ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: ruck, -ruck- |
| ruck | (n) คนหรือสิ่งของจำนวนมากมาย | ruck | (n) กลุ่มผู้เข้าแข่งขันที่ถูกทิ้งตามหลังมา | ruck | (vi) ยับ, See also: ย่น, Syn. crease, wrinkle | ruck | (vt) ทำให้ยับ, See also: ทำให้ย่น, Syn. crease, wrinkle | ruck | (n) รอยพับ, See also: รอยยับ, รอยย่น, Syn. crease, wrinkle | ruck | (sl) ต่อสู้ | truck | (n) รถบรรทุก, See also: รถสิบล้อ, รถกุดัง, รถดัมพ์ | truck | (n) รถเข็น | truck | (n) การเข้าไปเกี่ยวข้อง, See also: การเข้าไปพัวพัน, Syn. dealings, involvement | ruckus | (sl) การเอะอะโวยวาย, See also: ความอึกทึกครึกโครม | struck | (vt) กริยาช่องที่ 2 และ 3 ของ strike | struck | (adj) ปิดเพราะการหยุดงานประท้วง | trucker | (n) คนขับรถบรรทุก | trucker | (n) คนขับรถบรรทุก | truckle | (vi) ยินยอม | rucksack | (n) กระเป๋าสะพายหลัง (สำหรับนักเดินทางหรือนักไต่เขา), See also: เป้ของนักไต่เขา, Syn. backpack, haversack, knapsack | truckage | (n) การขนส่งโดยรถบรรทุก | truckload | (n) ปริมาณสิ่งของที่รถบรรทุกรับได้ในหนึ่งคัน | moonstruck | (adj) ซึ่งทำลายด้วยแสงจันทร์, See also: ซึ่งเป็นอันตรายจากแสงจันทร์ | motor truck | (n) รถบรรทุก | struck dumb | (phrv) ตกตะลึง, See also: ประหลาดใจมาก, Syn. strike dumb | cattle truck | (n) พาหนะขนส่งวัวควาย | ladder truck | (n) รถดับเพลิง (ที่มีบันไดยาวๆ), Syn. hook and truck | light-struck | (adj) ที่ถูกทำให้เสียหายโดยการถูกแสง | stage-struck | (adj) ซึ่งประทับผู้ชมมาก | thunderstruck | (adj) งงงวย | tractor truck | (n) รถฉุดลาก | be struck dumb | (idm) ทำให้ประหลาดใจมาก, See also: ทำให้ตกใจมาก | be struck with | (phrv) รู้สึก, See also: มีอารมณ์ของ | be struck with | (phrv) ติดใจ, See also: ประทับใจ |
| autotruck | (ออ'โททรัค) n. รถบรรทุกของหนัก | awestruck | (ออ'สทรัค) adj. รู้สึกกลัว, ตกใจกลัว, ประหม่า. -awe-struck, awe-stricken, awestricken adj. (filled with awe, awe-inspiring) | dumbstruck | (ดัม'สทรัค) adj. ตกตะลึงจนพูดไม่ออก, ฉงนจนพูดไม่ออก., Syn. dumb -struck, dumb-stricken, dumbstricken | hand truck | รถเข็น | horror-struck | adj. ตกใจ, กลัวมาก, หวาดสะดุ้ง, Syn. horror-stricken | ladder truck | รถดับเพลิงที่ติดบันไดยาวที่เคลื่อนขึ้นเองได้ | llightstruck | (- สทรัค) adj. ถูกแสง, ต้องแสง | motor truck | n. รถยนต์บรรทุก | panel truck | n. รถบรรทุกขนาดเล็กที่เป็นปิดรอบข้าง | ruck | (รัค) n. จำนวนมาก, ปริมาณมาก, พวกชั้นต่ำ, พวกโหล่, พวกธรรมดา ๆ | rucksack | (รัค'แซค) n. เครื่องหลังของนักไต่เขาหรือนักทัศนาจร, Syn. knapsack | struck | (สทรัค) vi., vt. กริยาช่อง 2 และ 3 ของ strike. adj. (โรงงาน, อุตสาหกรรม) ปิด | strucken | (สทรัค'เคิน) vi., vt. กริยาช่อง 2 และ 3 ของ strike | sunstruck | (ซัน'สทรัค) adj. เป็นsunstroke | thunderstruck | adj. งงงวย, ตกใจเหมือนถูกสายฟ้า, อกสั่นขวัญหาย., Syn. thunderstricken | truck | (ทรัค) n. รถบรรทุก, รถกุดัง, รถไถ, ของเสีย, ของสัพเพเหระ, ธุรกิจ, การค้า vt., vi. ขนย้ายสินค้าด้วยรถบรรทุก, ขับรถสินค้า, แลกเปลี่ยน, ค้าขาย, Syn. transport | truckage | (ทรัค'คิจฺ) n. การขนส่งโดยรถบรรทุก, ค่าบรรทุก, ค่าขนส่งโดยรถ | trucker | (ทรัค'เคอะ) n. คนขับรถบรรทุก, ผู้ใช้ของแลกของ, ผู้เร่ขาย, ผู้ค้าขาย, ผู้มีกิจการรถบรรทุก, ชาวสวนที่ปลูกพืชผักส่งตลาด | trucking | (ทรัค'คิง) n. ธุรกิจการขนส่งด้วยรถบรรทุก, การปลูกพืชผักไว้ขายในตลาด, การแลกเปลี่ยนสินค้า | truckman | (ทรัค'เมิน) n. ผู้ขับรถบรรทุก, ผู้มีกิจการรถบรรทุก pl. truckmen, Syn. truck driver |
| awestruck | (adj) ตกใจกลัว, ประหม่า | struck | (vt pt และ pp ของ) strike | thunderstruck | (adj) พิศวง, ตกใจ, งงงวย, อกสั่นขวัญหาย | truck | (n) รถบรรทุก, รถสินค้า, รถไถ, รถกุดัง, รถเข็น, ตู้สินค้ารถไฟ | truckle | (vi) ยอมราบ, ยินยอม, ประจบสอพลอ |
| | | | | ปิคอัพ | (n) pick-up, See also: pick-up truck, Syn. รถปิคอัพ, Example: พ่อค้าขับรถปิคอัพขายผลไม้ตามหมู่บ้าน, Count Unit: คัน, Thai Definition: รถกระบะขนาดเล็ก, Notes: (อังกฤษ) | รถขนขยะ | (n) refuse collection vehicle, See also: garbage truck, Syn. รถบรรทุกเก็บขยะ | รถบรรทุก | (n) truck, See also: lorry, van, freight car, Example: เมื่อ 15 ปีที่แล้ว ผมเคยขับรถบรรทุกเมล็ดพันธุ์พืชอยู่ที่จังหวัดเพชรบูรณ์, Count Unit: คัน | รถพ่วง | (n) caravan, See also: trailer, truck tractor, Example: รถสิบล้อไม่สามารถบรรทุกวัสดุได้เพียงพอ เขาจึงนำไปต่อกระบะมาเป็นรถพ่วง, Count Unit: คัน | รถหวอ | (n) fire-engine, See also: siren-equipped car, fire-truck, Example: รถหวอเปิดสัญญาณไซเรนดังมาแต่ไกล, Count Unit: คัน, Thai Definition: รถดับเพลิงที่มีเครื่องเปิดเสียงไซเรนได้ | ใหลหลง | (v) be infatuated with, See also: be carry about, have a passion for, be fascinated, be struck, Syn. หลงใหล, Example: เสียงลูกบิลเลียดกระทบกันที่เขาเคยใหลหลงในวัยเด็ก เป็นสิ่งที่เขาเบื่อหน่ายมากในปัจจุบัน | รถกระบะ | (n) pick-up, See also: pick-up truck, Syn. รถปิคอัพ, Example: เขาผลุนผลันลงมาขึ้นรถกระบะที่จอดอยู่ใต้ถุนบ้าน, Count Unit: คัน, Thai Definition: รถบรรทุกขนาดเล็กที่ต่อตัวถังอย่างกระบะ | กุดัง | (n) truck, See also: lorry, Syn. รถกุดัง, Example: บริเวณที่ว่างหลังอาคารจะต้องทำเป็นทีจอดกุดังของโรงงาน, Count Unit: คัน, Thai Definition: รถบรรทุกขนาดใหญ่ชนิดหนึ่ง, Notes: (ปาก) | เกราะ | (n) bamboo struck as a signal, Example: เครื่องตี เครื่องตีที่เปลี่ยนแปลงมาจากการตบมือนั้นมีแยกออกได้หลายอย่าง เช่น กรับ เกราะ โกร่ง, Count Unit: คู่, Thai Definition: เครื่องสัญญาณทำด้วยไม้ ใช้ตีหรือสั่นให้ดัง | เป้ | (n) rucksack, See also: knapsack, kit-bag, packsack, haversack, infantry pack, backpack, Syn. ย่าม, กระเป๋า, Example: เขาควักแบงก์สิบให้ รับเหรียญ ทอนใส่กระเป๋า แล้วเหวี่ยงเป้ขึ้นไหล่, Count Unit: ใบ | สวะ | (n) floating weeds, See also: Java weed, floating rubbish, trash, refuse, ruck, Example: นกเล็กๆ เกาะอาศัยตามยอดหญ้าและกอสวะในบึงบอระเพ็ด, Thai Definition: ผักหญ้า ต้นผักหรือสิ่งต่างๆ ที่ลอยอยู่ในน้ำ | ตะเฆ่ | (n) barrow, See also: trolley, two-wheeled handcart, luggage barrow, two or four-wheeled truck for hauling logs, Syn. รถสาลี่, รถลากเข็น, Example: เขาใช้ตะเฆ่ขนของ, Count Unit: คัน, Thai Definition: เครื่องลากเข็นของหนัก รูปเตี้ยๆ มีล้อ | รถดับเพลิง | (n) fire engine, See also: fire truck, Example: เกิดเหตุเพลิงไหม้ แต่ไม่มีรถดับเพลิงไปดับไฟเลยสักคันเดียว, Count Unit: คัน | รถสิบล้อ | (n) ten - wheeled truck, See also: ten wheeler, truck, Syn. รถบรรทุก, Example: ภารกิจประจำวันของเขาไม่มีอะไรมาก นอกจากการคุมคิวรถสิบล้อ, Count Unit: คัน | กระบะ | (n) pick-up, See also: pickup, pick-up truck, Syn. รถกระบะ, Example: เดี๋ยวนี้คนไทยหันมานิยมขับกระบะกันมากยิ่งขึ้น, Count Unit: คัน, Thai Definition: ชื่อรถชนิดหนึ่งใช้บรรทุกสิ่งของ ทำตัวถังเป็นรูปอย่างกระบะ | ทุบตี | (v) beat, See also: struck, hit, Syn. ทำร้าย, ตบตี, Thai Definition: ทำร้ายร่างกาย | สะเทือนใจ | (v) be touched, See also: be deeply moved or affected, be struck deeply, Example: ภาพแม่ลูกนอนกอดกันตายชวนให้สะเทือนใจ, Thai Definition: มีจิตใจหวั่นไหวอย่างแรงและรวดเร็วในเมื่อมีสิ่งที่น่าพอใจหรือไม่น่าพอใจมากระทบ (มักใช้เป็นสามัญในทางที่ไม่พอใจ) |
| ชมเปาะ | [chom pǿ] (v, exp) EN: pay steady compliments (to) ; be profuse in praise ; admire without reserve ; praise without reserve ; be struck with admiration FR: amadouer | อึ้ง | [eung] (v) EN: be struck dumb ; be speechless ; be tongue-tied ; be silent FR: être interdit ; être interloqué | พืชล้มลุก | [pheūt lomluk] (n, exp) EN: annual crops ; annual ; vegetables ; truck crops FR: plante annuelle [ f ] ; plante bisannuelle [ f ] ; culture maraîchère [ f ] ; légumes [ mpl ] | รถบรรทุก | [rotbanthuk] (n) EN: lorry ; truck (Am.) ; freight car ; van FR: camion [ m ] ; poids lourd [ m ] | รถดับเพลิง | [rot dapphloēng] (n, exp) EN: fire engine ; fire truck FR: autopompe [ f ] ; véhicule d'incendie [ f ] ; voiture de pompiers [ f ] | รถหกล้อ | [rot hok-lø] (n, exp) EN: six-wheeled truck ; six wheeler FR: camion 6 roues [ m ] | รถอีแต๋น | [rot ī-taen] (n, exp) EN: E-taen ; E-taen farm tractor ; farmer's truck ; motorized cart | รถเกษตร | [rot kasēt] (n, exp) EN: farm truck ; farmer's truck ; E-taen ; E-taen farm tractor ; motorized cart | รถเกษตรกรรม | [rot kasēttrakam = rot kasēttakam] (n, exp) EN: E-taen ; E-taen farm tractor ; farmer's truck ; motorized cart | รถเกษตรกร | [rot kasēttrakøn = rot kasettakon] (n, exp) EN: E-taen ; E-taen farm tractor ; farmer's truck ; motorized cart | รถขยะ | [rot khaya] (n, exp) EN: dustcart ; garbage truck (Am.) ; refuse truck FR: camion-poubelle [ m ] ; camion poubelle [ m ] | รถขนขยะ | [rot khon khaya] (n, exp) EN: refuse collection vehicle ; garbage truck | รถเครน | [rot khrēn] (n, exp) EN: crane truck | รถโกดัง | [rot kōdang] (n) EN: lorry ; truck (Am.) | รถกระบะ | [rot kraba] (n) EN: pick-up ; pickup ; pick-up truck FR: pick-up [ n ] (anglic.) | รถลาก | [rotlāk] (n, exp) EN: recovery vehicle ; breakdown lorry ; tow truck FR: dépanneuse [ f ] | รถลากพาเลท | [rotlāk phālet] (n, exp) EN: hand pallet truck | รถพ่วง | [rot phūang] (n) EN: articulated lorry ; trailer truck (Am.) ; caravan ; trailer ; truck tractor FR: remorque [ f ] ; semi-remorque [ m ] ; poids lourd [ m ] | รถปิคอัพ | [rot pik-ap] (n, exp) EN: pick-up ; pickup ; pick-up truck FR: pick-up [ n ] (anglic.) | รถสิบล้อ | [rot sip-lø] (n, exp) EN: ten-wheeled truck ; ten wheeler ; heavy lorry FR: camion 10 roues [ m ] ; camion à triple essieu [ m ] | รถไทยแลนด์ | [rot