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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: reata, -reata-
Possible hiragana form: れあた
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English Phonetic Symbols

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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
greataunt(n) พี่หรือน้องสาวของปู่ / ตา / ย่า / ยาย
treatable(adj) ซึ่งรักษาได้

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก orst.go.th แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
pancrealgia; pancreatalgiaอาการปวดตับอ่อน [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
pancreatalgia; pancrealgiaอาการปวดตับอ่อน [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]
alopecia areataอาการผมร่วงเป็นหย่อม [แพทยศาสตร์ ๖ ส.ค. ๒๕๔๔]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Alopecia areataศีรษะล้านเป็นหย่อม [TU Subject Heading]
Alopecia Areataศีรษะล้านเป็นหย่อม, โรค; โรคผมร่วงเป็นหย่อม [การแพทย์]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Mr. Benedict's Reata is one of the largest of them all.Mr. Benedicts Ranch "Reata" ist eine von den größten. Giant (1956)
Beautiful Reata!Wunderschönes Reata. Giant (1956)
She prepared a list of things she wanted to give all the people on Reata.Ich habe hier eine Liste von Dingen, die sie den Leuten von Reata vermacht. Giant (1956)
It's always been my aim to try to keep Reata intact within the family.Aber ich habe immer versucht, Reata zusammenzuhalten, für die Familie. Giant (1956)
I know that land ain't worth much... but then someday I just might up... and put my own fence around her... and call her Little Reata.Ich weiß, dass das Land nicht viel wert ist. Aber vielleicht krieg ich eines Tages Lust und bau mir 'nen Zaun drum und nenn es "Kiein-Reata". Giant (1956)
I run Reata at all times.Ich leite Reata, sonst niemand. Giant (1956)
Everything that's in it and on it is run by me.Über alles, was Reata angeht, bestimme alleine ich. Giant (1956)
Everything that has a Reata brand on it is run by me.Alles, was das Reata-Brandzeichen trägt, untersteht mir. Giant (1956)
And I want to take this auspicious occasion... to say that this young fellow here... is gonna grow up to be one of Reata's top hands.Bei dieser Gelegenheit möchte ich euch versichern, dass dieser junge Mann hier der beste Rancher werden wird, den Reata je gesehen hat. Giant (1956)
Tell your client that Reata is my property.Sagen Sie Ihrem Klienten, dass Reata mein Eigentum ist. Giant (1956)
He is to cease using the name of my ranch in his oil schemes.Ich untersage ihm die Nutzung des Namens für seine Ölgeschäfte. Auf Reata wird kein Öl gebohrt. Giant (1956)
How about Reata, Jordy?Und was wird aus Reata? Giant (1956)
No matter where he goes to school... he comes right back home and runs Reata.Ganz gleich, wo und was er studiert, nach dem Studium kommt er zurück und leitet Reata. Giant (1956)
How about Reata?Was ist mit Reata? Giant (1956)
He's the first soldier from Reata.Er ist der 1. Soldat von Reata. Giant (1956)
Today the wish of all of us is that the war ends quickly... and that you, Ángel, return safely to Reata... and to all of those who love you very much.Mögest du, Ángel, bald wieder gesund nach Reata zurückkehren und zu all denen, die dich lieben. Giant (1956)
