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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
余孽[yú niè, ㄩˊ ㄋㄧㄝˋ,   /  ] remaining evil element; surviving members (of evil former regime); dregs (of colonial administration) #57,148 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Some people are suggesting that he's joined up with Obote's exiles.[CN] 有人说他和奥博特的余孽勾结 The Last King of Scotland (2006)
you mean a lot of rebellions cinders?[CN] 你是说还有许多反叛的余孽? you mean a lot of rebellions cinders? The Economy Drive (1980)
Chiu helped me to terminate the Hairy Gang in Kwangsi[CN] 赵无极这趟协助微臣 到广西剿平长毛余孽立功不少 King of Beggars (1992)
The Black Shirt bandits are here. Come on, everyone, over here.[CN] 黑衫党的余孽在这里 把他们赶出来 1900 (1976)
Down with the morons left by the British HK Government, we want my home back.[CN] 打倒港英余孽 还我上环乐土... Bit luen (2001)
Ex-KGB cancer.[CN] KGB余孽 Snatch (2000)
"Tung Lin's remaining thieves are still at large here.[CN] 东林余孽潜伏附近 A Touch of Zen (1971)
The last remnants of the old Republic have been swept away.[CN] 共和国的余孽已经扫除 Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
The K.G.B., the K.G. Used-to-be, hijacked the plane and flew it here.[CN] "格别鸣呼哀哉"的余孽 劫持飞机到这里 Terminal Velocity (1994)
I think what Calvin is trying to say is that this Elvira is a person of easy virtue, a purveyor of pulchritude, a one woman Sodom and Gomorrah, if you will.[CN] 我想卡尔文先生是想说... 这个爱薇拉鲜廉寡耻 罪恶传授者 索多玛和哥摩拉的余孽 Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988)
Master, why did you let a Shaolin man go?[CN] 师傅 方世玉也是少林余孽 怎么放过他 Kung Fu Invaders (1974)
Yes or no, you socialist, artsy-fartsy little dweeb? ![CN] 你这个社会主义的纳粹余孽 The Man Who Knew Too Little (1997)


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