Thailaēn] (n, exp) EN: E-taen ; E-taen farm tractor ; farmer's truck ; motorized cart | รถหวอ | [rot wø] (n) EN: siren-equipped car ; ambulance ; police car ; fire-engine ; fire-truck FR: véhicule muni d'une sirène [ m ] ; véhicule d'intervention rapide [ m ] ; ambulance [ f ] ; voiture de police [ f ] ; camion de pompiers [ m ] | รถยก | [rotyok] (n, exp) EN: forklift ; forklift truck FR: fourche d'élévation [ f ] | สวะ | [sawa] (n) EN: rubbish ; trash ; refuse ; ruck FR: rebut [ m ] ; déchet [ m ] | ทำไร่ | [thamrai] (v) EN: farm ; do farming ; do crop-farming ; do truck farming ; grow plant crops ; grow field crops ; work in the field FR: travailler aux champs |
| | | bruckenthalia | (n) a genus containing only one species: spike heath, Syn. genus Bruckenthalia | bruckner | (n) Austrian organist and composer of romantic music (1824-1896), Syn. Anton Bruckner | delbruck | (n) United States biologist (born in Germany) who studied how viruses infect living cells (1906-1981), Syn. Max Delbruck | delivery truck | (n) a van suitable for delivering goods or services to customers, Syn. panel truck, delivery van | dump truck | (n) truck whose contents can be emptied without handling; the front end of the platform can be pneumatically raised so that the load is discharged by gravity, Syn. tipper, tipper truck, dumper, tipper lorry, tip truck | garbage truck | (n) a truck for collecting domestic refuse, Syn. dustcart | hand truck | (n) a handcart that has a frame with two low wheels and a ledge at the bottom and handles at the top; used to move crates or other heavy objects, Syn. truck | innsbruck | (n) city in southwestern Austria; known as a summer and winter resort | ladder truck | (n) a fire engine carrying ladders, Syn. aerial ladder truck | laundry truck | (n) van that picks up and delivers laundry | ruck | (n) a crowd especially of ordinary or undistinguished persons or things, Syn. herd | ruckle | (v) make a hoarse, rattling sound | sound truck | (n) a truck equipped with a loudspeaker and used for advertising | stage-struck | (adj) infatuated with or enthralled by the theater especially the desire to act | tow truck | (n) a truck equipped to hoist and pull wrecked cars (or to remove cars from no-parking zones), Syn. tow car, wrecker | trailer truck | (n) a truck consisting of a tractor and trailer together, Syn. trucking rig, rig, articulated lorry, tractor trailer, semi | truck | (n) an automotive vehicle suitable for hauling, Syn. motortruck | truck | (v) convey (goods etc.) by truck | truckage | (n) a fee charged for transporting goods by truckage | truck bed | (n) the floor or bottom of a wagon or truck or trailer | truck dealer | (n) a firm that sells and buys trucks | truck farm | (n) a farm where vegetables are grown for market, Syn. truck garden | truck farming | (n) growing vegetables for the market | trucking company | (n) a company that ships goods or possessions by truck | trucking industry | (n) an industry that provides transportation for commercial products | truckle | (v) yield to out of weakness | truckling | (n) the act of obeying meanly (especially obeying in a humble manner or for unworthy reasons) | truck stop | (n) a roadside service station (and restaurant) that caters to truck drivers | truck traffic | (n) trucks coming and going | wonder-struck | (adj) affected by or overcome with wonder | apple polisher | (n) someone who humbles himself as a sign of respect; who behaves as if he had no self-respect, Syn. groveler, groveller, fawner, truckler, bootlicker | backpack | (n) a bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder, Syn. back pack, packsack, knapsack, rucksack, haversack | commotion | (n) the act of making a noisy disturbance, Syn. ruction, rumpus, din, tumult, ruckus | fawn | (v) try to gain favor by cringing or flattering, Syn. toady, suck up, kowtow, truckle, bootlick, kotow | fire engine | (n) any of various large trucks that carry firemen and equipment to the site of a fire, Syn. fire truck | hauling | (n) the activity of transporting goods by truck, Syn. trucking, truckage | lunatic | (adj) insane and believed to be affected by the phases of the moon, Syn. moonstruck | panicky | (adj) thrown into a state of intense fear or desperation, Syn. panic-stricken, terrified, frightened, panicked, panic-struck | pickup | (n) a light truck with an open body and low sides and a tailboard, Syn. pickup truck | produce | (n) fresh fruits and