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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
宽广[kuān guǎng, ㄎㄨㄢ ㄍㄨㄤˇ,  广 /  ] wide; broad; extensive; vast #14,116 [Add to Longdo]
宽广[kuān guǎng dù, ㄎㄨㄢ ㄍㄨㄤˇ ㄉㄨˋ,  广  /   ] width; breadth [Add to Longdo]

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The net is limitless.[CN] 网络无限宽广... ... Ghost in the Shell (1995)
Civil servants require endless patience and boundless understanding.[CN] 公务员需要具有超人的毅力和宽广的胸襟 Endless patience and boundless understanding. Equal Opportunities (1982)
The sun shines bright, the beaches are wide and inviting... and the orange groves stretch as far as the eye can see.[CN] 这儿阳光普照 海滩宽广迷人 橘子园一望无际 L.A. Confidential (1997)
That's not very wide, is it?[CN] 那并不宽广,是吗 Blue Planet (1990)
Expanding into a larger and larger sense of spaciousness.[CN] 扩展到越来越大的 宽广的意识中。 The Tibetan Book of the Dead: A Way of Life (1994)
Now let your compassion be limitless as space.[CN] 让你的慈悲之心如虚空一样宽广 The Tibetan Book of the Dead: The Great Liberation (1994)
I find my horizons are wider now Alan.[CN] 我现在觉得 我的人生观宽广得多了 B. Monkey (1998)
You and I are similar. We both got big personalities.[CN] 我们有很多共同点 都是心胸宽广的人 The Last Days of Disco (1998)
Today, sir we must think with a big mind.[CN] 今天,长官 我们的胸襟一定要宽广 Muppets from Space (1999)
"and wider than the known universe.[CN] ...比宇宙还要宽广... In the Mouth of Madness (1994)
To guide these lives To guide these lives we see[CN] 生命带领无限宽广延续 Tarzan (1999)
That's good. The world, frankly, needs more big personalities.[CN] 老实说 这个世界就需要心胸宽广的人 The Last Days of Disco (1998)


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