I'm gonna drink a toast to two young men of Reata.Und jetzt trinke ich auf den Nachwuchs von Reata. Giant (1956)
You're the one. You're the one with a responsibility to Reata.Jordy, du hast die Pflicht, dich um Reata zu kümmern. Giant (1956)
If not, it's about the only thing you don't produce on Reata yourself.Wenn nicht, wär's wohl das Einzige, was Sie nicht auf Reata herstellen. Giant (1956)
Can you imagine you'll ever have anything like this?Denkt ihr, ihr werdet je so etwas besitzen wie Reata? Giant (1956)
We live pretty much like we always have here in Reata.Im Grunde leben wir auf Reata genau wie früher. Giant (1956)
He was the first Reata baby I ever saw.Er war das 1. Baby, das ich auf Reata gesehen habe. Giant (1956)
Roundup time is no time to be away from Reata.Während der Viehzählung können wir unmöglich weg von Reata. Giant (1956)
It's a perfectly treatable condition.และอยู่ในสภาวะที่รักษาได้ The Last King of Scotland (2006)
I prefer the word "treatable. "ผมอยากระบอกว่าการรักษา Cancer Man (2008)
It's very treatable with drugs and therapy.มันรักษาได้ง่ายมาก ด้วยยาและการบำบัด The Itch (2008)
I'm not a violent guy by nature, but if a man makes me walk around in my grunts for two days... yeah, that's greatatjust don't take too long to finish him off, ok the sooner he's dead, the sooner we can get on the escape.ฉันไม่ใช่คนชอบความรุนแรงนะ แต่ถ้ามีคนให้ฉันเดินไปมา โดยไม่ให้ฉันกินอะไรล่ะก็... ใช่ เยี่ยมเลย อย่าให้มันนานเกินไปล่ะ Dirt Nap (2008)
-What does that mean? What is it? -Easily treatable.และแย่ที่สุด หมอนี่เป็น a 2 Some Kinda Love (2009)
Nf2 is an extremely slow-growing cancer, which makes it very treatable.NF2เป็นมะเร็งที่โตช้ามาก ทำให้มันรักษาได้ House Divided (2009)
And it's real bad. untreatable.และมันแย่จริงๆ รักษาไม่ได้ Dirty Harry (2009)
Is that Lily's illness is very treatable.นั่นคือการป่วยของลิลลี่ได้รักษามามาก Dr. Estrangeloved (2010)
- Yeah. It's treatable.N จริงชิ โรคนี้รักษาได้นะ Contagion (2011)
OCD's very treatable.โรคนี้รักษาไม่ยาก Born This Way (2011)
Regardless, coronary problems are eminently treatable.ยังไงก็เถอะ ปัญหาโรคหัวใจน่ะรักษาได้ The Engagement Reaction (2011)
It's treatable with antifungals.ซึ่งมันรักษาได้ด้วยย่าฆ่าเชื้อรา The Dig (2011)
It's a treatable cancer.มันเป็นมะเร็งที่รักษาได้จ๊ะ Last Temptation (2011)
Inoperable, untreatable-- he only had a few months to live.ผ่าตัดไม่ได้ รักษาไม่หาย เขาจะมีชีวิตอยู่อีกำด้ำม่กี่เดือน Head Case (2011)
It's treatable. With time and patience.มันรักษาได้ แต่ต้องใช้เวลาและความอดทน Mama (2013)
Is it treatable?ยังพอจะรักษาทันไหม ? Coquilles (2013)
It isn't treatable.มันรักษาไม่ได้ We Are Family (2013)
When Ethan was 5, he... he developed Kurz, and they... they told us it was untreatable.ตอนอิธานอายุ 5 ขวบ เขาก็.. ติดเชื้อโรคเคิร์ซ และพวกเขา.. Frederick Barnes (No. 47) (2013)
You were untreatable.อาการคุณรักษาไม่ได้ Doctor Strange (2016)
My diagnosis is much worse and, I'm afraid, untreatable.อาการฉันแย่กว่านั้นอีก เเละเป็นโรคที่รักษาไม่ได้ Fallen (2016)
Untreatable, some say.บางคนว่ารักษาไม่ได้ Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016)
Is it treatable?รักษาหรือยัง House Divided (2009)
It's treatable.เพราะ.. Alone (2007)
Reata.Reata. Giant (1956)