vegetable grown for the market, Syn. green goods, green groceries, garden truck | pucker | (n) an irregular fold in an otherwise even surface (as in cloth), Syn. ruck | pucker | (v) become wrinkled or drawn together, Syn. ruck, ruck up | spike heath | (n) small evergreen mat-forming shrub of southern Europe and Asia Minor having stiff stems and terminal clusters of small bell-shaped flowers, Syn. Bruckenthalia spiculifolia | sunlit | (adj) lighted by sunlight; ; - Wallace Stegner, Syn. sunstruck | teamster | (n) someone who drives a truck as an occupation, Syn. trucker, truck driver | terror-stricken | (adj) struck or filled with terror, Syn. terror-struck | trundle bed | (n) a low bed to be slid under a higher bed, Syn. trundle, truckle bed, truckle | wrinkle | (v) make wrinkles or creases on a smooth surface; make a pressed, folded or wrinkled line in, Syn. scrunch, ruckle, crinkle, crease, crisp, scrunch up |
| Awe-struck | a. Struck with awe. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ] | Bissell truck | A truck for railroad rolling stock, consisting of two ordinary axle boxes sliding in guides attached to a triangular frame; -- called also pony truck. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ] | Bruckeled | a. Wet and dirty; begrimed. [ Obs. or Dial. ] Herrick. [ 1913 Webster ] | dump truck | n. a truck, usually with an open top, the carrying bopdy of which can be tilted so as to emptied its contents without handling. Syn. -- dumper. [ WordNet 1.5 ] | Heartstruck | a. 1. Driven to the heart; infixed in the mind. “His heartstruck injuries.” Shak. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. Shocked with pain, fear, or remorse; dismayed; heartstricken. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ] | hook and ladder | n. A firefighting truck equipped with a ladder extendable to great length, for access to the upper stories of buildings; it also carries other firefighting equipment; called also ladder truck. [ PJC ] Variants: hook and ladder truck, hook-and-ladder truck | Horror-struck | a. Horror-stricken; horrified. M. Arnold. [ 1913 Webster ] | ladder truck | n. Same as hook-and-ladder company, hook-and-ladder truck. [ PJC ] Variants: ladder company | Light-struck | a. (Photog.) Damaged by accidental exposure to light; light-fogged; -- said of plates or films. [ Webster 1913 Suppl. ] | Moonstruck | a. 1. Mentally affected or deranged by the supposed influence of the moon; lunatic. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. Produced by the supposed influence of the moon. “Moonstruck madness.” Milton. [ 1913 Webster ] 3. Made sick by the supposed influence of the moon, as a human being; made unsuitable for food, as fishes, by such supposed influence. [ 1913 Webster ] | Panic-struck | { , a. Struck with a panic, or sudden fear; thrown into a state of intense fear; as, trying to keep back the panic-stricken crowd. Burke. Syn. -- panicky, petrified, terrified, frightened. [ 1913 Webster ] Variants: Panic-stricken | Planet-struck | { } a. Affected by the influence of planets; blasted. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ] Like planet-stricken men of yore He trembles, smitten to the core By strong compunction and remorse. Wordsworth. [ 1913 Webster ] Variants: Planet-stricken | Ruck | n. A roc. [ Obs. or prov. Eng. ] Drayton. [ 1913 Webster ] | Ruck | v. t. & i. [ imp. & p. p. Rucked p. pr. & vb. n. Rucking. ] [ Icel hrukkast to wrinkle, hrukka wrinkle, fold. ] To draw into wrinkles or unsightly folds; to crease; as, to ruck up a carpet. Smart. [ 1913 Webster ] | Ruck | n. [ Icel. hrukka. Cf. Ruck, v. t. ] A wrinkle or crease in a piece of cloth, or in needlework. [ 1913 Webster ] | Ruck | v. i. [ Cf. Dan. ruge to brood, to hatch. ] To cower; to huddle together; to squat; to sit, as a hen on eggs. [ Obs. or Prov. Eng. ] Gower. South. [ 1913 Webster ] The sheep that rouketh in the fold. Chaucer. [ 1913 Webster ] | Ruck | n. [ Cf. Ruck. ] 1. A heap; a rick. [ Prov Eng. & Scot. ] [ 1913 Webster ] 2. The common sort, whether persons or things; as, the ruck in a horse race. [ Colloq. ] [ 1913 Webster ] The ruck in society as a whole. Lond. Sat. Rev. [ 1913 Webster ] | Stage-struck | a. Fascinated by the stage; seized by a passionate desire to become an actor. [ 1913 Webster ] | Struck | imp. & p. p. of Strike. [ 1913 Webster ] Struck jury (Law), a special jury, composed of persons having special knowledge or qualifications, selected by striking from the panel of jurors a certain number for each party, leaving the number required by law to try the cause. [ 1913 Webster ]
