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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
复核[fù hé, ㄈㄨˋ ㄏㄜˊ,   /  ] to reconsider; to reexamine; to review (e.g. a report prior to accepting it) #15,786 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Upon further review, [CN] 根据进一步的复核 Judgement (2011)
So I double checked the bill and it seems to be correct, so'...[CN] 我重复核对过帐单,它看来正确 Better Living Through Chemistry (2014)
- So Eli can double check her story?[CN] -好让伊莱复核她所说的? -不 Don't Haze Me, Bro (2012)
And I'm gonna want these reviewed three times once they're loaded in.[CN] 载入前必须复核三遍 The 112th Congress (2012)
Tomorrow, I want to go over the plan again.[CN] 不要说 明天 我要再次复核一下计划 Happy New Year (2014)
But I was anxious to double-check the results.[CN] 但我急着复核测试结果 But I was anxious to double -check the results. Aftershocks (2015)
We support that conclusion, which fully corroborates the findings of our own investigators[CN] 鉴于以下反复核验的事实 KT (2002)
Sure you don't want to double-check with your machine?[CN] 我不确定 芬奇 你真的不想去 复核一下你的机器吗 Super (2012)
Police will review your case[CN] 警方会再复核你的案例 Kung Fu Jungle (2014)
But everything you've done to the Gate will be checked and double-checked before anyone stands inside.[CN] 或者谋杀 不过你对拱门做的一切 都会被仔细核对 反复核对 然后才会让人进去 The End of Time: Part One (2009)
I think I can. I wanna run one more test just to double-check, but-[CN] 可以,我想再做个试验复核一下,不过 The House on Telegraph Hill (1951)
I have the investigator on the other line, double-checking the dates.[CN] 还有一个调查员在处理这事 复核那些日期 Don't Haze Me, Bro (2012)

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