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

WordNet (3.0)
alopecia areata(n) patchy baldness
retreatant(n) a participant in a religious retreat
kaffir cat(n) widely distributed wildcat of Africa and Asia Minor, Syn. Felis ocreata, caffer cat
lasso(n) a long noosed rope used to catch animals, Syn. riata, reata, lariat

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

a. That may be created. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. That may be entreated. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. Entreaty. [ Obs. ] Fairfax. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ Pref. in- not + treatable. ] Not to be entreated; inexorable. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. Entreaty. [ Obs. ] Holland. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. (Med.) Occurring before the symptom ataxia has developed; -- applied to the early symptoms of locomotor ataxia. [ 1913 Webster ]


‖n. [ Sp. ] A lariat. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. [ OE. tretable, F. traitable, L. tractabilis. See Treat, and cf. Tractable. ] Manageable; tractable; hence, moderate; not violent. [ Obs. ] “ A treatable disposition, a strong memory.” R. Parr. [ 1913 Webster ]

A kind of treatable dissolution. Hooker. [ 1913 Webster ]

The heats or the colds of seasons are less treatable than with us. Sir W. Temple. [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. In a treatable manner. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


See abolishable.
See absolvable.
See absurd.
See abundant.
See accordant.
See adoptable.
See adventurous.
See affable.
See affectionate.
See afraid.
See alliable.
See allowable.
See alterable.
See ambiguous.
See ambitious.
See amendable.
See -American.
See amusive.
See angular.
See anxious.
See apocryphal.
See apostolic.
See apparent.
See appeasable.
See applausive.
See appreciable.
See apprehensible.
See apprehensive.
See approachable.
See artificial.
See artistic.
See assailable.
See attainable.
See attentive.
See authentic.
See available.
See bailable.
See bearable.
See beautiful.
See beliefful.
See believable.
See beneficial.
See benevolent.
See blamable.
See blemishable.
See blissful.
See boastful.
See bold.
See bookish.
See bounteous.
See bribable.
See brotherly.
See burdensome.
See businesslike.
See busy.
See candid.
See canonical.
See captious.
See careful.
See celestial.
See ceremonious.
See challengeable.
See changeable.
See chary.
See chastisable.
See cheerful.
See cheery.
See childish.
See chivalrous.
See choleric.
See christianlike.
See circumspect.
See civic.
See classible.
See classic.
See classical.
See cleanly.
See clear.
See clerical.
See clerklike.
See close.
See cloudy.
See clubbable.
See coagulable.
See cogitable.
See collectible.
See comic.
See commendable.
See commercial.
See communicable.
See communicative.
See compact.
See companionable.
See compassionate.
See compellable.
See competitive.
See complaisant.
See compliant. See complimentary.
See concealable.
See concurrent.
See conditionate.
See confinable.
See confutable.
See congealable.
See congenial.
See conjugal.
See conjunctive.
See conquerable.
See consecrate.
See containable.
See contaminate.
See contradictable.
See contrite.
See convenable.
See conventional.
See conversable.
See conversant.
See convertible.
See coquettish.
See cordial.
See corpulent.
See correspondent.
See corruptible.
See corruptive.
See costly.
See counselable.
See countable.
See counterfeit.
See courteous.
See courtierlike.
See courtly.
See crafty.
See creatable.
See critical.
See crystalline.
See cultivable.
See curious.
See customary.
See dangerous.
See daughterly.
See dead.
See deceivable.
See decidable.
See decipherable.
See declinable.
See decomposable.
See definable.
See delectable.
See deliberate.
See delightful.
See deliverable.
See democratic.
See demonstrable.
See demonstrative.
See deniable.
See derogatory.
See descendible.
See describable.
See desirable.
See desirous.
See despondent.
See devout.
See diaphanous.
See diligent.
See diminishable.
See discernible.
See disciplinable.
See discordant.
See discoverable.
See dissolvable.
See distinguishable.
See dividable.
See divine.
See domestic.
See doubtful.
[ 1913 Webster ]

