umbellate | (adj) bearing or consisting of or resembling umbels, Syn. umbellar |
umbellate | (adj) resembling an umbel in form, Syn. umbel-like |
beach sand verbena | (n) prostrate herb having heads of deep pink to white flowers; found in coastal dunes from British Columbia to Baja California, Syn. Abronia umbellata, pink sand verbena |
love-in-winter | (n) Eurasian herb with white or pinkish flowers in a terminal corymb, Syn. western prince's pine, Chimaphila corymbosa, Chimaphila umbellata |
pussy-paw | (n) pink clusters of densely packed flowers on prostrate stems resemble upturned pads of cats' feet; grow in coniferous forests of western North America, Syn. Calyptridium umbellatum, pussy's-paw, Spraguea umbellatum, pussy-paws |
starflower | (n) common Old World herb having grasslike leaves and clusters of star-shaped white flowers with green stripes; naturalized in the eastern United States, Syn. Ornithogalum umbellatum, sleepy dick, summer snowflake |