| Strucken | obs. p. p. of Strike. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ] | Sun-struck | a. (Med.) Overcome by, or affected with, sunstroke; as, sun-struck soldiers. [ 1913 Webster ] | Truck | n. [ L. trochus an iron hoop, Gr. &unr_; a wheel, fr. &unr_; to run. See Trochee, and cf. Truckle, v. i. ] 1. A small wheel, as of a vehicle; specifically (Ord.), a small strong wheel, as of wood or iron, for a gun carriage. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. A low, wheeled vehicle or barrow for carrying goods, stone, and other heavy articles. [ 1913 Webster ] Goods were conveyed about the town almost exclusively in trucks drawn by dogs. Macaulay. [ 1913 Webster ] 3. (Railroad Mach.) A swiveling carriage, consisting of a frame with one or more pairs of wheels and the necessary boxes, springs, etc., to carry and guide one end of a locomotive or a car; -- sometimes called bogie in England. Trucks usually have four or six wheels. [ 1913 Webster ] 4. (Naut.) (a) A small wooden cap at the summit of a flagstaff or a masthead, having holes in it for reeving halyards through. (b) A small piece of wood, usually cylindrical or disk-shaped, used for various purposes. [ 1913 Webster ] 5. A freight car. [ Eng. ] [ 1913 Webster ] 6. A frame on low wheels or rollers; -- used for various purposes, as for a movable support for heavy bodies. [ 1913 Webster ] 7. a motorized vehicle larger than an automobile with a compartment in front for the driver, behind which is a separate compartment for freight; esp. (a) such a vehicle with an inflexible body. (b) A vehicle with a short body and a support for attaching a trailer; -- also called a tractor{ 4 }. (c) the combination of tractor and trailer, also called a tractor-trailer (a form of articulated vehicle); it is a common form of truck, and is used primarily for hauling freight on a highway. (d) a tractor with more than one trailer attached in a series. In Australia, often referred to as a road train. [ PJC ] [ 1913 Webster ] | Truck | v. t. To transport on a truck or trucks. [ 1913 Webster ] | Truck | v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Trucked p. pr. & vb. n. trucking. ] [ OE. trukken, F. troquer; akin to Sp. & Pg. trocar; of uncertain origin. ] To exchange; to give in exchange; to barter; as, to truck knives for gold dust. [ 1913 Webster ] We will begin by supposing the international trade to be in form, what it always is in reality, an actual trucking of one commodity against another. J. S. Mill. [ 1913 Webster ] | Truck | v. i. To exchange commodities; to barter; to trade; to deal. [ 1913 Webster ] A master of a ship, who deceived them under color of trucking with them. Palfrey. [ 1913 Webster ] Despotism itself is obliged to truck and huckster. Burke. [ 1913 Webster ] To truck and higgle for a private good. Emerson. [ 1913 Webster ] | Truck | n. [ Cf. F. troc. ] 1. Exchange of commodities; barter. Hakluyt. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. Commodities appropriate for barter, or for small trade; small commodities; esp., in the United States, garden vegetables raised for the market. [ Colloq. ] [ 1913 Webster ] 3. The practice of paying wages in goods instead of money; -- called also truck system. [ 1913 Webster ] Garden truck, vegetables raised for market. [ Colloq. ] [ U. S. ] -- Truck farming, raising vegetables for market: market gardening. [ Colloq. U. S. ] [ 1913 Webster ]
| Truckage | n. The practice of bartering goods; exchange; barter; truck. [ 1913 Webster ] The truckage of perishing coin. Milton. [ 1913 Webster ] | Truckage | n. Money paid for the conveyance of goods on a truck; freight. [ 1913 Webster ] | Trucker | n. One who trucks; a trafficker. [ 1913 Webster ] No man having ever yet driven a saving bargain with this great trucker for souls. South. [ 1913 Webster ] | Trucking | n. The business of conveying goods on trucks. [ 1913 Webster ] | Truckle | n. [ Dim. of truck a wheel; or from the kindred L. trochlea a block, sheaf containing one or more pulleys. See Truck a wheel. ] A small wheel or caster. Hudibras. [ 1913 Webster ] | Truckle | v. i. [ From truckle in truckle-bed, in allusion to the fact that the truckle-bed on which the pupil slept was rolled under the large bed of the master. ] To yield or bend obsequiously