Variants: Undomestic, Undivine, Undividable, Undistinguishable, Undissolvable, Undiscoverable, Undiscordant, Undisciplinable, Undiscernible, Undiminishable, Undiligent, Undiaphanous, Undevout, Undespondent, Undesirous, Undesirable, Undescribable, Undescendible, Underogatory, Undeniable, Undemonstrative, Undemonstrable, Undemocratic, Undeliverable, Undelightful, Undeliberate, Undelectable, Undefinable, Undecomposable, Undeclinable, Undecipherable, Undecidable, Undeceivable, Undead, Undaughterly, Undangerous, Uncustomary, Uncurious, Uncultivable, Uncrystalline, Uncritical, Uncreatable, Uncrafty, Uncourtly, Uncourtierlike, Uncourteous, Uncounterfeit, Uncountable, Uncounselable, Uncostly, Uncorruptive, Uncorruptible, Uncorrespondent, Uncorpulent, Uncordial, Uncoquettish, Unconvertible, Unconversant, Unconversable, Unconventional, Unconvenable, Uncontrite, Uncontradictable, Uncontaminate, Uncontainable, Unconsecrate, Unconquerable, Unconjunctive, Unconjugal, Uncongenial, Uncongealable, Unconfutable, Unconfinable, Unconditionate, Unconcurrent, Unconcealable, Uncomplimentary, Uncompliant, Uncomplaisant, Uncompetitive, Uncompellable, Uncompassionate, Uncompanionable, Uncompact, Uncommunicative, Uncommunicable, Uncommercial, Uncommendable, Uncomic, Uncollectible, Uncogitable, Uncoagulable, Unclubbable, Uncloudy, Unclose, Unclerklike, Unclerical, Unclear, Uncleanly, Unclassical, Unclassic, Unclassible, Uncivic, Uncircumspect, Unchristianlike, Uncholeric, Unchivalrous, Unchildish, Uncheery, Uncheerful, Unchastisable, Unchary, Unchangeable, Unchallengeable, Unceremonious, Uncelestial, Uncareful, Uncaptious, Uncanonical, Uncandid, Unbusy, Unbusinesslike, Unburdensome, Unbrotherly, Unbribable, Unbounteous, Unbookish, Unbold, Unboastful, Unblissful, Unblemishable, Unblamable, Unbenevolent, Unbeneficial, Unbelievable, Unbeliefful, Unbeautiful, Unbearable, Unbailable, Unavailable, Unauthentic, Unattentive, Unattainable, Unassailable, Unartistic, Unartificial, Unapproachable, Unapprehensive, Unapprehensible, Unappreciable, Unapplausive, Unappeasable, Unapparent, Unapostolic, Unapocryphal, Unanxious, Unangular, Unamusive, Un-American, Unamendable, Unambitious, Unambiguous, Unalterable, Unallowable, Unalliable, Unafraid, Unaffectionate, Unaffable, Unadventurous, Unadoptable, Unaccordant, Unabundant, Unabsurd, Unabsolvable, Unabolishable

a. Incapable of being treated; not practicable. [ R. ] Dr. H. More. [ 1913 Webster ]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Vergütungsstahl { m } | Vergütungsstähle { pl }heat-treatable steel; Q & T steel; steel for quenching and tempering | heat-treatable steels; Q & T steels; steels for quenching and tempering [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
すだれ頭;簾頭[すだれあたま, sudareatama] (n) (See すだれ・1, バーコードヘア) combover; comb-over; bamboo screen head (due to looking like the slats of a bamboo screen) [Add to Longdo]
円形脱毛症[えんけいだつもうしょう, enkeidatsumoushou] (n) alopecia areata [Add to Longdo]
紛れ当たり[まぐれあたり, magureatari] (n) lucky shot; fluke [Add to Longdo]
膵臓痛[すいぞうつう, suizoutsuu] (n) pancreatic pain; pancrealgia; pancreatalgia [Add to Longdo]


ทราบความหมายของคำศัพท์นี้? กด [เพิ่มคำศัพท์] เพื่อใส่คำนี้พร้อมความหมาย เพื่อเป็นวิทยาทานแก่ผู้ใช้ท่านอื่น ๆ

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