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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
口吻[こうふん, koufun] (n) way of speaking; intimation [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
If I may say so, what I do very much resent Is the tone of your questioning.[CN] 要我说 我痛恨的是你提问的口吻 A Price Above Rubies (2009)
He should be here soon. How you feelin'?[CN] 你也不必用這種口吻跟我說話 Sweet Surrender (2009)
I'm not with Pacheco, so please, don't act like him.[CN] 我不是和帕切科一道的 所以请您不要跟他一副口吻 Tragedia en la corte (2012)
Already learning how to speak Mommy, huh?[CN] 开始妈咪口吻 The Switch (2010)
You said that with the testy bark of an old biddy.[CN] 你剛才的口吻像個暴躁的中老年婦女 The Alien Parasite Hypothesis (2010)
An educated woman shouldn't speak to a gentleman like that.[CN] 一位受过高等教育的女人 不应该用命令的口吻跟一位绅士说话 Switch (2013)
Is that Senator Brandt I hear?[CN] 与布兰特参议员的口吻一致 Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Speak with them as I'd like to be spoken to.[CN] 用客氣的口吻溝通 Confessions (2010)
- What are you now, the goddamn lawyer?[CN] - 你的口吻怎么像他妈的律师? The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)
It was a very methodical way of trying to achieve holiness and early on someone, without apparently any friendly intent, called them Methodists.[CN] 他们禁食、尽可能多地 参加团契、帮助穷人。 他们试图以这种很有 条理的做法来达致圣洁。 所以不久就有人用一种看不出善意 的口吻称他们为循道主义者。 Protestantism: The Evangelical Explosion (2009)
And if I ask my mom for permission... it'll just give her an excuse to act like my mom for once and she'll probably say no.[CN] 如果要经我妈允许的话 只是让她有机会以妈妈的口吻教育我 而且她可能不会同意 Chasing Mavericks (2012)
No, "dag nab it"... cowboy.[CN] 不对 "真该死" 牛仔的口吻 (Max完全分不清牛仔的粗话) And the Disappearing Bed (2011)

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