to the will of another; to submit; to creep. “Small, trucking states.” Burke. [ 1913 Webster ] Religion itself is forced to truckle to worldly poliey. Norris. [ 1913 Webster ] | Truckle | v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Truckled p. pr. & vb. n. Truckling ] To roll or move upon truckles, or casters; to trundle. [ 1913 Webster ] | Truckle-bed | n. A low bed on wheels, that may be pushed under another bed; a trundle-bed. “His standing bed and truckle-bed.” Shak. [ 1913 Webster ] | Truckler | n. One who truckles, or yields servilely to the will of another. [ 1913 Webster ] | Truckman | n.; pl. Truckmen 1. [ From Truck barter. ] One who does business in the way of barter or exchange. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. [ From Truck a carriage. ] One who drives a truck, or whose business is the conveyance of goods on trucks. [ 1913 Webster ] | Wonderstruck | a. Struck with wonder, admiration, or surprise. Dryden. [ 1913 Webster ] |
| 卡车 | [kǎ chē, ㄎㄚˇ ㄔㄜ, 卡 车 / 卡 車] truck #8,365 [Add to Longdo] | 跑车 | [pǎo chē, ㄆㄠˇ ㄔㄜ, 跑 车 / 跑 車] racing bicycle; sporting bicycle; sports car; logging truck; on the job (of a train conductor) #9,967 [Add to Longdo] | 背包 | [bēi bāo, ㄅㄟ ㄅㄠ, 背 包] knapsack; rucksack; infantry pack; field pack; blanket roll #10,796 [Add to Longdo] | 目瞪口呆 | [mù dèng kǒu dāi, ㄇㄨˋ ㄉㄥˋ ㄎㄡˇ ㄉㄞ, 目 瞪 口 呆] dumbstruck; stunned; stupefied #16,377 [Add to Longdo] | 打中 | [dǎ zhòng, ㄉㄚˇ ㄓㄨㄥˋ, 打 中] struck #17,815 [Add to Longdo] | 傻眼 | [shǎ yǎn, ㄕㄚˇ ㄧㄢˇ, 傻 眼] stunned; struck dumb by shock; flabbergasted #26,936 [Add to Longdo] | 罐车 | [guàn chē, ㄍㄨㄢˋ ㄔㄜ, 罐 车 / 罐 車] tanker truck; tanker wagon #32,347 [Add to Longdo] | 灵机一动 | [líng jī yī dòng, ㄌㄧㄥˊ ㄐㄧ ㄧ ㄉㄨㄥˋ, 灵 机 一 动 / 靈 機 一 動] a bright idea suddenly occurs (成语 saw); to hit upon an inspiration; to be struck by a brainwave #33,634 [Add to Longdo] | 铲车 | [chǎn chē, ㄔㄢˇ ㄔㄜ, 铲 车 / 鏟 車] forklift truck #42,702 [Add to Longdo] | 叉车 | [chā chē, ㄔㄚ ㄔㄜ, 叉 车 / 叉 車] forklift truck #46,438 [Add to Longdo] | 定数 | [dìng shù, ㄉㄧㄥˋ ㄕㄨˋ, 定 数 / 定 數] constant (math.); quota; fixed number (e.g. of places on a bus); fixed quantity (e.g. load of truck); destiny #47,826 [Add to Longdo] | 磬 | [qìng, ㄑㄧㄥˋ, 磬] chime stones, ancient percussion instrument made of stone or jade pieces hung in a row and struck as a xylophone #49,695 [Add to Longdo] | 垃圾车 | [lā jī chē, ㄌㄚ ㄐㄧ ㄔㄜ, 垃 圾 车 / 垃 圾 車] garbage truck (or other vehicle) #49,883 [Add to Longdo] | 重载 | [zhòng zài, ㄓㄨㄥˋ ㄗㄞˋ, 重 载 / 重 載] heavy load (on a truck) #52,726 [Add to Longdo] | 洒水车 | [sǎ shuǐ chē, ㄙㄚˇ ㄕㄨㄟˇ ㄔㄜ, 洒 水 车 / 灑 水 車] sprinkler truck #57,512 [Add to Longdo] | 矿车 | [kuàng chē, ㄎㄨㄤˋ ㄔㄜ, 矿 车 / 礦 車] miner's cart; pit truck #71,164 [Add to Longdo] | 篷车 | [péng chē, ㄆㄥˊ ㄔㄜ, 篷 车 / 篷 車] covered truck; caravan; van #72,775 [Add to Longdo] | 因斯布鲁克 | [Yīn sī bù lǔ kè, ㄧㄣ ㄙ ㄅㄨˋ ㄌㄨˇ ㄎㄜˋ, 因 斯 布 鲁 克 / 因 斯 布 魯 克] Innsbruck #119,830 [Add to Longdo] | 编磬 | [biān qìng, ㄅㄧㄢ ㄑㄧㄥˋ, 编 磬 / 編 磬] musical instrument consisting of a set of chime stones suspended from a beam and struck as a xylophone #159,997 [Add to Longdo] | 萨尔布吕肯 | [Sà ěr bù lǚ kěn, ㄙㄚˋ ㄦˇ ㄅㄨˋ ㄌㄩˇ ㄎㄣˇ, 萨 尔 布 吕 肯 / 薩 爾 布 呂 肯] Saarbrücken #397,834 [Add to Longdo] | 柷 | [zhù, ㄓㄨˋ, 柷] percussion instrument, a tapering wooden bax struck from the inside with a drumstick #688,215 [Add to Longdo] | 拖车头 | [tuō chē tóu, ㄊㄨㄛ ㄔㄜ ㄊㄡˊ, 拖 车 头 / 拖 車 頭] trailer truck [Add to Longdo] | 油罐车 | [yóu guàn chē, ㄧㄡˊ ㄍㄨㄢˋ ㄔㄜ, 油 罐 车 / 油 罐 車] oil tanker truck; fuel tanker [Add to Longdo] | 目睁口呆 | [mù zhēng kǒu dāi, ㄇㄨˋ ㄓㄥ ㄎㄡˇ ㄉㄞ, 目 睁 口 呆 / 目 睜 口 呆] stunned; dumbstruck [Add to Longdo] | 自卸车 | [zì xiè chē, ㄗˋ ㄒㄧㄝˋ ㄔㄜ, 自 卸 车 / 自 卸 車] dump truck [Add to Longdo] | 铲运车 | [chǎn yùn chē, ㄔㄢˇ ㄩㄣˋ ㄔㄜ, 铲 运 车 / 鏟 運 車] forklift truck [Add to Longdo] |
| Druck | (n) |der, pl. Drücke| แรงกด, ความดัน | Ich bin unter Druck. | ฉันกำลังเครียด | zurück | กลับมา | zerdrücken | (vt) |zerdrückte, hat zerdrückt| บด ขยี้ กดให้แบน | zurückhaltend | (adj) ค่อนข้างเก็บตัว ไม่ทำให้เป็นที่สนใจ, See also: bescheiden | Rücksicht nehmen auf | (phrase) คำนึงถึง เห็นอกเห็นใจ | Rucksack | (n) |der, pl. Rucksäcke| เป้, กระเป๋าสะพายหลัง | Rucksack | (n) |der, pl. Rucksäcke| เป้, กระเป๋าสะพายหลังที่มีที่คล้องแขน 2 สาย | Blutdruck | (n) |der, nur Sg.