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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
倒腾[dǎo teng, ㄉㄠˇ ㄊㄥ˙,   /  ] to move; to shift; to exchange; to buy and sell; peddling #47,996 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You know, at those monster truck shows, there's always that giant metal dinosaur that breathes fire and destroys cars?[CN] 总有这个超级金属恐龙 吸着烟火 倒腾着汽车 Minutemen (2008)
I'm going to make myself beautiful for you.[CN] 那我得为你倒腾下自己了 The Fix (2011)
You want me to dig through his garbage?[CN] 你想让我倒腾他扔的垃圾? You want me to dig through his garbage? Page 44 (2015)
Transferrrng old dead bootlegs.[CN] 我是倒腾古董的啊 Transferrrng old dead bootlegs. 6 A.M. (2014)
I can't be doing with all these politics of war and suchlike.[CN] 我真不想倒腾什么政治什么战争 Jackboots on Whitehall (2010)
I used to kind of watch Dad do a lot of this stuff.[CN] 我以前看过老爸倒腾过这种东西 I used to kind of watch Dad do a lot of this stuff. Project Almanac (2015)
Brings stuff in and out of the country, but no one wants to talk about it.[CN] 把东西运进美国再倒腾出去 不过没人愿意讲运的是什么 Inherent Vice (2014)
I mean, I think I gotta branch out, start working in methamphetamines.[CN] 我应该拓展一下业务 倒腾倒腾冰毒什么的 Celeste & Jesse Forever (2012)
Good luck with that, Sully.[CN] 你好好倒腾吧 老沙 The Fix (2011)
I thought maybe you were playing with your dice.[CN] 我以为你在倒腾骰子 Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013)
You won't be the first to go through it, but you'll be the first to go through it on NZT.[CN] 这垃圾已经有人搜过了 You won't be the first to go through it, 不过 你是第一个服用NZT后来倒腾这些垃圾的人 but you'll be the first to go through it on NZT. Page 44 (2015)
He's either on the boat or up with those pigeons.[CN] 他不是在船上就是在屋顶上倒腾鸽子。 Zarra's Law (2014)


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