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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
野良[のら, nora] (n) (1) (良 is ateji) field; farm; (adj-no) (2) rural; agricultural; (n-pref) (3) stray (e.g. dog, cat); (4) (See 勝手・かって・6) unauthorised (esp. mobile phone application) #19,438 [Add to Longdo]
のらくら[norakura] (adv, adv-to) (on-mim) (See のらりくらり) vaguely; idly; lazily; aimlessly [Add to Longdo]
のらりくらり;ぬらりくらり[norarikurari ; nurarikurari] (adv, vs, adv-to) (on-mim) lazy; evasive; non-commital; slippery as an eel [Add to Longdo]
野良犬[のらいぬ, norainu] (n) stray dog [Add to Longdo]
野良仕事[のらしごと, norashigoto] (n) farm work; field labour; field labor [Add to Longdo]
野良着[のらぎ, noragi] (n) clothes for doing farm work or working in fields [Add to Longdo]
野良猫[のらねこ, noraneko] (n) stray cat; alley cat [Add to Longdo]

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For a few repairs the Shogun would surely allocate nothing.[JP] (靂田) このまま老は とう しようもない 碓も そのらいは 猶予してれるだろう Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai (2011)
These squiggly squares of paper, they are dumb.[JP] 四角い紙のらくがきいっぱい アホくさ We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011)
With hump for tramel The scripture's camel[JP] 歌) 投網のコブは、聖書のらくださ Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)
His lawyer's identity appears to have been falsified.[JP] 弁護士のIDは偽造されたものらしい Bad Dreams (2009)
I won't be the victim of your sick extortion.[JP] お前の恐喝なんかに のらない Halloween: Part 2 (2011)
Our hunters grew restless, and our people grew hungry.[JP] そして ハンターに落ち着きが無くなり 民は空腹をつのらせた 10, 000 BC (2008)
Something, apparently, of an unknown origin.[JP] 何か未知のものらしい 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
You camel jockey![JP] のらくだ乗りが! The Hangover Part II (2011)
- Look! A stray dog.[JP] 見て のら犬だ Heartbreaker (2010)
Sam, do you ever... get the slightest inkling that you might want to help me... instead of doing absolutely nothing?[JP] サム 少しは 手伝ってみようという気にならないのか? 一日中のらりくらり・・・ Life as a House (2001)
Is that all you got, you mangy cur?[JP] これで終わりか? この薄汚いのら犬が! Werewolf: The Beast Among Us (2012)
--Hold on and listen for a minute, will you.[JP] アンドレア 気分がのらない なにか用か? Four Flies on Grey Velvet (1971)


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