| ความดันเลือด | Fingerabdruck | (n) |der, pl. Fingerabdrücke| รอยนิ้วมือ | Drucker | (n) |der, pl. Drucker| เครื่องพิมพ์ | Brücke | (n) |die, pl. Brücken| สะพาน | zurückkommen | (vi) |kam zurück, ist zurückgekommen| กลับมา(von irgendwo zurückkommen กลับจาก) เช่น Normalerweise kommt mein Kind ungefähr 1 Uhr von der Schule zurück. ตามปกติ ลูกของผมกลับมาจากโรงเรียนประมาณบ่ายโมง, See also: Related: zurückkehren | zurückkehren | (vi) |kehrte zurück, ist zurückgekehrt| กลับสู่สภาพเดิม, คืนสู่, คืนกลับ เช่น in den Hafen zurückkehren คืนสู่ฝั่ง, auf Mond zurückkehren กลับสู่ดวงจันทร์, zur Normalität zurückkehren กลับสู่สภาพเดิม | Rückseite | (n) |die, pl. Rückseiten| ด้านหลัง, ข้างหลัง เช่น Auf der Rückseite findet man das Ablaufdatum. | die Daumen drücken | เป็นสำนวน แปลว่า ให้กำลังใจ ส่งใจไปช่วย เช่น Ich drücke dir die Daumen bei der Prüfung. | Rückschluss | (n) |der, pl. Rückschlüsse| ข้อสรุป (จากเหตุผลที่อ้าง) เช่น Die Formulierung der Frage lässt keinen Rückschluss darauf. zu, ob eine oder mehrere Antworten richtig sind. | Rückabwicklung | (n) |die, pl. Rückabwicklungen| การกลับคืนสู่สถานะเดิม |
| | 受ける(P);請ける(P);承ける;享ける | [うける, ukeru] (v1, vt) (1) to receive; to get; (2) to catch (e.g. a ball); (3) to be struck by (wind, waves, sunlight, etc.); (4) to sustain (damage); to incur (a loss); to suffer (an injury); to feel (influence); (5) to undergo (e.g. surgery); to take (a test); to accept (a challenge); (6) (esp. 受ける, 享ける) to be given (e.g. life, talent); (7) (esp. 受ける, 享ける) to follow; to succeed; to be descended from; (8) to face (south, etc.); (9) { ling } (esp. 受ける, 承ける) to be modified by; (10) (esp. 請ける, now primarily used in compound words) (See 請け出す・1) to obtain (a pawned item, etc.) by paying a fee; (v1, vi) (11) to be well-received; to become popular; to go down well; (P) #1,784 [Add to Longdo] | トラック | [torakku] (n, adj-no) (1) truck; (2) track (running, CD, DVD, etc.); (P) #2,187 [Add to Longdo] | ラック | [rakku] (n) (1) rack; (2) ruck; (3) luck; (P) #11,086 [Add to Longdo] | 雷撃 | [らいげき, raigeki] (n, vs) being struck by lightning; torpedo attack #14,188 [Add to Longdo] | ザック | [zakku] (n) (See リュックサック) rucksack (ger #17,110 [Add to Longdo] | リュック | [ryukku] (n) (abbr) (See リュックサック) rucksack (ger #19,842 [Add to Longdo] | がちゃつく | [gachatsuku] (v5k, vi) (1) to clatter; to rattle; (2) to turn into a ruckus [Add to Longdo] | ごね得 | [ごねどく, gonedoku] (n) (col) getting what one wants by complaining or grumbling; profiting by holding out or taking a hard line; getting more by raising a ruckus [Add to Longdo] | つんでれ;ツンデレ | [tsundere ; tsundere] (adj-f, n) (1) (See つんつん, でれでれ) being on the surface sharp and sarcastic (tsuntsun) but underneath lovestruck and fawning (deredere); characteristic of a gap between acted out actions and feelings in mind; (2) normally being sharp but at some prompt suddenly becoming lovestruck; hot-cold personality type [Add to Longdo] | でれっと | [deretto] (adv, n, vs) (col) (on-mim) exhausted; lovestruck; logy [Add to Longdo] | でれでれ | [deredere] (adv, n, vs) (on-mim) exhausted; lovestruck; logy; fawning; mooning [Add to Longdo] | びっくり仰天;吃驚仰天 | [びっくりぎょうてん, bikkurigyouten] (n, vs) astonished; stunned; startled out of one's wits; thunderstruck; open-eyed astonishment [Add to Longdo] | ものが言えない;物が言えない | [ものがいえない, monogaienai] (exp) speechless (with amazement); struck dumb [Add to Longdo] | ガソリン車 | [ガソリンしゃ, gasorin sha] (n) gasoline-powered vehicle; gasoline automobile; gasoline car; gasoline truck [Add to Longdo] | キャラバンカー | [kyarabanka-] (n) van or truck with a display, retail, etc. facility (wasei [Add to Longdo] | ゴミ収集車 | [ゴミしゅうしゅうしゃ, gomi shuushuusha] (n) waste collection vehicle; dustcart; garbage truck [Add to Longdo] | シングルジャストロー | [shingurujasutoro-] (exp) single-just-low (description of a small truck) [Add to Longdo] | スーパーロー | [su-pa-ro-] (exp) super-low (description of a small truck with a low tray) [Add to Longdo] | タンク車 | [タンクしゃ, tanku sha] (n) tank car; tank truck [Add to Longdo] | ダンプ | [danpu] (n, vs) (1) dump; (2) (abbr) (See ダンプトラック) dump truck; (P) [Add to Longdo] | ダンプカー | [danpuka-] (n) dump truck (wasei [Add to Longdo] | ダンプトラック | [danputorakku] (n) dump truck [Add to Longdo] | デコトラ | [dekotora] (n) decorated truck; art truck [Add to Longdo] | トラッキング | [torakkingu] (n) (1) trucking; (2) { comp } tracking (e.g. in computer graphic) [Add to Longdo] | トラッククレーン | [torakkukure-n] (n) truck crane [Add to Longdo] | トラックシステム | [torakkushisutemu] (n) truck system [Add to Longdo] | トラックターミナル | [torakkuta-minaru] (n) truck terminal [Add to Longdo] | トラックトレーラー | [torakkutore-ra-] (n) truck trailer; semi truck; tractor trailer [Add to Longdo] | トラックファーム | [torakkufa-mu] (n) truck