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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
大家族[だいかぞく, daikazoku] (n) extended family; large family; (P) [Add to Longdo]

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Many ex-warriors force themselves into various mansions threatening harakiri.[CN] 听说有很多浪人到各大家族门前 说要切腹 Harakiri (1962)
Do you remember I come from a big family?[JP] 私が大家族出身だって憶えてますか? Earthlings Welcome Here (2008)
That way, I keep it all in the family.[JP] お前の好きな大家族 Breaking Away (1979)
A big family?[JP] 大家族なの? Shame (2011)
Don Barzini, I want to thank you for helping me organize this meeting, and the other heads of the five families from New York and New Jersey.[CN] 巴西尼阁下 谢谢你帮我安排这次会议 还有纽约和新泽西 其他五大家族的族长 The Godfather (1972)
My father was furious, afraid I'd embarrass our family in front of the family.[JP] 父は激怒しました 我が家族を大家族の前で辱めるんじゃないかと恐れた A Man Without Honor (2012)
All the families would come after you.[CN] 那会是个大灾难 所有五大家族都会追杀你 山尼 The Godfather (1972)
It was a big family.[CN] 之前是个大家族 Love Is My Profession (1958)
Oh, and Napoli? And the big family?[JP] ナポリや大家族の話も? Breaking Away (1979)
I want you to arrange a meeting with the heads of the five families.[CN] 我要你安排一次会议 与五大家族的族长 The Godfather (1972)
All the heads of the five families.[CN] 所有五大家族的族长 The Godfather (1972)
It's just that I come from a big family myself, and it was kind of nice.[JP] 私も大家族で育ったし Breaking Away (1979)


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