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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
莴苣[wō jù, ㄨㄛ ㄐㄩˋ,   /  ] lettuce (Lactuca sativa) #52,269 [Add to Longdo]

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String beans, romaine Lettuce, asparagus, carrots... .[CN] 直豆, 莴苣, 芦笋,胡萝卜. . . 9½ Weeks (1986)
What's a pimple on a Polack's ass?[CN] - 我需要黑麦的做的火腿、莴苣、番茄三明治,Richie Flashdance (1983)
If only we had lettuce so beautiful in the St-Jacques street. You flatter my wife.[CN] 巴黎圣杰克路 有如这么美的莴苣该多好... Camille Claudel (1988)
I plug the hole with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, spices, our secret sauce, I cover the whole thing with a pickle.[CN] 洞里塞满莴苣、番茄、洋葱 香料和我们的秘密酱汁 然后用酸黄瓜盖起来 没有人会发现这失踪的小圈圈 Born on the Fourth of July (1989)
I'm having pastrami on white bread... with mayonnaise, tomatoes and lettuce.[CN] 我要白面包加五香烟燻牛肉... 加美乃滋,蕃茄和莴苣 Annie Hall (1977)
Two packets of spaghetti, 2 sallads, 4 veal steaks[CN] 两包意大利面 两个莴苣,四块小牛排 La Cérémonie (1995)
I sure could've used that basket of lettuce. That blonde of mine...[CN] 我相信可以用莴苣 我那个黄色的 The Street with No Name (1948)
Lettuce, cucumber, ham, light bulbs and garbage bags.[CN] 莴苣,黄瓜,火腿, 灯泡,还有垃圾袋 My Neighbors the Yamadas (1999)
- Ask her if she's got any lettuce.[CN] 跟她要莴苣 Doctor Dolittle (1998)
-It's been a really long day. -I read her 'Rapunzel'.[CN] -我给她讲了莴苣(又名长发姑娘, 格林童话) Father Knows Least (1997)
If you ask me to pick up lettuce, I find some excuse.[CN] 如果你要我去超市买点莴苣回来, 我有理由推脱掉. Earthquake (1974)
You're a good little housewife. Bread, lettuce...[CN] 你是个不错的家庭主妇,面包莴苣 The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972)


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