farm [Add to Longdo] | バキュームカー | [bakyu-muka-] (n) septic tank truck (wasei [Add to Longdo] | ピックアップトラック | [pikkuapputorakku] (n) pickup truck [Add to Longdo] | フラットベッド | [furattobeddo] (adj-f) flatbed (plotter, scanner, truck, etc.) [Add to Longdo] | フラットロー | [furattoro-] (n) small truck (wasei [Add to Longdo] | フルジャストロー | [furujasutoro-] (exp) full-just-low (name of a Toyota truck) [Add to Longdo] | ヘキヘキ;へきへき | [hekiheki ; hekiheki] (n, vs) (See 辟易) being gobsmacked; being struck dumb; being fed up with something [Add to Longdo] | ミキサー車 | [ミキサーしゃ, mikisa-sha] (n) concrete mixer truck [Add to Longdo] | リュックサック | [ryukkusakku] (n) rucksack (ger [Add to Longdo] | レッカー | [rekka-] (n) tow truck (wasei [Add to Longdo] | レッカー車 | [レッカーしゃ, rekka-sha] (n) tow truck (wasei [Add to Longdo] | ワイドロー | [waidoro-] (exp) wide-low (description of a small truck) [Add to Longdo] | 鴬嬢;鶯嬢 | [うぐいすじょう, uguisujou] (n) female announcer; woman who makes public announcements (e.g. from an election campaign truck) [Add to Longdo] | 荷台 | [にだい, nidai] (n) (truck) load-carrying tray; (bicycle) luggage carrier; roof rack; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 荷崩れ | [にくずれ, nikuzure] (n, vs) collapsing load (as on lorries, trucks) [Add to Longdo] | 貨物自動車 | [かもつじどうしゃ, kamotsujidousha] (n) truck [Add to Longdo] | 街宣右翼 | [がいせんうよく, gaisen'uyoku] (n) right wing organization, esp. one using "black van" propaganda trucks [Add to Longdo] | 街宣車 | [がいせんしゃ, gaisensha] (n) (right-wing) propaganda truck; (P) [Add to Longdo] | 肝を冷やす;きもを冷やす | [きもをひやす, kimowohiyasu] (exp, v5s) to be struck with terror; to be terrified; to be scared to death [Add to Longdo] | 恐懼 | [きょうく, kyouku] (n, vs) being struck with awe [Add to Longdo] | 恐懼感激 | [きょうくかんげき, kyoukukangeki] (n, vs) being struck with awe; deeply moved with awe [Add to Longdo] | 驚歎 | [きょうたん, kyoutan] (n, vs) admiration; wondering; being struck with admiration [Add to Longdo] |
| 凸版印刷 | [とっぱんいんさつ, toppan'insatsu] Reliefdruck [Add to Longdo] | 刷り直す | [すりなおす, surinaosu] (ein_Buch) neu_drucken [Add to Longdo] | 刷る | [する, suru] drucken [Add to Longdo] | 医学用語 | [いがくようご, igakuyougo] medizinischer_Fachausdruck [Add to Longdo] | 卑語 | [ひご, higo] vulgaerer_Ausdruck, Slang [Add to Longdo] | 印刷 | [いんさつ, insatsu] das_Drucken, Druck [Add to Longdo] | 印刷物 | [いんさつぶつ, insatsubutsu] Drucksache [Add to Longdo] | 印象 | [いんしょう, inshou] Eindruck [Add to Longdo] | 印鑑 | [いんかん, inkan] -Siegel, Siegelabdruck [Add to Longdo] | 原色 | [げんしょく, genshoku] Grundfarbe, Dreifarben- (Druck usw.) [Add to Longdo] | 句 | [く, ku] Satz, Ausdruck, Gedicht [Add to Longdo] | 圧 | [あつ, atsu] DRUCK [Add to Longdo] | 圧力 | [あつりょく, atsuryoku] -Druck [Add to Longdo] | 圧搾 | [あっさく, assaku] -Druck, Kompression [Add to Longdo] | 圧迫 | [あっぱく, appaku] -Druck, Unterdrueckung [Add to Longdo] | 増刷 | [ぞうさつ, zousatsu] Nachdruck [Add to Longdo] | 太字 | [ふとじ, futoji] fettgedruckter_Buchstabe [Add to Longdo] | 学術用語 | [がくじゅつようご, gakujutsuyougo] Fachausdruck [Add to Longdo] | 感銘 | [かんめい, kanmei] tiefer_Eindruck [Add to Longdo] | 拓本 | [たくほん, takuhon] Abdruck (e.Inschrift, e.Bildes), Durchdruck (e.Inschrift, e.Bildes) [Add to Longdo] | 指紋 | [しもん, shimon] Fingerabdruck [Add to Longdo] | 握手 | [あくしゅ, akushu] Haendedruck [Add to Longdo] | 敬語 | [けいご, keigo] hoeflicher_Ausdruck [Add to Longdo] | 文句 | [もんく, monku] Worte, Ausdruck, Bemerkung, Klage [Add to Longdo] | 校 | [こう, kou] SCHULE, (DRUCK)KORREKTUR [Add to Longdo] | 校 | [こう, kou] Schule, (Druck)Korrektur [Add to Longdo] | 気圧 | [きあつ, kiatsu] Luftdruck [Add to Longdo] | 活字 | [かつじ, katsuji] Druckbuchstabe, Type [Add to Longdo] | 漬物石 | [つけものいし, tsukemonoishi] Druckstein (auf Eingelegtem) [Add to Longdo] | 版 | [はん, han] DRUCKFORM, DRUCK, AUFLAGE [Add to Longdo] | 用語 | [ようご, yougo] Ausdruck, Fachausdruck, Wortschatz, Sprache [Add to Longdo] | 空欄 | [くうらん, kuuran] unbedruckte_Spalte, leere_Spalte [Add to Longdo] | 荘厳 | [そうごん, sougon] feierlich, erhaben, eindrucksvoll [Add to Longdo] | 表 | [ひょう, hyou] TAFEL, KARTE, OBERFLAECHE, AUSDRUCK [Add to Longdo] | 表情 | [ひょうじょう, hyoujou] Gesichtsausdruck [Add to Longdo] | 表現 | [ひょうげん, hyougen] Ausdruck [Add to Longdo] | 複製 | [ふくせい, fukusei] Reproduktion, Nachdruck [Add to Longdo] | 言い回し | [いいまわし, iimawashi] Ausdruck, Redewendung [Add to Longdo] | 語句 | [ごく, goku] Wort, Ausdruck [Add to Longdo] | 誤植 | [ごしょく, goshoku] Druckfehler [Add to Longdo] | 鉛版 | [えんばん, enban] Stereotype, Druckplatte [Add to Longdo] |
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