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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
撤出[chè chū, ㄔㄜˋ ㄔㄨ,  ] to withdraw; to leave; to retreat; to pull out #10,824 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You have to get me out now.[CN] 你必须把我撤出 Trust Me (2013)
Red 5, you are clear to engage, but we need you to bell back within ten minutes or less.[CN] 红5号 你可以执行任务了 务必在10分钟之内撤出 收到吗 Tin Man Is Down (2013)
One of the first things that Tom Corbett did entering office was to repeal the drilling moratorium on state lands and state forests.[CN] 科贝特的第一部作品 总督 - 是porauskiellon撤出 国有土地。 Gasland Part II (2013)
It's probably to late to exfiltrate your girl in the Rezidentura.[CN] 这会儿再撤出你在情报站的线人 恐怕已经太迟了 Safe House (2013)
When is the right time to exfiltrate a source?[CN] 什么时候才能撤出线人 Duty and Honor (2013)
You have to exfiltrate me.[CN] 你必须把我撤出 Trust Me (2013)
We did adjust. We tried lifting him out of there.[CN] 我们调整过了 我们试过把他从那里撤出 Big Man in Tehran (2013)
That's... We can get you out, Nina.[CN] 我们会将你撤出来的 妮娜 Mutually Assured Destruction (2013)
So it's a fighting withdrawal to a secure LZ, back five clicks in the vehicle that they have left.[CN] 应该撤出战斗 回到五公里外他们留下的车里 Good Night (2013)
- When's the right time to exfiltrate a source?[CN] 什么时候才能撤出线人 -永远不能 Mutually Assured Destruction (2013)
We barely made it out before the police arrived.[CN] 我们好不容易在警察来之前撤出 Bubble (2013)
Okay, fine. So pull our people out.[CN] 那好 先把我们的人撤出 Surprises (2013)


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