜[ずいき, zuiki] (n, vs) deep gratitude or happiness [Add to Longdo]
大恩[だいおん, daion] (n) great debt of gratitude; great obligation [Add to Longdo]
頂きます(P);戴きます[いただきます, itadakimasu] (exp) (uk) expression of gratitude before meals; (P) [Add to Longdo]
薄謝[はくしゃ, hakusha] (n) small consideration (remuneration, token of gratitude) [Add to Longdo]
微意[びい, bii] (n) (hum) small token (of gratitude); my (humble) feelings [Add to Longdo]
不義理[ふぎり, fugiri] (adj-na, n) dishonesty; injustice; dishonor; dishonour; ingratitude [Add to Longdo]
報恩[ほうおん, houon] (n, vs) repaying a kindness; gratitude [Add to Longdo]
忘恩[ぼうおん, bouon] (n) ingratitude; thanklessness [Add to Longdo]
有り難がる[ありがたがる, arigatagaru] (v5r) to be thankful; to feel grateful; to show one's gratitude [Add to Longdo]
有り難涙[ありがたなみだ, arigatanamida] (n) tears of gratitude [Add to Longdo]
有難い(P);有り難い(P)[ありがたい, arigatai] (adj-i) grateful; thankful; welcome; appreciated; evoking gratitude; (P) [Add to Longdo]
労い;犒い[ねぎらい, negirai] (n) appreciation; thanks; gratitude [Add to Longdo]
忝涙[かたじけなみだ, katajikenamida] (n) tears of gratitude [Add to Longdo]


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